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Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs

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710 results found

  1. テキストのアウトライン化で文字が崩れる


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  2. Installed Fonts Do Not Appear After Update to v28.6

    Running Windows 11 and Illustrator v 28.6. After updating Illustrator to v28.6 - when opening files created on this same PC, certain fonts do not appear in the Type menu, and a warning will be issued saying there are missing fonts (Helvetica Bold, in this particular case). Tried installing fonts in Adobe Fonts folder in Program Files, as suggested elsewhere, with no luck. The file in the attached image was created using this very system just a couple of weeks ago, now unable to edit.

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  3. Fonts not loading Illustrator 24 v28.6

    Running Windows 10, Illustrator 24 v 28.6
    I have been trying to upload fonts today... all day on 7 fonts! I have uploaded, installed, removed, updated, rebooted, and reinstalled and rebooted again trying to get the fonts to load.
    Of the 7 fonts I needed to install, 6 have uploaded properly. The final one, Bebas, has refused to be recognized. See attached photos. It shows that it is uploaded, installed and even gives an error showing there are duplicates, but the installed font will not open in illustrator 24 v28.6
    Help please!

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  4. Greek text now keep accents with All Caps and is not consistent with UPPERCASE result

    This has to do with the new update where all files previously created using Greek language using CAPS now all have accents. Now every time we need to change the language to Greek for accents to disappear. I'm sure this will be an issue for greeks around the world.

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  5. カッコ


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  6. 调整字重后字体字号会缩小


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  7. 文字パネルの行間のスピンボタンのクリックがヒストリーパネル上で2重に登録される

    macOS 13.6.7
    Illustrator ver.28.6 日本語版のみで発生します。

    1. テキストを選択
    2. 文字パネルの「行送りを設定」のスピンボタンを1回クリックする。
    3. ヒストリーパネル上で「書式変更」が2つリストアップされる。




    Spin button clicks between lines in the Character panel register double on the History panel.

    macOS 13.6.7
    Illustrator ver. 28.6 Japanese version.

    Steps to reproduce
    1. select text
    2. click once on the spin button of "Set the leading" on the Text panel.
    3. two "書式変更" are listed on the History panel.

    Expected Result
    The formatting changes made by the spin button are also not registered twice on the History panel.

    Actual Result
    Formatting changes made with the "Set the leading" spin…

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  8. Font characters get replaced with weird symbols in Illustrator 2024

    I've noticed that I'm unable to change my variable fonts in Illustrator after updating to 2024. In my case, the characters are replaced with weird symbols as soon as I alter any of the variable axis.

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  9. 字体不能识别



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  10. 字体不能识别



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  11. 下揃えに設定したエリア内テキストを途中で改行すると上にスペースが十分あるにも関わらずオーバーフローする

    Illustrator 28.5






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  12. Adobe Fonts won’t load in Creative Cloud Desktop app

    Need help finding fonts even the fonts won’t load in Creative Cloud. Been loading for over 10 mins

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  13. テキストバグ

    英数で 「1(いち」「.(ドット」「 (半角スペース)」と入力するとスペースは全角で入力され、バックで削除できなくなる。選択もできなくなる。これをアウトラインをとった時、消えてしまう場合とそうでない場合がある。

    「1(いち」「.(ドット」「 (半角スペース)」と入力したい場合は「1(いち」を入力する前に何か任意の数字(文字)を入力してから「1(いち」「.(ドット」「 (半角スペース)」を入力した後、任意の数字(文字)を削除すれば通常通りに入力、アウトライン等可能

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  14. Copy paste breaks up text frames

    When I copy paste text frames in Illustrator 28.5 they end up broken up in individual letters. This is due to interference with the clipboard manager of LaunchBar and is a regression — the previous version of Illustrator did not have this issue but I've experienced problems with LaunchBar and Adobe applications in the past.

    MacOS Sonoma 14.5 (23F79)
    Adobe Illustrator 28.5
    LaunchBar 6.18.5

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  15. 文字パネルで合成フォントを選択すると、テキストの操作ができなくなる



    Illustrator 28.5, 28.4.1, 27.9.4でこのバグを確認しています。
    OSバージョンはWindows 11 Pro 10.0.22631 ビルド 22631です。


    (Adobe Communityの方にも同じ内容で報告しました。)

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    1 comment  ·  Type, Fonts, Text  ·  Admin →
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  16. Menu selection of window stuck after clicking on "Font" without selecting further option

    After selecting the menu item "window" → "Font" (without the sub-menu) the menu freezes. No further access to the program possible. After ending the program (OS - option, not program option) the window with the document disappeared (without asking for saving), the menu remained on screen (see screenshot). Only forced ending worked.
    Illustrator 28.5
    Mac OS Sonoma 14.5
    MacBook Pro, M1 Pro, 16 GB memory

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  17. Activated fonts in Creative Cloud do not show in Illustrator

    The ...
    ... will not show as activated in Adobe Illustrator. It is activated in Creative Cloud but is shown as a missing font.

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  18. Character line height has to be entered twice before it changes

    If I ever want to manually enter a specific line height for text, the first time I type it in and hit "enter" it automatically reverts back to auto (or whatever it was previously). I have to open the character panel again and do it a second time for it to actually change. This has been the case for awhile and makes no sense!

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  19. 縦組みテキストの行末にある、縦中横の括弧類のアキが不均衡




    • macOS 12.7.3(Apple Silicon)
    • Illustrator 2024(28.5.0) この仕様がいつからあるのかわかりませんが、少なくともCS6では再現します。


    1. 縦組みポイント文字に「100gの水にとける物質の質量〔g〕」と打つ
    2. 〔g〕に縦中横をかける






    • 文字組アキ量設定をなしにすると各アキは50%になり、ひとまずセンターには揃う
    • 行末に縦中横でない文字を追加すると各アキは50%になり、ひとまずセンターには揃う
    • 行末にカーニング500を追加すると各アキは50%になり、ひとまずセンターには揃う


    • tcy_paren.jpg
    • expected_result.jpg
    • actual_result.jpg
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  20. フォントのアウトラインを取ると中が塗りつぶされる

    あるフォント(DFP中太丸ゴシック)の「管理部 部長」をアウトライン化すると「部」の文字の一部が塗りつぶされる。添付参照。



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