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Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs

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7796 results found

  1. テキストを変形でサイズ合わしたい(バグ)


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    Under Review  ·  PCM Maro responded

    Illustrator 製品版フィードバックへのご協力ありがとうございます。


    • 環境設定の「プレビュー境界を使用」が有効の場合、特定の効果が適用されているポイントテキストオブジェクトを変形パネルの幅(高さ)サイズフィールドで縦横比固定でリサイズすると、文字が正しくリサイズされない。
    • 文字パネルのフォントサイズでリサイズする場合は、正しく演算される。
    • 環境設定の「プレビュー境界を使用」が無効の場合は、特に問題は発生しない。




    Illustrator チーム

  2. 行頭禁則文字に関わる和欧文間隔をカスタマイズ可能に!

    ※添付ファイルをご参照くださいませ(macOS Catalina上のCC2021にて作成)。





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  3. Disable SHIFT + SPACE Keyboard Shortcut for Rotate Canvas

    A SHIFT+ SPACE keyboard shortcut for the rotate canvas tool was introduced in a minor version update of Ai 25 (sometime after 25.2.1). This keyboard shortcut is very disruptive when trying to make selections while panning around the artboard. For example, you used to be able to continually hold down the SHIFT and SPACE keys to pan around the artboard while quickly dragging the cursor around points or objects to add them to your selection. With the new rotate canvas shortcut, you have to carefully press SHIFT, make your first selection, release SHIFT, press SPACE to to pan, release, press…

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  4. TIFF形式で書き出す時に日本語でファイル名をつけるとTIFFファイルのレイヤー名が文字化けする

    Illustrator ver25.3.1 ja_JP/Macintosh





    C630 B930 C830 2D00 3100

    C900 6500 C900 5800 C900 6700 2D00 3100


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    ご報告いただいた「日本語ファイル名で書き出した TIFF ファイルのレイヤー名が文字化け」問題を修正した、Illustrator 2021(ver.25.4.1)を一般リリースいたしました。

    Creative Cloud デスクトップアプリケーションから、製品版のアップデートが可能となっておりますので、動作をお確かめください。



    Illustrator チーム

  5. 合成フォントが保存出来ません

    1. Illustrator 25.2.1
    2. 合成フォントを新規作成して保存をクリック
    3. 保存される
    4. クリックしても反応しないので保存が出来ない
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  6. Illustrator GPU performance | Driver updates

    Using Illustrator V25.1
    GPU Details
    Vendor: Intel
    Device: Intel(R) Iris(R) XE Graphics
    WIndows 10
    Keeps crashing, suggestion for the fix from Adobe is to check and update drivers. I have followed the instructions and updated the drivers using Adobe instructions. Illustrator is still crashing and Adobe is still suggesting the same fix. Have double checked graphics driver is up-to-date and Intel confirms that it is.

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    6 comments  ·  Performance  ·  Admin →
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  7. Empty / Blank Home Screen

    When I open Adobe Illustrator, NOTHING shows up on my home screen. The only thing I can do is create "New From Template." I've reinstalled the app, but the bug still persists. Please help ASAP.

    Attached is a screenshot of the bug.

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  8. Scaling an illustration with grouped guides, the guides do not scale anymore with (V) tool CC2020

    This morning it worked fine but this evening it didn't work anymore. I reinstalled illustrator CC2020 twice. Please can you fix this problem? It is not about CMND+SHIFT+B and I don't want to use the (S) Scale tool. So please can you fix this problem asap.

    Thank you

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  9. Performance on MacOS

    Currently MacOS version still slow, zooming slow , it's memory hog. it need to use Apple Metal GPU API. Illustrator is heavy. They need to improve the performance. Listen to the users.

    like MacBook Air it runs slow and laggy.

