Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs
When reporting a bug, please provide a detailed description with the following:
- Details of your operating system
- The version of Adobe Illustrator (desktop)
- The steps you were taking when you experienced the issues
- Your expected result and the actual result
- Upload your Illustrator file or a video (screen recording or gif, this helps us most to reproduce the issue and resolve it)
7743 results found
Font changes from the current one to the previously used while typing
I'm working on a document in which I used Avenir font, but for the most I use Myriad Pro. When I click with the Type tool I see in the character box I'm with the default font (Myriad Pro) and start typing. Then noticed I'm now in Avenir font!
This bug is brand new with the latest update (29.1), I didn't add any issue of that type before.
I'm on Windows 11 PC Core i7-13700 32 Go of RAM-
Screenshot 2025-01-20 at 3.20.55 PM.png 259 KB -
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Captura de pantalla 2025-01-07 a la(s) 12.02.49 p.m..png 23 KB -
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Captura de tela 2024-12-17 121251.png 162 KB -
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206 votesThis issue has been fixed in 29.2 release. Please update your Illustrator to latest version through Creative Cloud Desktop.
Line Extension Smart Guide not working
I recently updated my Illustrator to 2025 and my smart guides are on but when I extend a line now it is no longer snapping to "Line Extension". I have verified that in my preferences under Smart Guides, "Anchor/ Path Labels" is turned on. Not sure if this is a bug with the new update or what is going on.
73 votesThe fix is pushed to the stable release
"Apply to All" checkbox or "Replace All" button are missing AGAIN
Apply to All option for missing/replacing links is missing again in version 28.5. Now instead of being able to click that and replace all links I know have to do the relink step up to 30 times every print file.
72 votesHello all,
The 'Apply to all' checkbox has been brought back in the Replace missing link dialogue.
'Apply to all' checkbox was removed when we introduced the 'Auto-relink' (search for missing links in this folder) functionality, as we though 'auto-relink' is going to take care of the 'replace all' workflow as well. But it didn't work as expected in few cases as pointed out by some of you.
Hence, with the latest release V29.2 (full roll out happens on Jan 9), we have decided to revert to the earlier experience whereby we are bringing back 'apply to all' checkbox and rolling back the 'auto-relink functionality.
Because of conflicts, both of these functionality cannot co-exist unless we make some significant changes to the relinking experience.
As we understand, 'replace all' was a important workflow for most of you, so we decided to quickly bring it back while working on the overall…
Hand tool is getting stuck in 29.1, massive performance issues
Since yesterday Illustrator has virtually become unusable to me and I have no idea what happened. I didn't install any new apps.
The issue is seems to be focused around using spacebar to pan around my document. It gets stuck on the hand tool and the pan itself is laggy. When using the middle button on my mouse, the pan works perfectly though.
Left clicking on elements and manipulating them is an unsurmountable task with these issues, effectively making Illustrator unusable to me now...
I really hope someone else is also experiencing this, but I haven't been able to find…
13 votesIt seems like using Magnet app together with Illustrator breaks something. Try to disable it for now (sadly, it is reported Ignore option does not do it).
macOS 14.7.2
Illustrator ver.29.1Step to reproduce
また、おかしくなったエリア内テキストを手動でリンクさせようとするとIllustratorがクラッシュします。以下のコミュニティ投稿もご参照ください。フォーラム-discussions/縦書き文章でスレッドテキストオプションが正常におこなわれない/td-p/15077023?profile.language=ja30 votes -
Exclusive to Mac Version: Lines Appear in PDF/x-4 Files, Not Present in Windows Version
When placing a compatible PSD file (*1) into an AI document and exporting it as PDF/x-4, there has long been a bug where black lines appear on the edges of transparent areas. This issue has been fixed in the Windows version, but it remains unresolved in the Mac version, even in version 2024.
The issue does not occur in the Windows version, even with the same version of Illustrator. It only happens on the Mac version.
It occurs whether the PSD is linked or embedded.
Even if an AI file is created on Windows and has no problems in the…118 votes -
Using Color Mixer in Control panel for stroke changes the color of the fill instead
I encountered this problem as seen in the GIF.
Selecting a stroke or fill from the control bar menu changes the active appearance. When using sliders, it doesn't. i have tested on different Windows 11 machines and different documents. Replicated the issue every time.
AI 29.0.123 votesWe have fixed this issue in 29.2 release.
Please update your Illustrator through Creative Cloud Desktop.
OS / Windows 11 Home 23H2
Illustrator 2025(バージョン 29.1)右揃えテキスト中に四分アキ等の文字が含まれ、アキの設定を自動の場合、テキスト右端がズレます。
自動設定ではなく、「アキなし」や個別にアキ量を「二分アキ」等に指定するとこの問題は解消されます。30 votes -
Ai2025 - The Pencil tool has become unusable again! There's no accuracy—it’s too smooth!!!
