Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs
When reporting a bug, please provide a detailed description with the following:
- Details of your operating system
- The version of Adobe Illustrator (desktop)
- The steps you were taking when you experienced the issues
- Your expected result and the actual result
- Upload your Illustrator file or a video (screen recording or gif, this helps us most to reproduce the issue and resolve it)
7715 results found
Text läuft über Textrahmenbegrenzung
Text sollte im Textrahmen bleiben und nicht darüberhinaus gehen.
2 votes -
Illustrator crash and spikes GPU (3080ti) requesting more VRAM than usual error code 6 with pid=263
Details of your operating system: Windows 11 Pro Version 10.0.22000
The version of Adobe Illustrator (desktop) : 26.5
I work with high-amount data content and AI keeps crashing randomly, on a stable high end station with 12900k, 32GB of RAM and a 3080ti.To reproduce the issue:
I work with these rather heavier files up to a point
the whole PC stalls and freezes, (inclusively desktop and any app), mouse can't be moved, no input can be taken.
After a few seconds or 1+ minute, i hear the sound stuttering (if i was playing music during the crash)
then…2 votes -
Tool icons color are with black instead of normal
Icons such as colors, text, etc. are not the default color, it is black, I can't see which tool I'm using, how to solve this?
2 votes -
2 votes簑原圭介 様
Illustrator デスクトップ版をいつもご利用いただき誠にありがとうございます。
Document grid with dots fails to render clean pixels. GPU/CPU rendering differs.
The dotted document grid renders differently between CPU and GPU modes. None of the alternatives renders perfect pixels in the selected grid color.
CPU renders vertically lighter smeared dots.
GPU renders horizontally smeared dots.See attached screenshots.
This may relate to another bug report i've posted: votes -
Leading not Displaying Correctly
Leading is not displaying properly in either the Character panel or in the Properties panel. Instead of showing the correct leading, Illustrator is showing the Auto value.
Changing between the text, selection or direct selection tools does not solve the problem.
2 votes -
Illustrator don't work after Mac OS update
I'm using mac mini m1 with the latest Ai CC update (26.4.1). But after the OS update (12.5.1) I can't get Ai to work, it stuck at startup screen, cant click to any menu or button (video included). I had to roll back to 25.1 (intel) version to continue my works. What should I do?
2 votes -
Selection and Direct selection tool behaviour errors
The issues have to do with what items are selected, and which properties are displayed in panels (appearance and attributes) when using the selection tool and the direct selection tool on various configurations of item.
Please see the attached AI file for a thorough QA breakdown of this issue (s).
The most impactful error can be seen when using the Direct Selection tool on an item(path or text) in a group which contains only that one single item.
The expected behaviour should be the same as for any other usage of the direct select tool: it selects the item within…
2 votes -
GPU renderer fails on complex appearance stacks involving Knockout Group
I have an appearance stack that uses a scatter brush at 0% opacity to knockout parts of the underlying fill, thanks to Knockout Group being checked on this object.
It does not seem to work on the GPU renderer.
Some experimentation suggests that it does work if I shift the overall object's transparency from Hard Light to Normal. I haven't tried other opacity modes.
I have included a file with an example path, as well as screengrabs of how it renders on the CPU and GPU previews, and the data given by the "system info" button in the Performance pane…
2 votes -
pathfinder - unexpected behaviour inside script
when I select two compound paths and subtract, I get a fully selected group.
If I create an action consisting of just the pathfinder operation and run it from the actions panel, the result is identical.
If I call this action from extendscript, the group sometimes is only partially selected. - and the following steps produce unexpected results :(
It turns out that adding an extra object.selected = true can help.
I observed this in 2022 edition, I have the impression that this did not happen in 2020 edition2 votes -
Bug fix: The odd placed linked image changing size or position or both, on opening.
The odd placed linked image changing size or position or both, on opening.
2 votes -
Coordinates not showing in Overprint Preview
On Intel Macs running Monterey (Issue does not appear to happen on Apple Silicon Macs), with the GPU Performance turned off the coordinates do not show when dragging an anchor point. If GPU Performance is turned on it does work but only in Outline View.
