Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs
When reporting a bug, please provide a detailed description with the following:
- Details of your operating system
- The version of Adobe Illustrator (desktop)
- The steps you were taking when you experienced the issues
- Your expected result and the actual result
- Upload your Illustrator file or a video (screen recording or gif, this helps us most to reproduce the issue and resolve it)
370 results found
Issues with changing tint by typing in % value and hitting Return key
Illustrator 2018 CC 22.0.1
Mac OS El Capitan 10.11.6As per video, after typing in a numerical value for a tint on a global colour in the Color Panel and hitting Return, the value defaults back to original value. In my video, it shows that it’s having issues with values of 50% and 100% but this occurs randomly and can happen with different tint values.
4 votesPlease get in touch with us at any of the other support channels – . Since this is not a generic issue that we can reproduce at our end, we will need someone to look into your machine to figure out what is going on here.
Conversion from CMYK to Grayscale is wrong
Converting CMYK values to Grayscale will not give the expected result. C=50 M=50 Y=50 K=50 converts to 100% Grayscale in a CMYK document.
The same C=50 M=50 Y=50 K=50 converted to R: 92 G: 81 B: 76
in an RGB document it converts to 67,16% Grayscale, which looks more like the expected Gray value.3 votes -
Pressing None button in tool Panel for mixed fill/stroke doesn’t work
If you have a selection with different fills and/or strokes, Ai will mark it with question marks in fill/color selector.
And if you want set it to None, you should be able to click the button below — but it doesn’t work.
But the same button in Color panel works, and the '/' hotkey works.
Please fix this.
3 votes -
Global colors used in a freeform gradient don’t get added into Swatches when it’s pasted into another document until the file is reopened
If you use global color swatches in the freeform gradient and copy to a new document, the global color doesn't get added to the swatches palette — you have to save and reopen the file for the swatch to appear.
macOS 10.14.6
Illustrator 24.2.13 votes -
Color preview
When I select an object I used to change the color and have a live preview before choosing it...why is not available anymore???
3 votesAccording to the team, there was an issue because of live color preview, and it had to be disabled in 27.6.1. The team is working on fixing the issue at the earliest, and then the live color feature would be in the release with the fix.
Ink value changes to 0 while adjusting color
When selecting multiple items with a different color mix, values changes to 0 when adjusting a single ink while it shouldn't change. In older versions this doesn't occur.
In the screencap, the Cyan value changes to 0 so the colormix changes completely.
Operation version: MacoOS Ventura 13.2.1
Version Illustator: 27.3.13 votesWe have fixed the issue and a build with the fix is available in Beta.
Win10 pro
Ver. 27.1.1
例えば、C:10,M:20,Y:30:K40とC50:M:60,Y:70,K:80の2つのオブジェクトを選択し、両方のYの値を90に同時に変更しようとした場合、CMKの3つの数値はキープされず勝手に0に変わってしまう。3 votes -
Cannot input color code in Websafe RGB
When i try to add the color code for R, G and B in websafe RGB scheme, as soon as i enter the value for R and move to G, both the fill and stroke becomes null. I can only enter the color code in the bottom text area which has the entire code
3 votes -
Color mode changing issue (Grayscale mode)
We are using Adobe Illustrator CS6 & CC22, for image color conversion.
Input: Figures in RGB mode & color RGB
Output: Figures in CMYK mode & color GrayscaleManual Process:
When we change color mode manually by following below step, then no issues color mode was changed successfully:Step 1:Select Image.
Step 2:Go to File Menu -> In Document Color Mode Select RGB Color.
Step 3:Go to Edit Menu -> Edit Colors Select Convert to GrayScale.
Step 4:Go to File Menu -> In Document Color Mode Select CMYK Color.Now our output images will be in CMYK mode &…
3 votes -
Creating a new swatch group from selection adds swatches that aren't used anywhere.
