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Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs

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  2. The version of Adobe Illustrator (desktop) 
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  1. Pop up window for gradient comes up and stops all work

    turn off the new pop up window for new features - popped up in the middle of work and I literally could not continue :( I had to quit

    turn off the new pop up window for new features - it appears seemingly out of the blue with no option to turn it off - no quiet fade to background

    in illustrator: - this help item popped up in the middle of work and I literally could not continue ... :( - the help item was on the gradient feature - which I obv. activated

    suggest that you have some…

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  2. 2 votes

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  3. Main selection tool not working right

    The selection tool will select and move objects, but I cannot grab the corner and resize them. I have to use the direct selection tool and select any anchor points I want to move, even to do a simple re-size

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  4. Align to selection bug

    This only started recently - the past month maybe? If I select 3 or more objects and have alignment set to "align to selection" and then click the Distribute Spacing icon, Illustrator will default immediately to "align to artboard" and space the objects out across the entire artboard instead of the selection.

    If I undo (Cmd Z) and then go through the process again (I have to reset the alignment preference to "align to selection" first, however), it works fine, but every time without exception I have to go through this process.

    As mentioned, this only started to happen recently.

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  5. Installing previous patch removes custom workspaces

    After installing v 23.0.6 going down from v23.1 using the Creative Cloud app, ALL of my custom workspaces were DELETED. Considering this doesn't happen when going up a version, I wouldn't have thought this would happen going back down to the previous version (still CC 2019). No warnings were given that this would happen.

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  6. Why can't I select and deslect multiple layers with shift& alt anymore?

    Oh this drives me crazy,... I suddenly can't select multiple layers by holding down the shift key. And deselecting with alt isn't working either.

    Does anyone know how to solve this because I can't work this way.
    I already restarted, did an extra update, nothing seems to help.

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  7. CATALINA NIGHTMARE - Illustrator update NOT finishing on my iMac (only on my MacBook)

    CATALINA NIGHTMARE - Illustrator update NOT finishing on my iMac (only on my MacBook) and all the other problems of everyone - not able to save, not able to copy something in InDesign - luckily the libraries work, so that kind of works as opt C opt V... but, omg.... Catalina want let me update the newest versions! (came out today i think..) so how can i fix these bugs!!

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  8. Text object locations corrupted on saving in 24.0

    Not actually sure if this is a file save issue or a UI issue. I've been working on a drawing for a few days (24.0 on Windows 10) when at some point, after a save, the location of a lot of the text objects is corrupted. Open the same file in Acrobat DC (for PDF) or browser (for SVG), and it looks fine. In Illustrator, not so much. Have replicated it a number of times, working in .pdf, .svg, and .ai formats. It's a show stopper, not sure how to proceed.

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  9. Panels, windows not updating or displaying correctly

    Finding this bug a lot recently. Basically I will be working in a file and the tool panels won't display, you can right click and see the the pop ups but nothing appears. Likewise if you have two or more documents open and switch between them, the screen stays the same. It says I'm on the new document but it doesn't change. The only way to fix it is to close and restart the program. I also get it with photoshop. Both at work and home. I'm essentially running the same software/hardware at either site. 27" iMac 16GB, 32gb RAM,…

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  10. Illustrator 2019 won't quit (thinks a window is open) & all the menus are in disabled state.


    I updated to Illustrator 2019 today, and I have gone to close it down but the option is greyed out in the file menu.
    If I click anywhere it makes the error noise as if I have got an open window.
    This seems to be a glitch with the latest software release.


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  11. CC 2019 version runs slow!

    For some reason in this 2019 version of the program it chugs and is very slow to move around and work with my files, even if the files are not very large. I usually have to shut the program down and restart to correct the problem. Would like to know if anyone else is having this problem and if someone at Adobe could address this, thank you.

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  12. Opening WMF through Windows Command Line creates distortion

    When opening a WMF in the latest 2020 AI via the Windows command line, e.g.

