Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs
When reporting a bug, please provide a detailed description with the following:
- Details of your operating system
- The version of Adobe Illustrator (desktop)
- The steps you were taking when you experienced the issues
- Your expected result and the actual result
- Upload your Illustrator file or a video (screen recording or gif, this helps us most to reproduce the issue and resolve it)
7716 results found
2 votes -
Pencil Tool not performing accurately
Pencil tool not performing accurately. Continued issue after updating to the 2025 version of Illustrator. Despite tinkering with pencil tool options, the shape will continue to skew compared to what I am drawing. Fidelity is on its most "accurate" setting.
2 votes -
Distorted curve line when saving an SVG
Hello, when we save from AI/EPS to SVG file, the 'f' edge path of the logo automatically becomes out of shape. We tried different colors and it works fine. This issue only happen on white SVG. Please help.
2 votesIncrease Decimal Places value in Export As / Save As (under More Options) to raise the precision. By default it’s too low, and if your graphics is rather small, it can cause problems like this.
Stroke appears to have Brush applied with no actual Brush
When I am in ANY artboard, I draw a .0139" x .0139" OR 1px x 1px square to center my artboard. I zoom in to as far as I can to then pull my ruler from top left to center the artwork on the page.
2 things,
1 the square (1px x 1px) appears to have a brush stroke on it as it does NOTAND
I cannot pull the centering tool (in ruler, Ctl-R ) onto my artboard to then center the coordinates.
2 votesGPU mode Ai uses by default is fast, but can be imprecise at high zoom levels. To see the art the way it’s drawn, with no precision rounding artifacts, toggle it to CPU mode instead.
Problemi con "Inflate", il pannello si blocca, i controlli sono disabilitati
SI blocca, non mi fa selezionare tasti una volta che premo "Gonfia", i pannelli giù rimangono bloccati e non mi fa modificare i valori.
2 votes -
Errore sconosciuto all'apertura di un file dwg.
All'apertura del file dwg generato con autocad (il quale l'ho sempre aperto con Illustrator), non sono più riuscita ad aprire alcun file dwg. Mi compare la scritta "impossibile completare l'operazione a causa di un errore sconosciuto [UNKN]"
PS: non mi fa caricare il file in oggetto2 votes -
Lighting preview is missing in 3D and Materials panel in Ai 2025, Undo does not work for 3D rotation, performance is slow
Why is the preview for lighting missing? And why is the render so slow? Also why is there no undo option to take you back to the previous rotation position??!!!! This is Illustrator 2025! Horrible.
2 votes -
Placing PDF comes up with an Unknown error
There is a bug with Illustrator when placing certain PDF's I get "An unknown error is detected...." I have been getting this error since Adobe Illustrator 2023.
Files will work if it's opened in Rosetta but not with the regular version. Now with 2025 the option to open in rosetta is gone.Using Mac OS
Apple chip M1
16gb Ram
Sonoma 14.5Do not have any issues with this on the Intel macs.
2 votes -
Offer to delete dimensions if related objects are deleted
Dimension in Ai are live and follow the objects they we snapped to (only if NOT get moved on their own or together with the objects, which is stupid and should be fixed:
But another problem is unbound dimensions, that don’t have an anchored parent anymore.
Ai offers nothing if I delete an object that has a dimension attached to it
It won’t offer me restore the link if I paste it back.
If a dimension was bound to two objects, and delete one, there is no way I can move the second one and keep it live,…2 votes -
2 votes -
Illustrator 28.4 does not preserve SVG object hierarchy
Starting with Illustrator 28.4, the object hierarchy is not preserved when saving and re-opening an SVG file. Many groups are created for no apparent reason.
See this link for examples:
This makes Illustrator completely impractical for editing SVG files. I will have to stay at 28.3 until this error is fixed.
2 votesThe team has verified this current problem to be a regression break and intends to push the fix into the next Beta build.
