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Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs

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  1. Fonts are not refreshed when right sided metrics are changed

    This issue happens in the context of editing the metrics of a font file multiple times (in order to view new metrics changes in realtime).

    Fonts will not always be refreshed to the latest version when overwriting a font file in the Adobe Fonts folder with a new updated version:

    • When a right sidebearing of a glyph is changed and the font regenerated, the font is NOT updated in Illustrator.

    • Whereas editing a left side bearing and regenerating the font will show the updated font with all edited metrics (both the new left & right sidebearings).

    Issue happens in all…

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    Thanks for reporting this issue.
    Unfortunately we are not able to reproduce this issue. Could you kindly provide the following information to help us nail this down.

    1) Kindly share both version of fonts at .
    2) Please mention the title of this issue as the subject of the mail with tag [UserVoice] and Uservoice link in subject of email.

    Ankit Goyal


    ever since the most recent updates, my illustrator has been crashing regularly. And worse file recovery has not recovered a single file. this is very wack. I have lost money re-doing things I already made and lost because of random crashes. Very Very disappointing and not encouraging me to continue using illustrator.

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  3. Why can't you make snap work again?

    I work with die cuts and i need precision. Don't remember from which version but illutrator sucks at snapping now. I mean all shapes i make get 20.001 or 19.999 and try using compound, it doesn't work! You can't draw with precision anymore.

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  4. Illustrator ignores variable font kerning

    As described. Illustrator is not interpolating kerning data. Using a font that works well on everything but Illustrator. Left is view in Chrome, right in Illustrator.

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    Need More Info  ·  Anish Kumar responded

    Hi Alex,

    Thanks for reporting this issue. Are you facing it with any specific font? Can you please share the details of the font and value of kerning that you applied in snapshot?


  5. Files missing text elements when opening in illustrator.

    Illustrator CC 24.0.1 windows.
    when i open files i recently saved they are missing half of the text elements.
    I can open the files in adobe acrobat and everything looks correct but when i open in illustrator its missing.

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  6. Eyedropper tool not showing correct colors sampled outside of Illustrator

    When I click and drag the eyedropper tool outside of Illustrator to sample a color from something else (a website, pdf document, etc.), the color isn't correctly picked up.
    For example, if I move the eyedropper over something orange, it shows in Illustrator as blue or black; even if I sample a large white space, it shows in Illustrator as a different color. It seems to only be showing sampled colors as white, neutral, black/gray, and shades of blue.
    The program is up-to-date.
    I tried it in two browsers, Chrome and Safari, and the results were the same in both. …

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    We have seen this issue specific to macOS 10.15. Enabling “Screen Recording” access right to Illustrator resolved this issue.

    You can change this setting by going to Apple > System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Screen Recording and add Illustrator Application.

    Please try this and reply in comment if the above suggestion worked for you.

    Illustrator Team

  7. pdf cannot be displayed

    Hi, Since update Illustrator 2020, when I save ai to pdf file, it cannot be displayed the thumbnail, and even use Acrobat open still can't see it. Please see attached.

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  8. Illustrator 202 Unable to Add Bleed Above 1” In Existing Document

    When making a new document we are now able to add bleed up to 24”.

    However when trying to add bleed to an existing document by going to File > Document Setup, it does not let you set bleed above 1”.

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  9. AI 24 freezes on startup (Mac OS Catalina)

    Illustrator 24 (2020) will not launch on my MacBook Pro Retina.

    1. I'm running Catalina 10.15.1 and Illustrator 2020.
    2. The applications is installed and launched
    3. I expect the app to open
    4. It freezes upon startup

    I had the same issue with InDesign 2020 freezing up (causing me to have to Force Quit the stalled app), but Photoshop 2020 did not have any issues.

    I was able to get InDesign 2020 to launch by restarting in Safe Mode, then disabling the "Show Home screen when no documents are open" Preference, then restarting normally.

    The bug seem related to not being able to…

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  10. In Adobe Illustrator Constrain Width and Height proportions doesnt work

    I don't know why but 'Constrain Width and Height proportions doesn't work
    in 'Transform' or 'Properties' panel

    Whenever I constrain and move the number up, it creates a weird number
    for example, if the shape is 60,60 and when I write down 70 on the height the width becomes 69.256 something like this

    so frustrating!!!!!!!!!

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  11. Ctrl+Tab does not work when Caps Lock is on

    When Caps Lock is on, the Ctrl+Tab shortcut for switching document windows does not work.

    When Caps Lock is off, the Ctrl+Tab shortcut works normally.

