100% view is not 100% for pixels in cc2019
OMG, yesterday I've updated illustrator cc2018 to cc2019. Objects now in 100% view are diplayed as ~151% - see attached file - in left side - illustrator cc2018 window and 400x400 px square in 100% view. In the right side - the same square in 100% view.
Please fix this annoing bug.
This is on Mac pro late 2013, High Sierra, 27' Eizo monitor 1400x2560

I am happy to share that we have fixed this bug in our latest release – 26.3.1 which is available worldwide now.
Going forward, our goal is to fix as many top User-Voice bugs as possible and as frequently as possible. Given the nature of the fixes, some of the bugs will take a longer time to fix, but we are on it.
You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App: https://helpx.adobe.com/in/creative-cloud/help/creative-cloud-updates.html
Thank you for all the feedback. Keep it coming!
Marley commented
This feature does not even make sense to me. I understand that there are two different "sizes" in illustrator. But I would expect a setting called "display print size" to be true to size, not inflated! If I have built my artwork at 9" wide, the 100% display should also be 9" wide. Makes ZERO sense.
Visicom M commented
Worked for me: In Preferences and Uncheck - Display Print Size at 100% Zoom.
Kit Grose commented
This has been improved, but not fixed for me in v26.3.1.
When I view artwork at 100% in pixel preview mode, I get smoothing artefacts, but if I zoom in and out (or manually set the zoom to 100%) they go away.
Philipp Schilli commented
Es würde bereits reichen, wenn die Möglichkeit bestehen würde, die Skalierung der visuellen Ausgabe manuell zu definieren, wie man es auch im Acrobat machen kann.
Die Printview liegt in AI auf unserem EIZO bei einer Skalierung von 68%, damit die Ausgabe 1:1 dargestellt wird.
In Acrobat wiederum bei 110ppi, da sich hie die Skalierung auf die Monitorauflösung bezieht.
Das könnte man exakt so auch in den anderen Tools implementieren. Ganz simpel einmal manuell festlegen, ein Print und ein Web-Profil speichern und gut ist.Hinzu kommt, dass die Adobe Apps eine interne und eine externe UI Skalierung haben.
Intern "Voreinstellungen > Benutzeroberfläche" und einmal über die allgemeine App-Skalierung über das Betriebssystem (Windows: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator 2022 > Rechtsklick > Eigenschaften > Kompatibilität > DPI Skalierung) Das liegt wohl daran, dass es hierbei um die Skalierung der App in Bezug auf die Desktopoberfläche und dessen manuelle Konfiguration geht.Vielleicht ist auch das alles zusammen das Problem, welches Adobe zur Zeit hat.
Das wird leider mit Windwos 11 noch schlimmer. Vor allem mit zwei Monitoren und unterschiedlichen Auflösungen. -
Paul commented
There is no way I'm turning this feature on or off and restarting if that's the case as "Anonymous" commented below. If I have my document units set to "pixels" and/or pixel preview on I would expect 100% zoom to show me said pixels. If it's to a print unit, and especially with pixel preview off, I would expect 100% zoom to show the physical representation (which is great, btw). But, now doing social media post designs, just makes this horrible to preview/present them in. Please, fix. I mean, the user stories write themselves here. I seriously have no idea what I'm looking at until I open everything in Photoshop after export. Thanks!
Matthew Kalenuik commented
There's a significant bug with artboard display size.
For instance I have a 4k monitor set at 100% display scaling.
If I create a 1080x1080 pixel document in illustrator and scale it to 100%, it extends off of the top and bottom of my screen.
Previously before the 2022 update would display 100% at pixel accurate scale, for instance if an image is 1080 pixels wide, it would display that artboard across 1080 on screen pixels at 100% scaling.
This has made illustrator almost unusable.
In addition text scale is all wrong on these incorrectly displayed artboards 12 pt text is miniscule at the correct pixel size...
Canquel commented
This is still an issue in 25.4.1
Did anyone found a workaround? I do stuff mainly for screens and I use pixel preview constantly :(
Tiago commented
I'm having the same problem, it's not the difference between using 100% as 1:1 size for pixel view (that option in general preferences), it's the 100% print size view that's the problem, it is not reliable, consistent or correct at all.