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  10. Not Loading Other Tabs

    When having multiple tabs open, Illustrator will not show the other art when switching to a different tab. Ex. Document 1 and Document 2 are open and I have been working in Document 1 for a while. When switching to Document 2 tab, the art for Document 1 still shows and does not switch to the other tab. I can pull Document 2 tab off into it's own window and it will show, but once placing it back into the interface, it goes back to only showing Document 1. This happens multiple times a day and is causing me to…

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  11. Text with missing fonts do not always highlight

    Even though "Highlight Substitute Fonts" is enabled in Preferences, text is not always highlighted when a font is missing. Expected behavior is for text with missing fonts to be highlighted in pink when this feature is enabled.

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  12. Fix NO handles on shapes

    Shapes created with shape tools do NOT have corner rotate options available anymore.

    I'm really starting to look into Corel Draw or really any other program just so I don't loose more work DAYS trying to figure out the latest friggin bug release - not seeing a lot of improvements just bugs.

    How about you just leave things alone for a while and focus on quality and reliability.
    That'd be nice.

    Adobe is making itself pointless and overly expensive with lost productivity.

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  13. Saving error Adobe Illustrator 2020 [24.0.1]

    When saving an existing ai document that I have made an alt to illustrator keeps giving me a save error.

    Illustrator tried, but could not save the file 'file name' Click "Learn more" to try alternate options for saving a file.

    If I then use the 'save as' command and save over the top of the existing ai it will save. Illustrator leaves a .tmp file in the same folder as my ai. I may work on the file a few more time re-saving using the 'save' command with no issue and then randomly I will save and we go…

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  14. Recent file history missing on app launch

    Since updating to the latest version, on starting Illustrator I just get the "start a new file fast" section but no recent file history icons.

    Once I've opened and then closed a file the app returns to the home screen and then my recent history is showing but the Start A New File Fast bit has gone.

    Once I close illustrator down and re-open it the history disappears again :(

    Using Illustrator v24 via a Creative Cloud Suite account on Windows 10. I've tried uninstalling, rebooting and re-installing. No change.

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  15. A blank white popup window opens over a file when opening.

    Closing the window gets it out of the way & I can continue. It only happens the first time I launch AI and then open a file.

    I'm on a 2016 MacBook Pro running Catalina & Illustrator 24.0.
    Screenshot attached.

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  16. 'Fit to Artwork Bounds' doesn't work in action command

    Illustrator 2020 won't crop the artboard to the illustration limit with an action.

    I need to make an action which:
    - Selects all
    - Object > Artboards > Fit to Artwork Bounds
    Not implemented.

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  17. 24.0 crash

    Positive: when it does crash files are recovered,
    negative it does crash often... at least once or twice per day.

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  18. AI 2020 (v24) fails to open - error loading plugins

    Illustrator 2020 (v24) crashes on launch. I am running it on an iMac running under OS 10.14.6.

    I attempted to open Illustrator by clicking the Open button within the Creative Cloud launch window and by double-clicking the AI app within the application folder. Both launches resulted in the following error being reported, then the application failed to open:

    Error loading plugins.

    Attached is a copy of the error report that I sent to Apple.

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  19. Workspaces can’t be switched, managed, or saved

    NONE of my pallets/Windows opened into the application. When I try to switch to built-in or custom Workspaces, nothing changes. The Workspace STAYS selected as my previously-selected Workspace and none show up. If I manually go look at the Windows in the menu, none are open and I can MANUALLY open them and move them around... "Manage Workspaces" and "New Workspace" are disabled (Gray) and no matter what I do, I cannot change or override. I have quit/relaunched numerous times - same results.

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  20. UI freezes, then crashes. Can't save.

    Last version is pretty unstable. Can't work with it, crashed several times since the update i made this morning. While working, UI freezes (but some tools are still availaible via keyboard shortcut), then crashes without message. Can't save when UI is freezed.

    I'm going back to the previous version. Aren't you ashamed that EVERY TIME we update, softs become unusable for professionnal purpose?

    Ho, and when will get ******' keyboard shortcut to rename layers? Is it in the current update at last?

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