    I believe that this is not intentional behavior.
    All the computers in my studio are experiencing this problem, resetting preferences does not help.

    Windows 10 64bit (this problem was also present on Windows 8.1 64bit and older versions of Illustrator)
    Latest Illustrator version
    Intel i7 processor
    32 GB of RAM
    NVIDIA GTX graphics card

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  12. png file blurry after exporting file

    my illustartor file logo is very good but when i export that file in png jpeg it looks like blurry...please can help me

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  13. Thai language bug

    Thai font deleted or missing when create outline.
    Most of the time it happens to few or last fonts of the line.

    Macbook Pro 15"
    OS 10.14.6
    IllustratorCC version 23.0.4

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    Can you upgrade to latest release 23.0.6 and let us know if it fixes your issue. We had fixed a bug with similar description in 23.0.6


  14. Pathfinder bugs and artifacts

    Pathfinder distorts curves and these distortions create stray points and small vector artifacts when I "slice".

    This has been an issue from IL5 (pre-CS and pre-CC), when Pathfinder was first introduced.

    Until Adobe increased maximum magnification, it was hard to tell what was happening, but in CC I can clearly see that in Pathfinder, smooth curves distort. My guess is something analogous to mathematical rounding errors in defining the berzier curve.

    Sometimes, the distortion is very "squiggly", appears to be introducing the 'QuickDraw error (reported separately), and produces unusable results.

    While most of these errors and artifacts are essentially microscopic,…

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  15. BUG - Offset path preview remains in artwork even after cancel or tick off preview

    Hi. Since Illustrator 23 I have a very strange bug in the preview of offset path. When I select a shape and select offset path I get the dialog. In the dialog I can set the variables. if I then click ok all is well. But if I check preview I can see what the values I entered will do. So far so good. But then something strange happens. If I change a value I see the result in a preview, but I also see the first preview. The result is even added to the last preview path. And i…

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    I am happy to share that we have fixed this bug in our latest release – 24.2.0 which is available worldwide now.

    Going forward, our goal is to fix as many top User-Voice bugs as possible and as frequently as possible. Given the nature of the fixes, some of the bugs will take a longer time to fix, but we are on it.

    You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:

    Thank you for all the feedback. Keep it coming!

  16. Menu Bars dont hold. keep disappearing

    This is relaly frustrating. The Menu bars (all of them) keep disappearing when I click on them. By disappearing, I mean as if someone is pressing escape key. I cant select anything in the drop down, or have to move my mouse super quickly before the menu disappears :(

    Also, the keyboard shortcuts don't work. please help!

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  17. Hex Color vs Save

    Windows: 10.0.17763.557
    Illustrator: 23.0.3 (64-bit)
    Processor: Intel i7 8700k
    RAM: 16GB
    GPU: NVidia GTX970

    When I change the color of an object via hex code, Illustrator changes the color but does not detect that an edit has occurred to enable the save option.

    Step by step:
    1 - Create a new file in Illustrator in RGB mode.
    2 - Type M and create a rectangle.
    3 - Fill in the rectangle with any color.
    4 - Save and close the file.
    5 - Reopen the file.
    6 - Select the rectangle.
    7 - Press F6 to open the color panel.…

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  18. App unresponsive due to tour window

    MacOS Mojave, Late 2013 iMac

    This is probably a rare event, but it should never happen and if this "feature" behaved consistently with MacOS, it wouldn't ever happen:

    The other day I launched Illustrator, and immediately pushed the window down and out of the way so I could access multiple files on the desktop. I didn't realize this was the first time I'd launched Illustrator since an update, so a tour window had popped up, but since I had shoved the entire workspace window down right away, I couldn't see the tour window.

    What happened was that I attempted to…

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  19. crashes consistently

    Illustrator is crashing repeatedly with the latest update. I'm on a Mac with Mojave 10.14.5, my coworkers are on PC's and we're all crashing since the latest Illustrator update. No consistency to the tasks we are doing in ai to make it crash. Please fix!

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  20. Hang/Freeze when trying to open an Illustrator file with a placed PDF/Image

    1. MacOS High Sierra 10.13.6 and Illustrator 23.x.x
    2. Opening an Illustrator file. (It doesn't matter if Illustrator is already open or not.)
    3. The expected result is that the file will open as normal.
    4. Actual result is Illustrator hangs/freezes for upwards of 15-20 minutes before it will open the file.

    As i mentioned in the title, this only happens when I am trying to open an Illustrator file that has a placed PDF inside. Specifically they are Nutritional Facts panels or Supplement Facts panels that were built in InDesign and exported as PDFs. Then the PDFs are placed on product labels in…

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