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Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs

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7717 results found

  1. 角丸長方形ツールの高さ変更

    ・Mac OS10.15.7 Catalina


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    Illustrator 製品フィードバックへのご協力ありがとうございます。

    ご報告いただいた「選択ツールで高さを変更できない」という現象ですが、最新バージョン「Illustrator 2021 (ver.25.4.1)」の Mac & Win OS ともに正しく動作しています。




    Illustrator チーム

  2. AI v26.0 beta - start problems on macOS 10.15.7

    When starting AI v26.0 beta there are numerous error messages under macOS 10.15.7, see screenshot:

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  3. Previous tool continues after selecting new tool

    Over the past few weeks I've noticed that when I switch tools sometimes the characteristics of the previous tool continue rather than it switching to the new tool (but it shows the new tool selected in the Toolbar.

    So, for example, if I'm using the Selection Tool and then click on the Direct Selection Tool it shows in the Toolbar that I have the Direct Selection Tool activated and the cursor is the Direct Selection Tool one but the tool behaves like the Selection Tool (i.e. I can't select individual points).

    Saving the file seems to fix the issue and…

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  4. Error on trying to save *.ai to older version CS4 from AI application version 25.2.2.

    I have Illustrator application version 25.2.2 (build 255) on Windows 10 Pro (64-bit) with AMD Radeon Pro WX 3100.
    When I tried to save a specific *.ai file to older version "CS4", I got the error.
    What should I do to resolve?

    <crashreport serviceVersion="4.6.0" clientVersion="4.6.0" applicationName="Adobe Illustrator" applicationVersion="25.2.2" build="255" source="Windows-Client" crashType="n/a">

    <crash exception="EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION" exceptionCode="0xc0000005" instruction="0x00007FF7CD28835A">

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  5. 筆圧にてブラシの線幅設定をした線をコピペして、コピペ先のブラシを基本に設定すると、コピペ元の線幅設定が消える



    [環境]win10、Adobe Illustrator 2021 25.4.1、Wacom One

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    Illustrator 製品版フィードバックへのご協力ありがとうございます。


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  6. Crash when I add an FX to the object.

    Illustrator 26
    macOS Monterey

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  7. Layers Won't Expand or Collapse, Locking and Hiding Layers Struggle to Work 25.4.1

    I've been having an issue with my layers panel. The layers won't expand or collapse as the title suggests. Every time I click the arrow to either expand or collapse a layer/group nothing happens. It struggles to view/hide layers when the eye icon is pushed, same with locking layers.

    I'm on version 25.4.1 on Windows, no plugins, no tablet.

    Things I've done to try and remedy this:
    -Restarted program
    -Restarted Computer
    -Tried to clear preferences (several times alt+Ctrl+shift on startup)
    -Attempted to go manually into clear preferences at "<OSDisk>\Users<username>\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator <version number> Settings\en_US*\x64\Adobe Illustrator Prefs" I got to ...roaming\adobe\adobe illustrator,…

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  8. Aus Prozessfarbe wird eine Volltonfarbe, wenn sie aus Illustrator in der Adobe Creative Bibliothek angelegt wird

    Hallo, wenn ich Farben aus Illustrator 2021 (Windows 10), aus den Farbfeldern, aus den Farbfeldoptionen, an die Adobe Cloud Bibliothek sende, wird aus einer Prozessfarbe in den Angaben eine Volltonfarbe.
    Obwohl es eine Prozessfarbe ist. Nach der Überprüfung der Farbe auf Vollfarbe, wird die Farbe als Vollfarbe angegeben. Wie sich die Farbe später verhält kann ich nicht sagen. Wenn ich die Farbe manuell in der Adobe Cloud Bibliothek anlege (in Photoshop) bleibt eine Prozessfarbe eine Prozessfarbe. Das ist aber sehr aufwendig, dies so zu machen, da wir die Farbe mit einer Farbnummer und den RGB Werten beschriften müssen. Über eine…

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  9. Disparition des plans de travail

    Bonjour, depuis la mise à jour en 25.4.1 une fois un document contenant plusieurs plans de travail, enregistré, au moment de la réouverture de ce document tous les plans de travail on disparus 😩
    Il ne reste que des "Repères du plan de travail" sur un nouveau calque !