I’m here to post about the same issue I did in 2014.
The Pencil tool has become unusable once again! It’s smoothing too much, even on the maximum accuracy setting (left first slider tick).Back in 2014, when Adobe rewrote the Pencil tool, you removed the previous numeric settings and replaced them with four ticks. All of them were too smooth and took too much control over the path, leading to imprecise bubbly and smooth drawings.
I made a post about this back then, and Adobe was super nice to respond by adding a fifth lowest left tick with the…
33 votesThis issue is fixed in AI 29.0.1 Hot Fix Update.
1.お使いのオペレーティングシステムおよび Adobe Illustrator (デスクトップ版) のバージョン
Windows10、Adobe Illustrator28.7.12.問題が発生したときに実行していた手順
現状は、Illustrator27.9.5で対処しています。33 votes -
Glyph substitution not working in v28.7.1
In v28.7.1, if the formatting of the character immediately before a glyph substitution is different, the glyph substitution does not work, and the default glyph is displayed instead. This bug occurs just by opening an ai file from a previous version. It's an extremely serious bug.
38 votesIt is confirmed the issue is indeed fixed in the Beta and soon will be pushed into main build.
早急に改善をお願いいたします。3 votes -
Smooth Tool oversmooths
Manual use of the Smooth Tool over smooths no matter what I set the fidelity to.
This tool used to be so helpful in smoothing out rough areas or sharp corners but the new Illustrator 2025 (Desktop) PC version way over smooths.
This makes everything a blob instead of providing the polished finishing touch it used to give.
Now I have to manually remove unwanted points to achieve and retain desired shapes.19 votesCompleted (Comments Open) ·AdminIllustrator Engineering (Software Engineer, Adobe Illustrator) responded
Hello All,
We’ve implemented a fix for the previously reported issue in the latest release, version 29.0.1. Please check this update at your end and share your observations.
Your feedback on the effectiveness of the fix is crucial for us to ensure stability and quality.
Aishwarya G Gadodia
Mouse cursor disappears on Windows 11 Insider Preview
I opened Illustrator to work on a project and my mouse cursor disappears when I am in the workspace. I can't seem to get it back. It is just an illustrator issue since I can see my cursor fine in other programs.
43 votesWe confirm that these issues have been found fixed in Windows Insider update 26085.1. Please upgrade your Windows to this version or above.
Undo Release Clipping Mask Does Nothing
I recently noticed that if I unclip an object, by accident or necessity, that I cannot undo the step either through the menu Undo or Command key Undo.
I can clip and Command-Z to unclip.
I can manually unclip and Command-Z to reclip.
If I clip, I Command-z to unclip and then Command + Option + Z to redo my last action and it will properly clip.But if I just manually unclip, and then use the Undo command to reclip it like it was? It doesn't work. Nothing happens and it moves on in the history.
I am on…
14 votesThis issue has been fixed and released with Illustrator latest release - 29.2
Please update to latest version from Creative Cloud Desktop.
Illustrator ver.29.0再現手順
おそらく誤検知だと思われます。18 votes -
Create Gradient and Create Swatch Info don’t get played in actions
Swatches panel’s flyout menu now has two new commands, Create Gradient and Create Swatch Info.
When we try to record these into actions, they get added fine — but once played, nothing happens at all: no gradient gets built, no color legend appears on canvas.
As always, these new additions don’t get integrated into the application enough... Please don’t abandon them!9 votes -
Artboard Borders / Guides / Grid Disappear when Scrolling/Panning
When I scroll or pan with the scrollbars or the hand tool the black border of the artboards disappear. This is super annoying as I keep my canvas white, so when I'm moving around the canvas, I can't see where the artboards are until I release the hand tool.
70 votesWe have started working on fixing this one.
About the Pencil Tool and Image Tracing in version 2025
The accuracy of the path conversion for the pencil tool and image tracing has decreased in version 2025. Even if I change the settings to fine, it is converted to a coarse path, and I cannot express the details like in previous versions. Please improve it as soon as possible.
9 votesThe issue with Pencil (and Brush) is addressed with a 29.0.1 Hot Fix Update
Unidentified dash / gap values get shown as zeroes
Make a simple test (as demonstrated in the attached GIF).
Make sure you test this after relaunching Illustrator.
Open Preferences > Units and make sure you have all three parameters (General, Stroke, Type) set to Points.A. Create a new document based on Web document profile
B. Create a simple rectangle
C. In the Stroke panel enable Dashed Line optionThe first 'dash' value would be 12 pt (or somethin else if you general units are not points), and the rest of the fields would be empty, undefined. It means Illustrator uses the same 12 pt for the gap.
12 votes
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