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Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs

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7719 results found

  1. Placing Linked PDF file with "Show Import Options > Crop to:", placement doesn't obey the option selected

    On the latest update to Illustrator (early July 2023), when placing a PDF with "Show Import Options", no matter which option is picked (Art, Crop, Trim, Bleed, Media), it always places to the crop/artboard, even though there is bleed set and larger media/artwork beyond the artboard in the PDF.

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  2. Automatic numbering does not continue in linked area type

    While using automatic numbering, an area text linked to another Artboard or within the Artboard restarts the numbering from 1 after moving the overflown text to the second linked type area. Please add option to choose restart the numbering or continue numbering with user preference. Another issue is that one point with continuing the lines to the next type area also starts with numbering rather than considering the continuation of the last line from first type area.

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  3. Application name in dialogue box contains strange character

    Illustrator version 27.6 shows strange characters in dialogue box.
    The app name is $$$/GeneralStr/196=Adobe Illustrator.
    It feels not good, to use an app with a strange behavior like this.

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  4. OBJECT > EXPAND creates SPIKES in geometry

    I use Illustrator to create emboss patterns for production tooling. When delivering my patterns, all geometry must be EXPANDED and represented as real vector lines so that the engravers can mill out the tool.

    Recently, when I EXPAND the patterns I make (OBJECT > EXPAND), I'm starting to see random SPIKES in my outlined strokes when using the EXPAND tool in the menu. This problem is reproducible on my machine, but it does appear to be random. Sometimes it does it, and sometimes it doesn't. My vector curve is stroked at 0.03 inches.

    This problem is causing CRITICAL delays in…

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  5. Illustrator 27.6.1 randomly freezing...

    This is happenng to a few of the machines in my office. AI will randomly stop responding. The window will grey out and the only way to resolve is to force quit (I've given it an hour once to see if it resolved itself, but no).

    AI 27.6.1
    Windows 11
    Nvidia RTX A2000 12gb GPU
    i7-12700 CPU
    64G memory

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  6. Gaussian blur reverting when opacity is updated + blur effect creating a rectangular frame

    Gaussian blur gets disabled when you change the opacity of the shape; and will have to open the gaussian blur effect panel to re-apply the blur.

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  7. Unfoldable layers

    Illustrator does not display and allow to click unfold arrows next to these layers, despite the objects in them exist in the document.

    The other problem is the applied-but-not-displayed gaussian blur, but that’s the different problem:

    The test file is derived from the original provided by Glitschka Studios.

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  8. Save Each Artboard to a Separate File waits until end to save all files at once.

    When using the option to save each artboard to a separate file, illustrator keeps all the saved files as TMP files and doesn't finalize them until all artboards have already been exported to the TMP file. This isn't an issue for small files with a few artboards but causes delays with larger files / number of artboards because the AI files are all saved out at once at the very end of the process.

    It would be more efficient for some workflows if the AI files were finalized along the way so that they can be further processed by others…

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  9. 100% View is Inaccurately Sized - Wrong Monitor Resolution Detected?

    This is marked ad fixed in older bug reports, but it is still an issue in 2023.
    When viewing my artwork at 100% Display, it is not accurate. The document I will refer to for this example is a 6"x9" postcard. The settings I have tried and the actual results are below:

    1. Edit>Preferences>Display Print Size at 100% Zoom is checked
      Result: ≈7.5"x11"

    2. Edit>Preferences>Display Print Size at 100% Zoom is not checked
      Result: ≈5.25"x8"

    3. Tried both of these settings with the "View Actual Size" shortcut, they rendered the same results.

    So currently, the only way for me to actually see the…

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  10. Changing color doesn't work sometimes

    This bug goes long way back, as far as I remember using illustrator, both on PCs and Macs.

    Sometimes (usually in text objects, but not only), when I pick a different swatch to change an object's color, the color in the swatch palette changes, but the object's color remains the same.
    To resolve this, I have to choose "None" as the color, and then choose the color I want.

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  11. Illustrator fails to export all text into final pngs or jpegs

    I have been exporting images with text layers and I've noticed Illustrator seems to indiscriminately not export certain lines of text (not layer groups to be clear, but random lines of text). I don't know how to replicate this issue because it appears random, but I did include pngs of the file that I had this issue with most recently.