At the end of a project, I like to select everything on an artboard and create a swatch group with "Convert Process to Global" checked in order to clean up my swatches and make final global tweaks to color.
Often a handful of swatches will be added that aren't apparently used anywhere. I can verify this by selecting the swatch as a fill or stroke, then choosing Select > Same Fill (or Stroke) color. Nothing will be selected for either option. So is this a glitch, or how else can I find and delete the source of the swatch?
3 votes -
Fehlendes abspeicher neuer farbfelder
Kann keine neuen Farbfelder abspeichern, geschweige denn sie in der Bibliothek unterzubringen, noch die Standardfarben zu löschen… Wäre schön wenn man das über ein plussymbol hinbekommen könnte… plus neuen Farbenamen als Kategorie in die man die neuen Farbfelder speichern kann und beim antippen der Kategorie die Möglichkeit in Bibliothek zu speichern…
3 votes -
copy and paste random color change
1.macbook pro 2021, big sur 11.4
2. version 25.3.1within the same file, when I copy and paste an element, the fill is changing. the same issue does not occur when option dragging the drawing. it happens repeatedly. The fill that is changing is a colored pattern fill. It has happened with all "original" colorations (ie it does not only happen when using the light blue fill like in the movie. but they all change to the same yellow fill like in the movie.)
3 votes -
Colour code changing Illustrator 25.4 BUG!
When I put in a number on R G B example R88 G122 B27, it changes but then when I select another object and go back to double check the other object the colour has changed back to something else. See screen shot. I saved the colour in the pallete. The colour should have the same values as the name I want R88, G122, B27 but its value is different, its giving me a different colour value.
My colour setting are see screen shot
3 votesHi,
Thanks for reporting this issue.
We are able to reproduce this issue and investigating it further.Regards
Ankit Goyal -
Saved swatches from previous version doesn't look the same
I've made a custom palette in an earlier version of Illustrator. Now importing these swatches into new documents the swatches and codes are vastly different - both cmyk and rgb swatches has been altered.
On reference picture - left side colors are original swatch colors, right side is the imported swatches. Also attaching the correct color codes.
What happened? How do I fix this?
MacOS Big Sur 11.4
Problem noticed in AI 25.2.33 votes -
RGB colors appear differently in identical file setup
I have created color codes in one document and brought them into another (with the exact same RGB setup) and the color breakdowns change to look the same. This is a problem because if I am sharing the RGB breakdowns with others, some of the colors appear much duller. I have noticed that something changes when an image is brought in from an external source sometimes. This is becoming a big issue across our team.
3 votes -
Bug: Swatch Conflict Dialog, Apply to All checkbox not working
After checking the Apply to all checkbox when I get a swatch conflict, the box keeps popping up with more conflicts. Esc key doesn't end it. Haven't seen this before v25.
Mac OS 10.15.73 votes -
Colors Being Displayed Differently than in Color Picker
I just decided to update to AI 2021, bad idea... I was working on a file and I realized that the color had changed from the original dark blue to a purple color. I do not know what happened, but I know it must have to do with the update because it happened right after this.
3 votes -
document color mode
Document Color mode switching automatically to "Emulate Adobe Illustrator 6.0" every time I switch windows.
3 votes -
Illustrator automatically changing colors
When you place image (RGB) into Illustrator it would preserve the color profile. Now it changes it automatically and this seems to be a common problem if you search the internet. Fix it as it makes this program far less useful.
3 votes -
Pattern Seam issues with Adobe Capture patterns
when using adobe capture patterns there is a transparent seam in the pattern, I am able to remove the seam by change the width of the pattern but its only a temporary fix as soon as I change the pattern the seam comes back. This issue only seams to happen in illustrator, because when I use the same patterns in photoshop there is no gap between patterns
Steps to replicate:
- use adobe capture to create a pattern.
- create a shape in illustrator
open the libraries tab and insert the pattern
where lines/ spaces appear in-between the patterngo to pattern…
3 votes
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