Smart guides don't work properly
It has been too long for this not to be working right yet. Smart guides aren't smart enough. When smart guides snap to something it has to be exact, not .05 pixels off. Close enough is not good enough. Also, when I drag over an object it needs to snap to that object, not some random shape clear across the pasteboard. If I have to zoom in 2600% to manually align something (which I often do) smart guides and snapping have failed. Is there some ridiculous setting I have to change to get this to work the way it's supposed to?

It’s dangerous to call things Smart... When they behave dumb, the name sound like an insult. Sadly, this is the case.
Please provide more specific cases, with video proofs, ask you colleagues to share and vote, to move this further. This is the way to force changes to things that are broken — be vocal and persistent. Thank you all and let’s hope we get heard.
David Cuesta commented
I just created 2 new bug reports for this. Cause obvs this one is from 2018. Can you guys try to get some traction on them. I included a screen recording too so they don't think I am just magically making it up. ...... Select more than one object and you can't snap to the artboard.
Also when you hold down shift and have smart guides on the smart guides conflict with the constraint. This started a few years back.
John Bradley commented
The miracle of "Software as a Service". In the past, they might have felt obligated to fix some bugs as well as add *useful* new features to Illustrator with every major release, 'cause if they didn't maybe you'd skip that update and wait until next year, and they'd get no money (I think I only bought CS1, CS3, and CS5, skipping the even releases.)
Now of course by tying all the **** together in a single subscription, you have no say in whether you want the latest major releases. Sure, you can choose not to install them, but you're paying for them either way. And no matter how bad Illustrator gets, you're still going to pay the $50ish/mo because you need Photoshop, or Premiere, or any ability to open any of the files you've created in the last decade...
David Cuesta commented
I have been having this issue for about 10 years since about 2008-2009. I can't remember when exactly. I just dealt with it and worked on silently. I have since started using Figma a lot and going back to Illustrator it is plain to see how bad the smart guides are. I mean basic stuff like trying to snap to the edge of an artboard does not work. Come on Adobe get real. This needs sorting. And please don't write to use asking us to reset our preferences, or for more information. Go into illustrator your self and try to test it. I mean we build medium size website and before we launch ANYTHING, event the smallest feature we test it like 50 times before launching it. How you can tell me any beta tester, or manager signed this off I don't know. Just go into Illustrator and try to snap to objects together. Try a circle onto an anchor point. Or try snapping something the edge of your artboard when grids are turned off.....
Heinrich commented
Answer is simple... Adobe only cares about bringing out "new" features to try and attract new clients to get more money. They do not care about existing clients or the way applications work. This bug has been there for years and it's too small for them to care about. Snapping only works once you disable and re-enable it.
Oliver Malms commented
It still does not work well. In Freehand, I always could be sure, that everything snapped as it should. I even had acoustic feedback. In Illustrator I always have to zoom in and check, if everything is in place - and most of the time it is not! You just can’t trust in snapping with Illustrator and that is really a shame after all the years...
John Bradley commented
I hear ya Derek. Sure, the whole 'illustrating' aspect of the program may be broken in a number of ways*, for years at a time, but hey, at least there's a spellcheck now. Yay.
* and don't get me started on the text layout and character/paragraph formatting and styles issues.
Derek commented
*********. The problem still exists. Why is it so difficult for Adobe to fix these existing problems that last for years on end? I have a list of 20+ bugs with Illustrator alone. It's beyond ridiculous. I can't wait for an alternative to Adobe and I can finally be done with this joke of a company. Unfortunately it's going to be awhile since apparently when you own a monopoly, customer service and product quality takes a back seat to stock holders. And no I'm not being extreme. As a longterm paying customer, this is incredibly frustrating. FIX YOUR SOFTWARE ADOBE!!!
anon commented
April 2019, Can confirm so called "smart guides" are still useless and simply not working most of the time
Jimmy commented
I would change "COMPLETED", as a I feel Smart Guides are still clunky. Smart Guides haven't been the same since around CS2. Having to hold Command for improved accuracy was always an odd addition too.
Dave commented
The fix did not happen in still does not work correctly no matter what you try.
Jason commented
I wish Illustrator was a 2D version of Blender. They have their snapping nailed down. Also, every time I work in Blender and migrate back to Illustrator, I want to edit my vertices the same way I was in Blender. Just a thought for Illustrator developers to have a look at that.
Lance commented
I'm not certain what was supposedly fixed in CC 2019, but nothing seems to have changed according to my testing. Perhaps the folks at adobe were testing very simple files rather than something with many layers and thousands of individual objects all over the artboard and/or drawing area? I still see 'smart' guides 'snapping' to things clear across the screen from the intended object.
Stéphanie Noverraz commented
The problem has come back, I think. I need to zoom in a lot to snap to the right point.
I don't want to delete my preferences again, it takes too long to set them back. -
DC Jon commented
I'm also constantly having issues with imprecise snapping to points and guides. Sometimes, I can't even get them to snap to a guide, point, or line that I'm hovering directly over. I also have the issue of the smart guides trying to snap to objects no where near what I'm working on while hovering over the object I'm trying to snap to. These guides used to work great a few releases ago.
Stéphanie Noverraz commented
I've talked to an Adobe Support representative and he seems to have solved my issue by resetting my Illustrator preferences. -
Stéphanie Noverraz commented
Since I cannot post a video in the reply, I have uploaded an example to my DropBox.
It shows a similar problem (which I think is related): pen tool snapping to another point than the one highlighted by the Smart Guides. -
Valerii Mamedov commented
Let me add a small comment to smart guides. The smart guides doesn't snap to point text. From the words "at all".
Anonymous commented
I completely agree with the above comment as well. Smart guides were working for me up until I installed Illustrator 2018. I had to reinstall the previous version because I couldn't find a solution. I had thought to reset the preference file but just gave up out of frustration. The "unsmart" guides were causing a complete work stoppage for me and were starting to cost me money because it prevented me from getting projects completely in a timely manner. This needs to be fixed. It's too bad that Adobe swallowed up FreeHand, I loved that program.
Heinrich commented
Agree 100% with the above comment. Guide snapping in general is pretty pathetic. It doesn't snap at all... trying to get a guide in the center of an object is just about impossible. Adobe should focus on getting the small things right!