In my windows 10 PC with an LG 24" display I have to manually set it to 95% for it to respect a real print size, in my work iMac (late 2015, 5K 21.5 display) I have to set it to 103% to achive the same result (real 1:1 size on print documents). The only computer that this worked for me was a mid 2014 mac mini with a Samsung 23" display.
It would be wonderful, considering that probably the problem it's some kind of miscommunication between display and computer or illustrator, and probably a limitation of the display manufacturers firmware on each individual display, even a connector problema (HDMI tells the computer info about the display, VGA does not, for example), that this value would be user modifiable, to have a truly 100% print size=display size accurate picture.
This problem is also present in photoshop.
Kit Grose commented
This new setting is valuable for print documents but inherently absurd for pixel preview, which no longer previews your artwork at pixel size by default.
Konstantin Homatyano commented
I have this issue too. The pixel-grid snapped image looks crisp the moment you turn the Pixel Preview on (Crisp.png). But once you zoom in or zoom out, it becomes a pixel mess (Blurry.png).
The reason for that it seems is the zoom factor. For pixel preview to be crisp, the zoom needs to have some weird fractional value. But the commands zoom in/zoom out jump between nice rounded zoom levels thus turning the pixel preview into an unusable mess.
Anonymous commented
Go to Preferences and Uncheck - Display Print Size at 100% Zoom. Restart Illustrator and Voila!
It will work.
Worked for me.
Lance commented
Unfortunately the Illustrator software engineering team seems to be convinced their existing code is correct for all installations and hardware. I have attempted to inform them otherwise via a couple other bug reports like this one but all they can say is that it works correctly (when it can clearly be demonstrated not to work correctly some of the time, depending on the monitor in use)
Lance commented
Not true in all cases. Display print size at 100% Zoom on my display here at my workplace renders a 1" x 1" square as 1.125" x 1.125". This is verifiable by placing a ruler against the screen.
Before my employer graciously "upgraded" me to a larger but objectively worse display, this did actually work correctly.
I urge you to take another look at this, or give us a user-configurable pixel density setting in the preferences. Photoshop does this and thus I can adjust to whatever display I might be currently using.
Bob commented
I have the exact same problem is version 24.3 (64-bit) on Windows 10. This is absurd - I just want to be able to scale to a 1 to 1 ration with the actual monitor, it should be the easiest zoom level of all!
Max Hancock commented
I'm using Illustrator 24.3 (Mac) and viewing at 100% scale is wrong. It's double what it should be. This is a bug unless there's a new viewing setting I don't know about.
In 24.4, on web-based profile, Pixel Preview mode would blur the result for a pixel-perfect image, when Zoom In or Zoom Out commands are used.
When you disable and enable the mode back, the rasterization gets restored.
Please see the attached image.
Also notice how a canvas shifts when you switch modes. -
Aaron commented
Still broken in 24.2.3. Pressing cmd-1 in pixel preview mode makes everything blurry. Always have to zoom in and then back out with "cmd +" then "cmd -"
It's been like this for over a year now with still no fix...
Lance commented
Still broken in latest release, 24.2.
1. Set "Display print size at 100% zoom" to be ON
2. Create 5x5 inch document
3. ctrl + 1 to zoom to print size
4. measure artboard with an actual ruler held to the screen - 5x5 artboard is displayed as 5.75 x 5.75 inches.Edit: the other setting, "Display at print size" to be OFF does seem to work as intended, for viewing pixel based art at 1-to-1 when zooming to 100% (ctrrl+1).
Why can't both settings work correctly, why does it have to be one or the other? Or is Adobe assuming that the pixel density of all monitors is universal? Surely they can't be that dumb.
Abdul Nazar commented
100% zoom is not correct size in adobe Illustrator 2020 24.1
Francis Gastellu commented
Actual size is wrong in 24.0.1 (I have a single monitor), 1cm renders as about 0.75cm.