    Très contrariant car mon travail est beaucoup basé sur cette fonction.

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  10. Partial File Saves V 26.0.609 Large Files

    I end up with some large files. Two in particular in the last day are not saved correctly. Partial read file only. 34 mb file and larger.

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  11. Artboards and Smart guide heads up displays do not show data, just gray boxes

    none of my dartboards have their numbers Iartboard 1, dartboard 2, etc.) nor does the heads up measurement box of the smart guides show any data, it is just a gray box. The attached file only shows the lack of numbering of the artboards, not the smart guide heads up display

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  12. Illustrator 25.4.1 "handcuffs" scaling and rotation effects with Wacom

    When using a Wacom Intuous Pro (PTH-660) with Illustrator: using the scale or rotate tool on a shape, I'm unable to commit the change to the object after I lift the pen off the tablet. Even pressing "v" or "esc" several times, or even switching programs and switching back to Illustrator, when the pen comes in range of the table surface again, it is still changing the scale or rotation of the object.

    I'm on Windows 10 Pro on a Dell Precision 7530.

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  13. Corrupt rendering of font Aktiv Grotesk Condensed Light

    Our font Aktiv Grotesk Condensed Light has weird rendering artifacts in the glyphs "C", "b" and "p", but only on macOS 11.5.1 and Illustrator 25.4.1 (InDesign on the same platform is fine; on Windows, both are fine). See screenshot. Can't attach the font here so I'm sending it to Josh Hadley at Adobe.

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  14. UI labels smear and the canvas is not fully updated

    Hello everyone!
    When I have to move an edge of a shape with the direct selection tool, on the right side of the screen this happens. Plus that it doesn't show the X and Y pixels where the edge belongs. I don't know if it's because of my laptop (Ryzen 7 4700U with AMD Radeon Graphics) Please let me know because it's kinda annoying, thank you so much!

    I searched for it, it's a smart guide's bug, in case I can help you :)

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  15. After the new 25.4.1 version, Learn Function and Interactive Tab doesn't work anymore.

    The Learn Tab is currently blank, and it's an obstacle to learning the Illustrator.

    Windows 10 Home x64
    Adobe Illustrator 25.4.1

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  16. The Mesh Tool and Curvature is lagging after I updated the Adobe Illustrator to the latest version.

    The handles for the mesh are difficult to adjust and move. The same thing also happened with the curvature tool when I updated my AI to the 2021 latest version.

    Windows 10
    Intel Core i5
    64-bit OS
    4GB RAM

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  17. キーボードショートカットの設定が機能しない

    キーボードショートカットの内、変形ー移動コマンドのショートカット Shift+Ctrl+Mキーが機能しない。ショートカットの設定ではこのように設定されている。他のショートカットは正しく機能しているようだ。

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  18. Cambio de color en fuentes de color.

    Diseñe una tipografía de color con Fontself con una paleta especifica y al instalarla en Illustrator no respeta los colores establecidos, solo cuando se agranda o se achica la caja de texto se pueden ver los colores reales, pero al soltar la caja como que los desatura y quedan así. Adjunto un video para que se entienda mejor. ¿Hay algún tipo de solución? Desde ya muchas gracias!

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  19. Artboard's anchor points not working as expected.

    Illustrator 25.4.1, Windows 10 Pro 21H1 build 19043.1110
    I am trying to set the size of the artboard to the dimensions of certain elements in the drawing.
    For this I would pick an anchor point of an artboard and align it with an anchorpoint of an object, smart guides and every necessary snap option is active.
    However, the result is that the artboard is always off.
    After trying for some time I found out that it's not the anchor point of the artboard that is aligned with the other anchor point, but the cursor. And the cursor is always a…

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  20. Font appears as boxes

    Windows 10 Home Edition
    Illustrator 2021

    I receive machine layouts created in AutoCad & saved as PDF. When i open them in Illustrator for corrections font appears as boxes. I have been managing so far by opening the PDF in CS3 & resaving.

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