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Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs

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7710 results found

  1. Speichern der AI Datei nicht möglich

    Fehlermeldung "Diese Datei kann nicht gefunden werden"

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  2. 画像トレースパネルでカラーモードをモノクロに設定するとカラーを透過のカラーピッカーが使えない

    Illustrator 28.6

    1. 画像を配置し、選択した状態で「画像トレース」パネルを開く。
    2. プレビューをチェックしカラーモードをグレースケールに設定する。
    3. 詳細を展開しオプションの「カラーを透過」のチェックボックスをチェックする。
    4. カラーを透過がアクティブになっているにも関わらずカラーピッカーが選択できない。


    カラーピッカーで透過色を選択できない。デフォルトでは白が透過色となっているためカラーを変更していない場合にチェックボックスをチェックした場合は白が透過されるが、他のカラーモードで透過色を選択した上でカラーモードをグレースケールに変更した場合、 透過色が以前のモードのまま保持されるため透過される部分がなくなる。 

    The color picker with color transparency cannot be used when the color mode is set to Grayscale.

    Steps to reproduce
    1. place the image and open the "Image Trace" panel with the image selected.
    2. Check the preview and set the color mode to grayscale.
    3. Expand Advanced and check the checkbox for the option "Ignore Color".
    4. The color picker cannot be selected even though "Ignore Color" is activated.

    Expected result
    The color picker can select Ignore color as in other color…

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  3. グラデーションツールでの操作がヒストリーパネル上で「取り消し」として登録される。

    Illustrator ver.28.6

    1. 任意の図形にグラデーションを適用する。
    2. グラデーションツールを選択肢1のオブジェクトのグラデーションを調整する。
    3. ヒストリーパネル上では「取り消し」として登録される。




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  4. 文字パネルの行間のスピンボタンのクリックがヒストリーパネル上で2重に登録される

    macOS 13.6.7
    Illustrator ver.28.6 日本語版のみで発生します。

    1. テキストを選択
    2. 文字パネルの「行送りを設定」のスピンボタンを1回クリックする。
    3. ヒストリーパネル上で「書式変更」が2つリストアップされる。




    Spin button clicks between lines in the Character panel register double on the History panel.

    macOS 13.6.7
    Illustrator ver. 28.6 Japanese version.

    Steps to reproduce
    1. select text
    2. click once on the spin button of "Set the leading" on the Text panel.
    3. two "書式変更" are listed on the History panel.

    Expected Result
    The formatting changes made by the spin button are also not registered twice on the History panel.

    Actual Result
    Formatting changes made with the "Set the leading" spin…

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  5. Font characters get replaced with weird symbols in Illustrator 2024

    I've noticed that I'm unable to change my variable fonts in Illustrator after updating to 2024. In my case, the characters are replaced with weird symbols as soon as I alter any of the variable axis.

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  6. 1 vote

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  7. 填充转描边问题


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  8. Overprint is activated (but not checked on) when exporting jpegs or png on symbols

    In the last two versions of Illustrator (28.4.1) and on, exporting artboards as JPEGS or PNGs does not work properly. Only happens when dynamic symbols are used within the artwork. It looks as if the overprint feature is activated, but those boxed are not checked on any elements of the symbols. This is not an issue on 28.3 version.

    Attaching two examples of exporting as jpegs. One in 28.3 version, the other in the two later versions.

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  9. 1 vote

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  10. 字体不能识别



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  11. 字体不能识别



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  12. ctrl+N新建文档问题


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  13. 下揃えに設定したエリア内テキストを途中で改行すると上にスペースが十分あるにも関わらずオーバーフローする

    Illustrator 28.5






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  14. Illustrator Crashes if any raster image fill color assigned as spot

    I have a illustrator file that contains linked PSDs. I used Grayscale PSD linked images as Spot color. But illustrator 28.5 (macOS M3 Max) crashes when playing with the PSD linked images. I am thinking about it related with rendering.

    I can not work with grayscale linked images as spot color.

    I reported crash handles to Adobe and Apple.

    Is this bug logged before? If anyone need the report file then I can send it.

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  15. Holding Shift (or Ctrl) to move RGB sliders together in Color panel doesn’t work when color is white

    A Help article on Color panel states we can hold Shift (also works for Ctrl, although unspecified there) to move color channels’ sliders 'in tandem', together, —

    This indeed works, in both RGB and CMYK modes (not in HSB, since its values won’t benefit from it).

    However, if all three RGB sliders are at 255/100% (white), this mode doesn’t work — please see the GIF attached.

    It probably makes sense for CMYK, where it’s not clear if 0-0-0-0 should become something like 24-24-24-24, but it totally makes sense for RGB, where we expect to get a gray color.


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  16. Previews in the Font Family dropdown are rendered as scaled up, pixelated

    Illustrator 28.5 on Mac OS Sonoma 14.5

    Since the latest illustrator update the font dropdown list is pixelated

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  17. problème de copier/coller d'objet sur les calques non verrouillés

    pourquoi illustrator veut toujours coller les objets sur le calque vérrouillé ou invisible ? Cela n'arrivait pas avant la dernière mise à jour de Illustrator. Avant, je copiais collais sur le calque sélectionné (les autres étant verrouillés) sans souci. Maintenant cela m'affiche un pop up qui me demande si je veux déverrouiller le calque ou afficher le calque correspondant . Si je clique NON, le collage ne se fait pas, si je clique OUI, il se colle sur le calque d'en dessous qui est verrouillé, voir même invisible. Pourtant, Je suis bien positionné sur un claque déverrouillé et qui est…

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  18. Save as PDF doesn't export opacity correctly when placed back into illustrator. Save 5 minutes prior was fine.

    I made a small change to my illustrator file and it stopped saving correctly. Objects with opacity under 100 do not show up correctly after PDF save and when placed into Illustrator. Please help. The attached images show the PDF once saved and then the PDF after being placed into Illustrator.

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  19. Alt-drag from a CC library to an artboard to create a linked object doesn't work reliably

    Really there should have been an option to keep the previous behaviour when you changed dragging from a CC library to create a linked rather than embedded object. However in the absence of this the workaround to get embedded objects must be reliable and it's not in Illustrator 28.5 64-bit Windows 11 Pro. This makes using CC libraries to store & share assets virtually unusable in the current versions when your workflows involve a lot of this.

    — sometimes following the above actions correctly creates an embedded object.
    — sometimes following the identical steps still creates a linked object.…

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  20. Do not loose focus for the Scale dropdown’s field in Export for Screens dialog after we choose a value


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