    "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator 2020\Support Files\Contents\Windows\Illustrator.exe" 745-2969563.wmf

    It opens the WMF, but it is distorted as in the attached wmf_distorted.png.

    However, if you open a blank document and import it with File->Place, it renders it correctly

    I appreciate any and all help.

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    Thanks for reporting the issue .
    We are not able to reproduce the issue in house ,Kindly provide following info to nail down this issue:

    1)Kindly provide the test file which you are trying to open in illustrator using command line.

    Kindly share the above with us at in a Zip file. Please mention the title of this issue as the subject of the mail.

    Thanks and Regards
    Ankit Goyal
    Illustrator Team

  13. Radiobox on the Symbol options behaves inverse to the expected using the keyboard arrow keys

    See the attached image, notice that Symbol Type is set to Dynamic Symbol. If you wanted to change it to Static Symbol using the keyboard, you'd expect to press down on the arrow keys, correct?

    That does not work, instead you need to press UP on the keyboard arrow keys, which is the exact opposite of what you'd expect.

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  14. Gradient Mesh effects on object broken


    I used the Mesh Tool on a very simply modified oval object(it looks like a symmetrical bicycle seat). And when I do so, the Mesh Tool ignores existing anchor points and arbitrarily creates new points along the object's path. Sometimes very near the object's original points, and sometimes directly on top of those points so there will be 2 overlapping points.

    Also, regardless if the object is isolated or not, changing the newly Gradient Meshed anchor point color values produces no effect. And clicking off of these points resets the point's color profile to Grayscale. If I change Grayscale…

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  15. Illustrator 23.1.1 flickering panels on mouse release

    Layers Panel flicker

    After upgrading to Illustrator 23.1.1 on a mac each time a mouse click is released on the artboard or when text will be deleted step by step, the layer panel and some times symbols and type formats panel, too, will flash or flicker.

    Switching off GPU usage does not change it anyway.

    It's driving me crazy...

    This flashing is irritating.

    Attempted fixes

    Resetting preferences
    Adjusting GPU performance
    Turning of animated zoom
    Uninstalling illustrator
    Updating everything

    Illustrator Version 23.1.1
    MacOs Mojave 10.14.6

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  16. 11 votes

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  17. Place returns to the wrong folder

    In previous versions of Illustrator, the place command would return to the folder containing the last placed file (say the Worker folder). For example, If I place an object and then save to a different folder (say the Finals folder), the next time I go to place, it takes me to the Finals folder rather than the Worker folder. Not sure when this broke/was changed, but would appreciate getting this function back.

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  18. Illustrator v 24 asset export bug with sizing incorrectly

    asset export bug, it does not export assets at the size selected but instead makes them super tiny and unusable. I have had to download the last version before that so that I can use asset export correctly with what I have selected.

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    Thanks for reporting the issue .
    We are not able to reproduce the issue in house ,Kindly provide following info to nail down this issue:

    1. Kindly provide the test file via File→Package which you are trying to export in illustrator

    2. Size at which it was exported

    3. Any Specific format which was used to export viz. PNG,JPEG

    4. Any Anti-aliasing option used during export

    Kindly share the above with us at in a Zip file. Please mention the title of this issue as the subject of the mail.

    Thanks and Regards
    Ankit Goyal
    Illustrator Team

  19. The operation cannot complete because of an unknown error. [CANF] when copying objects

    I have a random bug on Illustrator 24.0 (Windows 10). The operation cannot complete because of an unknown error. [CANT] error message repeats when I trying to copy and paste objects, especially outside Illustrator. Paste command is unabled and I got this message. I try to delete preferences and restert the computer, at first nothing happened, after one more restart it works. I dont really know what the **** is this

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  20. CD Printing problem (media selection)

    Illustrator 24.0 doesn't set media type properly. On Epson L805 printer selecting CD/DVD media prints on A4 plain paper instead. This bug appears recently. Other apps, like Affinity Designer prints from the same .ai file without any problems on choosed CD/DVD.

    BTW: Great idea how not to offer support: let's ask users to vote if bug should be fixed or not...

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