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  12. The align tools don't work on rectangle in perspective plane

    In particular, the center align button in the align menu doesn't work correctly on a rectangle in a perspective plane. I notice that the bounding box does appear to be correct, but the shape is no longer align with its bounding box. Again, this problem only occurs with objects in a perspective plane. And yes, I am using the perspective selection tool to select the object.

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  13. Illustrator is crashing all day long, for no reason

    Illustrator is crashing straight away, it just crashes and closes, sometimes recovering the file worked on at the time and sometimes not, and for no apparent reason to me. It doesn't crash with a specific file, it has crashed with several. I stopped counting after crashing 20 times in one day. I use a Creative Cloud account where I alternate using it between a Windows computer (at work) and at home on an iMac (home-office) and it only crashes on Windows. There is no conflict to report in System Compatibility Report in the Help menu. When it crashes and closes,…

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  14. Justification attribute to center text in Illustrator API

    Why do Justification to aiCenter and Align Center produce different results?
    Given myLabel string with at least one line break character in it, when I use JavaScript code like this...

    Set myFrame = textGroup.TextFrames.Add
    myFrame.TextRange.CharacterAttributes.Size = defaultFontSize
    myFrame.TextRange.CharacterAttributes.TextFont = appRef.TextFonts.Item(nameOfFont)
    myFrame.Contents = myLabel
    myFrame.Paragraphs(1).ParagraphAttributes.Justification = 2 ' aiCenter
    myFrame.Position = Array(myXPos, myYPos)

    ...the lines of text are not centered with respect to each other.

    Is there a way, using the JavaScript API, to achieve text-centering of multiple lines in a text frame?
    If not, I'd like to request a new paragraph attribute to the JavaScript API to accomplish this function.…

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  15. Quotation marks with extra space in latest update? How to solve?

    Hello. In latest Illustrator version closing Quotation marks has unwanted extra space. Is there any solution to the problem?

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  16. svg parse failure for valid arc command

    The attached SVG file "bus.svg" is entirely valid and correct, but it loads incorrectly in Illustrator 2023 (27.5, Windows 64-bit). In particular, it fails to correctly parse the following valid arc command in a path tag's "d" attribute:

    A 0.50 0.50 -45.0 0 0 767.50 652.25

    If I change the arc command to set the rotation angle to 0, which has no effect on the geometry of the arc since the radii are equal to each other, then it renders correctly. Here is the same arc, but expressed in a way that Illustrator imports correctly.

    A 0.50 0.50 0.0 0…

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  17. CC 2022 v.26.5.3以前で合成フォントを使用したAIファイルがCC 2023 v27.5で開きません

    OS: Windows11 Pro 22H2
    アプリのバージョン: Illustrator CC 2023 ver.27.5

    Illustrator CC 2022 ver.26.5.3以前に合成フォントを使用して保存したAIファイルをIllustrator CC 2023 v27.5で開こうとしました。


    Adobe Illustrator 26 Settingsフォルダから27 Settingsフォルダへ合成フォントを移植しましたが、改善しませんでした。

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  18. Illustrator exports SVG with font set to ArialMT

    When we export artwork from Illustrator with text formatted with the Arial font, the SVG code has the font set to ArialMT (the old Postscript name). This generally isn't a problem unless the image is displayed on a system that does not have the ArialMT font installed.

    Short of changing the SVG code, is there anyway of preventing Illustrator from using the old Postscript name for the Arial font.

    It seems to be same with artwork created on MacOS and Windows.

    Inkscape does not have this problem.

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  19. Selecting a shape selects multiple unrelated objects

    I'm trying to select a shape on my artboard and it automatically selects multiple objects even though they are not grouped or linked together in an way. Also, an object is getting selected even though I'm trying to click another object on the artboard. There seems to be some kind of margin around that object but it is just a shape that I created, no clip mask or anything of that sort was applied to the object. Is there a way to figure out what actions were applied to an object when clicked? If not, that could come handy.

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  20. Can't delete swatch

    I have a random color swatch that appears in my Swatches palette every time I create a new document. It cannot be deleted. As far as I can tell, it is not being used anywhere. I can change it to a different color, but then if I try to delete it, it not only does not delete, but it changes back to the original color. Right now, it's some random shade of blue, but at other times it is a different color that persists. Here is a video:

    macOS 13.3.1
    Illustrator 27.5

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