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Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs

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  1. ドキュメントのグループの抜きを設定したドキュメントをPDFで書き出したものがオーバープリントプレビューの表示と異なる

    Illustrator ver.28.6

    1. いくつかの図形を重ねて合成モードを乗算に設定したうえでグループ化しグループの抜きのチェックボックスを外す。
    2. ドキュメントのグループの抜きを設定する。
    3. PDF X4で保存する。
    4. そのPDFをAcrobatで開く。
    5. Illustrator上でのオーバープリントプレビューの表示と異なる。

    Actual result

    Expected Result


    Step to reproduce
    1. Overlap some shapes, set each objects the blending mode to Multiply, group them, and uncheck the KnockoutGroup checkbox in the Opacity panel.
    2. Set the Page Knockout Group.
    3. save the document as PDF X4 format.
    4. Open the PDF in Acrobat.
    5. The overprint preview in Illustrator is different between PDF.

    Actual result
    The display in Illustrator is different from the exported PDF.

    Expected Result
    The display of the PDF and the…

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  2. Shift-clicking a swatch in Control bar to show alternate color UI no longer works

    Shift-clicking a swatch in Control panel no longer opens the color mixer.
    Clicking a swatch in Control panel then double-clicking the swatch no longer works.

    Apple M1 MacOS Sonoma 14.5
    2024 Illustrator 28.6

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  3. Artwork gets shifted when an artboard is resized with width and height constrained and Scale Artwork Constrained enabled

    CC 2025 v29.0 introduces the long-awaited "Scale Artwork with Artboard" option. When we drag the transformation frame with the Artboard tool, the objects are scaled synchronously, and the position’s calculated properly.
    However, when we start to enter the width or height of the artboard, with Constrain locked, the objects get shifted relative to the artboard after being scaled.
    The problem has been confirmed on both MacOS and PC.

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  4. Appearance items below get expanded / unfurled when anything changes in the panel

    Assign many fills to a path using Appearance.
    Do anything with anything in the panel: change a color, assign an effect, add another fill.

    Fills below the current one get unfurled.

    These could be fills just below the current view of the panel, 'below the fold', as one of the attached GIFs show, or all the fills below the last unique one, as in the second GIF.

    I’d test more, but the fact we can’t collapse all the items in the Appearance panel (which is possible with Opt/Alt in Layers!) makes me extremely irritated — so I made a request…

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  5. XMPMeta is not defined on ILST 28.7.1 on MacOS #515

    As of ILST 28.7.1 on MacOS, XMPMeta has stopped working. However, it works fine on:
    - ILST 28.7.1 on Windows
    - ILST 28.6 on MacOs

    The issue also exists on ILST (Beta) 29.1 on MacOs.

    Example code:
    if (!ExternalObject.AdobeXMPScript) {
    ExternalObject.AdobeXMPScript = new ExternalObject('lib:AdobeXMPScript');

    const xmp = new XMPMeta(app.activeDocument.XMPString); // throws XMPMeta does not have a constructor

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  6. Placed AI files no more respect 'Crop to' setting

    Since 29.1 update AI files are imported with bleed area no matter what setting is set during placement.
    File->place ->[V] Show import options

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  7. オブジェクトをバウンディングボックスで拡大縮小するときに、斜め拡大と縦横の伸縮拡大が逆になってしまう

    ソフトウェア: Adobe Illustrator 2025
    バージョン: 29.0.1


    1. 特定のファイルを開く。
    2. 選択ツールを使用してオブジェクトを選択し、バウンディングボックスの角または辺にカーソルを合わせて拡大縮小操作を行う。
    3. 通常であれば、斜めの拡大縮小(角をドラッグ)と縦横の拡大縮小(辺をドラッグ)が正しく行われるはずですが、問題のファイルでは、角をドラッグしても縦横の拡大縮小に、辺をドラッグしても斜めの拡大縮小に変わってしまいます。

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  8. 17 votes

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  9. Can’t select an object under a locked object

    I'd like to be able to work on an area that is under a locked layer.
    Currently I can't select anything that is under it. Selection tools just want to select the object on top that it ain't allowed to select... Can't it ignore it? It is locked.

    Maybe there is a paramaeter somewhere about it, but I didn't find it so far.

    Example of use : You have a reference image/object that you put on top with multiply or darken mode and some transparency.
    You could say put it under your working layer and ask you working layer to…

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    This most probably happens because of the 'Select and Unlock objects on canvas' option being enabled in Preferences > Selection & Anchor Display section.

    It allows to 'select' and unlock all or chosen objects directly on canvas. If you wish to have this option split into two — one for unlock widgets and one for having an ability to 'select' locked objects — please upvote a corresponding feature request here:

  10. Threaded text area box disappears after saving

    MacOS Ventura 13.7
    Illustrator 28.6 and newer

    When I convert a document to curves, save a copy, and then press Undo so I can have the text boxes editable again. As soon as I press Save after doing this, the second text frame in a thumbnail in Finder vanishes, while still existing in the document.

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  11. 線を細く設定した際の表示バグ


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  12. 14 votes

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  13. 29.1.0 'Isolate selected group' menu item missing on right click menu when a nested group is selected.

    Illustrator version 29.1.0
    Windows 10.0.19045

    To replicate:

    1. Create group that contains a group
    2. Select group
    3. Right click the group
    4. 'Isolate selected group' menu item missing. In its place is the new 'Ungroup all' item.

    When the above actions are performed to a group without a nested group, the 'Isolate selected group' menu item appears as it should.

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  14. Eyedropper cursor blinks while held

    If you pick Eyedropper tool and hold it to sample a color continuously — it blinks, jumps, tries to change into a default pointer arrow.
    Take a look at the small GIF attached, or watch a video by Laura Coyle here:

    Happens on both Windows and Mac.
    And so you know it can work better and some other succeed — compare it with the way Affinity Designer does it (the second GIF).

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  15. What’s New screen pops up every time I close all documents

    Illustrator wastes my time by making it necessary to close the annoying splash screen whenever I close a document. Really annoying. Please get rid of it or make it optional.

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  16. Pantone or other book colors in a CMYK document look fine in Overprint preview mode but get exported to an RGB images as dull

    When we add a Pantone or a different book color into a CMYK document, we can see how it looks 'for real' when we enable Overprint mode — all fair.

    Then we would need to share this image with a client, so we export an RGB image... and this image shows out vivid book color as a dull-and converted-to-CMYK-and-then-to-RGB color — which is not what we have in mind.

    This is a bug, honestly, I think, but also a request — we need to be able to export images as we see them in Overprint Preview mode... Ai respect overprints…

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  17. Opacity set with an action does not match appearance of opacity set manually

    When trying to select multiple objects with the same fill color and opacity, selecting one of them and under the Select menu choosing Same > Appearance will add all the same fill and opacity objects to the selection.

    However, when creating an object via an action and setting the fill color and opacity to match the objects to be selected, Select > Same > Appearance returns no results.

    Manually selecting multiple objects in addition to the object created with the action shows "Mixed appearances" in the Properties panel. Individually selecting each of the objects shows the same attributes. Selecting multiples…

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  18. Black canvas when creating or opening a document

    When creating a new document or opening an existing document in Illustrator, I get a black screen (see attached). I have to resize the window to be able to work. This is not ok.
    Version 29.1, im using windows 11

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  19. Greek text now keep accents with All Caps and is not consistent with UPPERCASE result

    This has to do with the new update where all files previously created using Greek language using CAPS now all have accents. Now every time we need to change the language to Greek for accents to disappear. I'm sure this will be an issue for greeks around the world.

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  20. 15 votes

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