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Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs

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  1. Graph tool doesn't work at all

    I can't get the chart tool to work at all in this latest version. It's not grayed out in the toolbar, and yet clicking on ANY chart format does nothing.

    In the Object > Graph menu, the only available option is Type, and even that just creates a loaded cursor that does nothing. What's going on?

    Using Mac OS 10.14.5 and Illustrator 23.0.4

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  2. Illustrator Recovery-Mode has Turned all my Images Black

    I was in the process of saving my original Illustrator file and it froze then crashed, I re-opened the software and it recovered the document but all my images have turned black.

    And it's not a links problem, most images are embedded and I have a separate links folder containing the remaining linked images, as you can see there are no missing links.

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  3. eyedropper tool doens't pick up properties

    The eyedropper tool used to be able to pick up properties from one vector to another. for example when there is a vector shape with a border and a gradient and what to copy the same properties (same border and gradient) on to a different vector shape. Tried using shift, or double clicking on the eyedropper tool to look at the eyedropper options.

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  4. Pop up window for gradient comes up and stops all work

    turn off the new pop up window for new features - popped up in the middle of work and I literally could not continue :( I had to quit

    turn off the new pop up window for new features - it appears seemingly out of the blue with no option to turn it off - no quiet fade to background

    in illustrator: - this help item popped up in the middle of work and I literally could not continue ... :( - the help item was on the gradient feature - which I obv. activated

    suggest that you have some…

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  5. Pathfinder options not working no matter what I do

    Hi I am using Adobe Illustrator on a Windows PC and I was trying to use the Pathfinder Tool to simply 'minus front' some text on a shape for a logo I am trying to create. But, whenever I go to use the Pathfinder tool and click on in in the Windows Drop Down Menu - because its not even an option on the side bars?- nothing happens. I've tried to group the text and the shape as well as creating outlines but nothing is working. Nothing is popping up. I am simply trying to make transparent text in a…

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  6. Resize brush with shortcut keys for Twirl, Pucker, Bloat etc tools

    When using the set of twirl, pucker, bloat tools etc It would be great if you could change the brush size using the '[' and ']' keys like you can when using the blob brush tool. It's very slow and cumbersome to change the size of the brush in the dialogue box .

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  7. Adding more than one color point in a freeform gradient fill makes other points vanish

    I have had this problem with the freeform gradient tool since it was introduced and it has not been fixed. Adding more than one color point results in other color points disappearing.

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  8. Command-Option buttons not working. Can't duplicate or get to selection tool by hitting Command when I am using another tool

    When I am using a tool and want to get to the Selection tool without releasing the other tool I am working with (like if I am typing and want to move the text I can just hit Command and the cursor changes to Selection tool and I can move it and when released automatically becomes the text tool again, use this for many different tools).

    When I hold Command and Option down it would duplicate but it is not duplicating.

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  9. Cannot export large files to .png format at 300dpi

    I’m using the command: File > Export As > PNG
    Use artboards: Not selected
    Resolution: High (300dpi)
    Ahti-Aliasing: None
    Background Color: Transparent

    I have an immediate need to export Illustrator files of roughly 8000 px by 6500px to .png format at 300dpi. I tried doing this with a file containing a complicated drawing, but it fails and displays an error box saying:
    The operation cannot complete because of an unknown error [!now]
    I created a simple file containing a few filled rectangles and experimented, with the following results: (all set to export to .png at 300dpi with no anti aliasing)

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  10. Can't open files from Windows File Explorer

    Files will no longer open from Windows File Explorer. Double clicking on file names does not work, dragging them into Illustrator does not work. Only the menu FILE > OPEN works. Please fix this.

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  11. Illustrator is changing around my CMYK values in saved swatches

    Illustrator is changing around my CMYK values in saved swatches... For example. I punch in the CMYK values for PMS 427... and hit save... Then when I bring up the file it is completely different values

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  12. Freeform gradient fill disappears after outline stroke

    1. Windows 10 Pro version 1809 OS build 17763.475 running Illustrator 23.0.3
    2. Make a shape. Fill it with a freeform gradient. Add a stroke. Use Object > Path > Outline Stroke.
    3. The stroke should be converted to a path and the fill should be untouched.
    4. When the stroke was converted to a path, the freeform gradient fill disappeared.
    5. The attached file is an animated gif I created to help a user on the forum who encountered the bug.
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  13. Mutiple profiles & Artboards

    Illustrator Version: CC 2019 (23.0.3)
    Mac: Mojave (10.14.2) 5k 27" 32gb Ram

    Firstly there are 3 Film & Video profile dropdowns (1. Film & Video, 2. Film and Video, 3. Video and Film). Not sure why.

    No matter what general preset I use or artboard size preset I choose I get 2 artboards.

    1 artboard is the correct size and the other is basically the complete canvas area.

    I am constantly having to delete the 2nd artboard.

    Can I stop this from happening?

    Thanks in advance.

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  14. Illustrator crashes whenever export file to .png

    My adobe illustrator is crashing whenever I try to save my file in .png form. I'm using illustrator inside a server and Adobe representatives can't help me troubleshoot. This problem only started a month ago and before I could save files in png. Any suggestion for fix will be appreciated. Thank you!

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  15. recovery save not working

    it crashes and i have to start from the beginning of the project. i lose all of my work

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  16. GPU performance

    GPU performance in iMac 27" 5k with AMD Radeon R9 M380 2 GB
    turns colors to a pale tone.

    Using CPU preview turns back the vivid colors but it slows down the performance.

    Any clue how to fix this?

    I'm using the latest update of Mojave and Illustrator v. 23.0.1

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  17. Global colours don't seem to be preserved in freeform gradients

    I have complex files that are made up of multiple gradients to create a 3D effect. Some of the gradients are linear and some are freeform. I am currently in the process of creating artwork files for both print and digital. To create the digital files I am converting all the files to RGB. There is a specific brand colour that has a different RGB make up than the standard conversion. I thought, no problem, I'll just update the global colour swatch and it should cascade through. But it doesn't! It does on the linear gradients, but not on the…

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  18. 23.0.3 keyboard shortcuts stop working

    after roughly 15 minutes of designing, my illustrator keyboard shortcuts no long work. When I select a shortcut (eg command z, or command s), I simply get a system error sound, but no action. This is true for ALL shortcuts

    i am then forced to use the menu items, or restart illustrator to keep working normally.

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  19. Welcome screen not opening

    The welcome screen spins its wheels and the blue ring. Running windows 10 pro version 1809.

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  20. Weird Transparency Issue

    So, I have a very odd quirk happening. When I changed an element from 100% opaque to 70% then copied it and grouped it. Now when I ungroup it the same element that was 70% opaque now thinks it is 100% opaque.

    Essentially I can no longer make that element completely opaque anymore. I have to place another instance. This is a bit of a pain when I have resized or altered the placed element.

    I am running the latest version of Illustrator as of this post.

    I did some searching here and my issue is very similar to this…

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