Steps to Reproduce
1. Create blank file, have GPU Performance turned off
2. Drag to create a new square object
3. Turn GPU Performance on and change to Outline View
4. Drag to create a new square object (Coordinates now show in Outline View)
5. Change to Overprint Preview
6. Drag to create a new…2 votes -
Circular Text Rotation different on newest update.
Opening a file with perfectly centered text on a circle is now off center. Live rotating seems to make the text hop around the circle not conforming to the rotation.
2 votes -
Changement de couleur à la réouverture de de mon fichier
Bonjour, depuis 2 ou 3 jours, à chaque fois que j'ouvre un fichier mes image en PNG sont comme en "négatif" ou avec un fond jaune. Pas toute les images c'est aléatoire.
Je suis sur Macbook pro m1 13" de 2020. Ma version Illustrator est 26.3.1
2 votes -
Rearrange artboard does not work with large artboards...
Having an issue with the Rearrange All Artboards feature when using very large art boards. See attached screenshot. Two artboards, one 6x16ft and one 3x9ft. Rearrange All Artboards using columns only seem to give an error of: "Rearrangement would take some artboards out of canvas bounds." even though the artboard could be arranged manually with the same settings.
Unrelated: Can you PLEASE allow uploading of videos again (specifically webm). It really helps when trying to communicate bugs and feature requests).
2 votes -
Adobe illustrator 2021 ver 25.4.6
Adobe illustrator 2022 ver 26.3.1autocadで作成したdwgをイラストレーターで開いた
ブロックが配置されている画層にデータができてほしかった ・・・添付ファイル25.png
Adobe illustrator 2021 ver 25.4.6 実行時ブロック作成時の画層でデータができてしまった ・・・添付ファイル26.png
Adobe illustrator 2022 ver 26.3.1実行時
illustrator 2022 ver 26.0.3 では3.の結果になってくれた
2 votesfeng ren 様
Illustrator 2022 ver 26.0.3をお使いの上で、期待された表示結果が得られたとのことでしょうか。
Small objects rotating instead of scaling when grabbing corners of bounding box
New laptop has forced me over to Win11 & the latest suite. Illustrator 26.3.1
When trying to grab small objects by their corners to scale, it rotates.
Expected result - Being able to scale!
Actual Result - Rotating, immediately putting the object at 45 degrees.An old thread from 2018 ("Rotate vs scale") claims this may have something to do with scaling on high res monitors but was marked solved without being solved. This new laptop has a 4k screen.
If you hover the cursor juuuust inside the corner it works, but anything outside and it's forcing rotation.
If I…
2 votes -
Recolor artwork using scripting
Please add the recolor artwork functionality to the scripting DOM. We need this.
2 votes -
Scripting Issue on MacOS Monterey
We had this script for Illustrator that will export PDF and images with predefined presets. This was working until some of our team upgraded their macOS to Monterey.
When they tried to run the script it will create a PDF and images with different file names, we are expecting that it will have the same file name from the AI file.
AI File:
Exported Files:
- 0202-MVP-3-THUMBNAIL.png
- 0202-MVP-3-FULL.png
- 0202-MVP-3.pdfACTUAL RESULT:
AI File:
Exported Files:
- ai1655486566390202-MVP-3-THUMBNAIL.png
- ai1655486566390202-MVP-3-FULL.png
- ai165548656639_0202-MVP-3.pdfOperating System: MacOS Monterey 12.4
Adobe Illustrator: Adobe Illustrator 2022Object…
2 votes -
Properties panel interface spacing bug
The Properties panel is displayed with extra spaces between all the fields,
it's to the point where you have to scroll down to view the quick actions.I tried resetting preferences and reinstalling yet it's still showing in the same way.
I'm trying zooming in and out on the panel with Ctrl + mouse wheel but it doesn't seem to work.
Here are some screenshots of the Properties panel
Any proposition to find a solution to this annoying interface bug is welcome.
Thank you
2 votes
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