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Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs

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  2. The version of Adobe Illustrator (desktop) 
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7716 results found

  1. ein unbekannter Fehler ist aufgetreten

    Wenn man .ai abspeichern möchte, kommt plötzlich die Meldung "Ein unbekannter Fehler ist aufgetreten" und die Datei lässt sich nicht mehr abspeichern.

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  2. 743 votes

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  3. Adobe illustrator slows down on the new M1 Mac and shows the color wheel

    When I've opened even unmodified adobe illustrator files, the color wheel freezes my computer often.

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  4. Color Libraries not switching correctly

    When switching from different Color Libraries, before I could click on the arrow to select a different library and have it open immediately.

    Now I have to collapse the color library panel in between in order to select a different color libraries, then collapse again to select it, then collapse again and reopen to get it to activate.

    Attached is my system info…

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  5. substituição de fontes

    não está solicitando a substituição de fontes quando abro um arquivo...

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  6. Bottom docked panel gets collapsed when toggling Full Screen Mode

    Bottom panel (Currently Layers or Artboards) disappears in Full Screen mode. Opening manually from Window > Layers or hotkey (F7) does not work. Will also disappear when a panel directly above is selected. Need to select the panel at top of stack to make the bottommost panel appear.

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  7. It didn't open, there' s a message of unknow error

    I just subscribed, installed all the desired programs, including illustrator, and it just won't open, I don't know what's going on, I've reinstalled it about 5 times but the same error appears, I need help.

    The image of error, when it open i can't acess or create a new project

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  8. Illustrator not opening Fusion 360 DXFs after 25.0.1

    The primary reason I use Illustrator (on my Intel Mac running Big Sur) is to further process the DXFs generated by Fusion 360 and prepare them for laser cutting. Recently, illustrator started opening these files as blank, even though online viewers display them just fine. According to internet research, this should have been fixed in version 25.0.1. However, after updating and reinstalling illustrator the issue persists. This is incredibly frustrating as my laser has been unused for a number of weeks as I can’t prepare files. Please fix!

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  9. Accessible title is ignored when opening or exporting an SVG

    When an SVG document with a <title> element is opened, the title appears to be silently dropped. I don't see it in the Document Title of the File Properties nor in any layer. Moreover, when a Document Title is provided in the File Properties no <title> element is created in the SVG export. This is a significant barrier to creating accessible content for a file type that is becoming ubiquitous on the web. Yes, a title can be entered separately in a text editor after export, but such a requirement unnecessarily adds significant fragility to the process of creating/editing accessible…

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  10. 25 votes

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  11. Memory Error when using alt key to duplicate or pull from libraries

    I am using windows 10 on a pc. This is in regards to adobe 2021

    When I go to duplicate an object using the alt key, I get an error message saying I do not have enough memory to complete the action. I also can't use the alt key to drag things from my libraries. I do not get this message when I use ctrl C and ctrl V. I also do not get this message if I right-click on the items in my library and place them. It's only when I use the alt key function.

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  12. Pattern Seam issues with Adobe Capture patterns

    when using adobe capture patterns there is a transparent seam in the pattern, I am able to remove the seam by change the width of the pattern but its only a temporary fix as soon as I change the pattern the seam comes back. This issue only seams to happen in illustrator, because when I use the same patterns in photoshop there is no gap between patterns

    Steps to replicate:

    1. use adobe capture to create a pattern.
    2. create a shape in illustrator
    3. open the libraries tab and insert the pattern
      where lines/ spaces appear in-between the pattern

    4. go to pattern…

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  13. Contents of CC Libraries panel shrinks when Cmd +/- used

    The panel with all the swatches and assets I have saved will suddenly shrink as if I hit Cmd +/-. This mainly happens in illustrator but has happened in InDesign and Photoshop as well. Then I wont be able to click into or out of the libraries tab or accurately select what I want in the library as well.

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  14. Emoji Baseline issues

    Using macOS Big Sur with Illustrator 25.0.1

    Anytime I use emojis on Illustrator, a portion of the emoji below the baseline gets cut off. When I zoom out, it looks normal again. I haven't had this issue before. Even on export, a chunk at the bottom of the emoji still gets cut off.

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  15. Can't save a file as PDF due to Courier font licensing issue

    Get this message when trying to save file as PDF

    The font Courier could not be embedded in the PDF document because of licensing restrictions. Stroked text will not be visible.

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  16. Illustrator und Mac M1 funktioniert nicht zusammen

    Ich arbeite als Designerin und verwende Illustrator um die 4 Stunden täglich. Seid dem ich auf einen Mac mit M1 Prozessor umgestiegen bin habe ich folgende Probleme: Es dauert extrem lange das Program zu öffnen, Dateien zu speichern und Dateien zu Exportieren. Zudem hängt sich der ganze Computer regelmäßig auf, wenn Illustrator geöffnet ist.

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  17. CC Library funktioniert nicht mit MBP 13" Apple Silicon

    Ai gibt die Fehlermeldung, dass Elemente aus der Library nicht gefunden werden können und neu verknüpft werden müssen. Diese Elemente sind aber vorhanden. Neu in ein Dokument gezogene Library-Elemente werden sofort nach dem Platzieren als fehlerhaft markiert. Das gleiche Dokument, gleiche Library, gleiche Illustrator-Version auf einem anderen Mac (Intel) unter Catalina funktioniert tadellos. Reproduzierbar nur auf dem M1 MBP unter Big Sur.

    Ai 25.0.1, MBP 13" Apple Silicon, System und Adobe CC auf neusten Update

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  18. Traductions manquantes lors de certains démarrage


    Lorsque j'ouvre un projet enregistré sur mon ordinateur ou un document en effectuant l'action : clique droit => ouvre avec => Illustrator CC 2020 le projet (ou le document) s'ouvre dans un Illustrator qui n'est pas complétement traduit en Français.

    Si les barres de menus sont bien traduites ainsi que le contenu des menus ; les options se trouvant dans le ruban de droite sont encore écrites en anglais (onglets Propriétés / Bibliothèque ...).

    Je vous joins un fichier pour constater le problème.
    Je reste à votre disposition pour tout complément d'informations.


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  19. Pattern palette causes program crash

    I have been experiencing a lot of problems with Illustrator since updating to Big Sur OS. At first it didn't even open. Now, the Pattern palette causes the program to crash every time I attempt to create a pattern. I have wasted a whole week and I cant seem to be able to get it to work correctly.

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  20. Befehl "Speichern" wir von Befehl "Speichern unter" abgebrochen

    Mojave 10.14.6
    Illustrator 2021

    Seit dem letzten Update stoppt Illustrator das Speichern (Cmd+S) ohne jegliche Warnung, wenn man vor Ende des Speichervorgangs "Speichern unter" (cmd+shift+S) wählt.

    Das ist wahnsinnig riskant, da man im Grunde IMMER gleich nach dem Speichern ein PDF mit "Speichern unter" erzeugt. Ich habe mittlerweile an die 10 Dateien so verloren... bis mir der Fehler aufgefallen ist.

    Grüße, AC

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