Rotation Handle Tolerance overrides scale and selection functionality while using Wacom.
Hiya. I have an issue with the Selection tool and the rotation handle functionality overriding both scale and shift+selection of other objects while using a Wacom.
Essentially, the rotation functionality tolerance seems to be 2-3 times higher than when using a mouse, which means that I have to zoom in far in order to either scale or select a nearby object.
This behaviour has been in every version of Illustrator since the original Illustrator CC - which behaved flawlessly.
I've also had it occur on 2 different computers with 2 different Wacom devices (Intuous 5 and Cintiq 13HD) and multiple versions of the Mac operating system (Yosemite through to Sierra).
You can see a video of the behaviour attached below.
- Version of Illustrator: CC2018 (but same occurs in 2017, 2015, 2014)
- Steps taken: Using the selection tool I attempt to shift+select a nearby object or scale the selected object.
- Expected Result: Shift-selecting the nearby object or scaling the selected object.
- Actual Result: The current object goes into rotate mode.

I am happy to share that we have fixed this bug in our latest release – 23.0.6 which is available worldwide now.
Going forward, our goal is to fix as many top User-Voice bugs as possible and as frequently as possible. Given the nature of the fixes, some of the bugs will take a longer time to fix, but we are on it.
You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:
Thank you for all the feedback. Keep it coming!
Brian, it is bogus. It’s a spam and it was deleted.
Brian Stokes commented
Mackenzieson's post appears bogus and the link is to outside bs...not that Adobe would ever actually address an issue that's called to their attention in this forum...
Paul commented
I don't want to speak to soon, but I think this may FINALLY be fixed. Just working through a task now that previously would have been a nightmare and so far it seems to be going fairly well. Fingers' crossed it stays that way...
eric cobain commented
This is not and has never been fixed. I own 3 devices and all of them have a selection threshold of 20+ pixels. I have to zoom to 900% to get anything done. This sucks because now you're so zoomed in you can't see what youre doing.
Illustrator is a joke. I hate having to use it everyday. Adobe doesn't care or listen.
Imagine if something you loved was so unnecessarily stressful that you begin to hate the thing you love most in life.
Adobe is doing that. You're supposed to enjoy the process of creating art, not feel like you're always swimming upstream while dodging flaming balls of **** just to do the simplest things.
Alexis Asplundh commented
Yep. Just got back on the tablet train after a few years absent and this is THE most annoying thing that ever has happened to me in this program. Adobe! Fix it PLEASE!!!!!
J. Patiño commented
It's been more than 2 years ago since my last comment looking for a solution about this bug. I just updated to the latest version available and I'm still having problems with selecting/rotating things. The feedback in this problem solving forum is a total disappointment.
Carl commented
25.4.1. Still broken.
Michael commented
I'm starting to get the feeling that this forum is where Adobe bug reports go to die a slow, quiet death. Is there another platform on which paying customers are more likely to be heard regarding critical issues like this? It seems too easy for Adobe to simply ignore us here.
Kayla commented
Amanda, I agree with you- Carl's is different. I have issues with the selection tool, not the pen tool.
And yes, you should start a new post and link this one as well. If you start one, will you post in here so we can start following/voting for that one?
Carl commented
Amanda - I know it's not the same, but it's two problems that has to do with selecting objects. Two crititcal problems actually that should be top priority for Adobe, but the years go by and nothing happens.
I also can't believe how lazy the Adobe users are. There must be tens of thousands of users annoyed by these bugs and flaws but the posts on this site rarely get more than ten votes...
Amanda commented
Carl - that post does not seem to be the same issue. That deals with bezier handles while using items like the pen tool, whereas those of us experiencing issues on here are discussing the rotation/scaling options under the Selection tool.
I'm wondering if a new thread needs to be made, though. This one is marked as completed in 2019, even though it clearly is not fixed, as people are still experiencing this issue now (in 2021).
Carl commented
Anybody annoyed by this, please vote for the related post below as well.
The selection tolerance for handles has been broken for years. -
Anonymous commented
Please help us. I take so long to do something that shouldn’t need a long time because of this
Anonymous commented
It still doesn't work since last two updates, since 25.3.1. It's really bloody annoying.
Anonymous commented
Please get this fixed, Adobe. It's driving me crazy.
Ben commented
2021 still an issue, or has become one again. Illustrator 2021, Windows 10 Pro, Cintiq Pro 24 touch
Dave commented
Not fixed. 2021. Using a wacom. Can't drag a corner into a curve. I've grabbed that corner, everything tells me it's so, it's about to happen, it's really about to happen this time, a curve is about to happen in 2021 - but suddenly no, I'm rotating that box again. I'm rotating that box for days. My tears are rotating down my face. My laptop rotating as it goes out the window. My body rotating in a shallow grave.
Mel commented
I'm working in the cloud...completely up to date and I'm still having this problem. Really frustrating trying to work around this.
brian stokes commented
Hey Kayla. I'll speak on behalf of Adobe since they won't do or say anything.
You don't matter and they don't care. Obviously.
All we can hope for is that a competitor that actually gives a shi*t about their customers will step in and make a better product. I'm switching over to other programs and apps where I can. There are so many issues with Adobe products now and their customers have become an afterthought. It seems like all they really care about is their shareholders and lining their pockets. Good luck to you
Kayla commented
I cannot believe it is 2021 and this was posted in 2017 and this problem is STILL GOING ON. So many people have commented (this is my second time commenting) and nothing has been addressed. I am still dealing with this annoying shape tolerance. For me, I didn't start having this issue until an update in 2020. So there is something going on that is effecting this and whether or not it a setting issue, bug, etc. there needs to be a solution to fix it! We can't be the only ones that are having this problem, right???