1. 任意の色を付けた矩形の上に任意の形状のオブジェクトを起き白黒グラデーションを指定し、双方を選んで透明パネルにてマスクボタンをクリック。
2. 背面に大きめの矩形を配置し。1の不透明マスクを適用したオブジェクトと一緒に選択し、グループの抜きを指定する。
3. 不透明マスクを適用したオブジェクトをダイレクト選択ツールで選択肢。不透明マスクで形状のぬきを定義チェックボックスをチェックすると不透明マスクでグループの抜きが適用された状態になる。
4. 不透明マスクを適用したオブジェクトの不透明度を調節すると不透明マスクの不透明度も変化し抜きの状態が変化する。しかし、透明パネルでマスクオブジェクトを確認すると不透明度は変化していない。期待する結果
Step and Reproduce
1. place an object of any shape on top of a rectangle of any color, specify a black and white gradient, select both objects, and click the mask button in the transparency panel.
2. Place a larger rectangle on the back, select it together with the object to which the opacity mask is applied (1), and apply Knockout Group.
3. Select the object to which the opacity mask is applied with the Direct Selection tool. Check the "Opacity & Mask Define Knockout Shape"…2 votes -
Delay in actions and slow responding to objects
Slow responding to object items and a delay in dragging stuff over
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Illustrator Version 28.7.1 - xmpfile does not have a constructor ( using Extendscript with Illustrator )
OS: macOS Sonoma 14.6.1 (23G93)
Illustrator version 28.7.1Prior to this update I have been able through extendscript to read XMP data from a file. After the update I get an error:
"XMPfile does not have a constructor".
on the line of code:
var xmpf = new XMPFile(.........Reverting to the prior version resolves the issue.
2 votesWe have fixed this issue in 29.0 and 28.7.2 releases.
Type on Path brackets stay large and don’t get rendered scaled with zoom level
Path text scaling issue. Abnormal adjustment of lines when scaling path text.
2 votes -
Scrubby Zoom stopped working
My Scrubby Zoom suddenly stopped working. It worked this morning and after it wouldn't work at all.
It's activated in my GPU Performance under Animated Zoom.
I'm NOT in Pixel Preview or in Traced Preview.
I have a 2023 Macbook Pro M2 Max Sonoma 14.6.1
Adobe Illustrator 28.7.1
Can someone help me?
Thank you :)2 votes -
Calligraphic brush renders improperly if Roundness is less than 10%
Calligraphic flat brush renders improperly (brush tip is S-shaped) when roundness is less than 10%. Was trying to do calligraphy with 5% flat tip in Illustrator when I noticed this problem, that creates a lot of cleanup. See images.
2 votes -
Hidden objects wrongly get sent to back when duplicating artboards
When I alt-drag to duplicate an artboard where I have hidden an object on the artboard, it moves the hidden object(s) to the back. The bug doesn't work if the hidden object is all the way in front.
This is very frustrating, as I frequently hide objects and duplicate artboards, and it's causing everything to suddenly be out of order.
To replicate problem
- create a few stacked shapes in an artboard
- hide one of the objects (not the top object)
- with the artboard tool, alt-drag to duplicate the whole artboard
- show all objects
- you will see that the formerly hidden…
2 votes -
Strokes on text area, fill disappear
Not sure if this work as intended, but it seems a bug to me and it does not allow using text areas elements. and strokes.
I need to apply a silhouette stroke to a whole group of elements.
I add a stroke, and I move it as the last effect in the aspect panel. This work for every group of elements, symbols and etc. Expect with groups containing text areas with filled background. In this case infact the stroke is removing the color fill from the text area.
video: need to add external strokes to groups continaing text…
2 votes -
Smooth function converts smooth endpoints in a partial selection into sharp ones
Here I try to smooth a portion of a simple ellipse with extra points added.
The Smooth tool works as intended — the points stay smooth, the curves does not get any bumps or creases.
The Smooth slider however treats the now selected portion of the path as a separate thing altogether, caring about the local smoothness only, making the flush smooth connections to the whole curves into sharp ones.
I now have two creases I never wanted to create (I am smoothing or what?)
Please rethink how it treats partial selections.2 votes
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