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Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs

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7797 results found

  1. All Dialog Boxes Open Behind App

    This is happening more and more, and usually when first opening the application. If some dialog box, typically a warning or something, pops up but for some reason then gets pushed behind or hidden by the main app window, there is no way to get back to it and no way for the app to function. Trying to click on ANY part of the app just gets the "no - beep", the sound that plays when you are trying to do something but something else has to happen first... like if a warning box pops up and you try to…

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  2. Overprint test error bug

    1. Create a text box, on a colour background.
    2. Make some of the text a colour, some black.

    The black does not overprint, it reverses ("knocks") out of other text in the same box reverses out (becuase it's colour or white).

    If you fix this by making the black text multiply, on reopening the file, it has reverted to reversing out.

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  3. Slow response time

    I have been using a my 2014 Macbook Pro with no problems using Adobe Illustrator. However I recently switched over to a PC i7-6850K CPU and two EVGA 1080 GFX cards. And I find that when I use AI after about 1 hour it starts to seriously lag... getting worse as time goes on. The only way I have been able to temporarily resolve this is to close AI entirely and then re-open the program.

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  4. With "Snap to Point" on, the cursor doesn't change colour to indicate a snap to anchor will occur

    I just switched to AI 2017 from AI 2015 and i'm noticing this straight away. In preview mode and artwork modes. Turning on Smart Guides helps in some situations but in other cases it fails to identify a Snap when an anchor is around. Snap to Point should work independently of Smart Guides anyhow.

    Massively annoying.

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  5. Bounding box is incorrectly displayed on multiple highdpi displays

    When using multiple monitors with different Hi-DPI settings on Windows OS, the bounding box for the selected item is sometimes displayed incorrectly.
    I work on a dual display setup: my primary monitor is a 15.6inch 4K display @ 200% DPI scaling settings, and my second monitor is 24inch 2560*1440 display @ 125% DPI scaling.
    When working on a larger second monitor, the bounding box for a selected item is displayed at an incorrect position, which makes the work very difficult.

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  6. Not enough memory

    Have issues with CC 2017 (latest version) not being able to action things as not enough memory. Seems to be that 2GB limit that Ai imposes as my system has 64GB installed with at least 40GB free to use. The programme is also incredibly slow with anything complex. I reinstalled CS6 version, and that works faultlessly and fast with the same files, with no hesitation at all! It's at least 20x times faster than current Ai. I'm on a powerful Mac Pro with Sierra 10.12.6 and an NVIDIA 4GB GTX 970 graphics card. I have disabled GPU use as it…

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  7. [PARM] error?

    I have Windows 7, 64bit, running Illustrator CC and all of a sudden today I am not able to use the text tool and when I try to use the select tool on certain areas of the file the error message comes up that I attached to this.

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  8. Can't change size of stroke

    Can't change size of stroke

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  9. Blob Brush strokes often include garbage on turns

    What is wrong with Blob Brush. Even with simplest strokes I often get groups, and these have the main part and tiny pieces of garbage next to it in them.
    Sometimes these are thinnest slivers, sometimes knotted madness, sometimes chunks chomped off...
    If I run simple Pathfinder Add, some of this get 'healed'. Why don’t you do at least this? Why these awfully angular turns and garbled edges happen in the first place? Please study the file.

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  10. Properties Panel Content Missing in Illustrator v29.3

    Description of the Issue:

    After upgrading to Illustrator v29.3, the Properties panel no longer displays its full content. For example, when selecting a rectangle, the panel only shows "Rectangle" and "Quick Actions," while other expected options are missing. This issue persists even after clearing the cache, resetting preferences, and restarting the application.

    I downgraded to v29.2.1, and the Properties panel worked as expected. However, when I upgraded back to v29.3, the issue reappeared, confirming that this is specific to the v29.3 update.

    System Information:

    • Operating System: macOS 15.3.1
    • Adobe Illustrator Version: v29.3

    Steps to Reproduce:

    • Upgrade to Illustrator v29.3.
    • Open…
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  11. Auto Spell Check is splitting words causing false highlights.

    The false highlights are making editing a typo impossible. See attached example.

    MacOS 15.3.1
    Illustrator 29.3

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  12. Eyedropper picks the color of the antialiased edge of a stroke blended with the background instead of the actual stroke color

    Eyedropper requires a ton of precision when picking a color of s stroke.

    Watch the GIF.
    Here I have violet and green lines, drawn above a raster image.

    I’ve mistaken and used green color instead of violet, and now I want to pick it from the existing line.

    I click, precise enough (I hope), but the color picked — the almost correct violet (C74,95 M74,61 — instead of the global 75-75) — is not in the background at all. It’s a BLENDED color of the RENDERED anti-aliased EDGE of the stroke! So Ai secretly rasterizes what it sees and then…

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  13. フォントの検索と置換パネルで表示用に埋め込まれたフォントをアクティベート出来ない

    macOS14.7.2/27inch iMac/i5/32GB/1TB
    Illustrator ver.29.3





    Step to Reproduce
    1. Open a new document, type in any text and specify a font (activated from Adobe Fonts).
    2. Check the "Embed permitted fonts for file preview" checkbox, save and close the file.
    3. Uninstall the specified fonts.
    4. Open the previous document in Illustrator.
    5. Close the "Missing Fonts" dialog that appears first.
    6. Select the menu item "Type > Find/Replace Fonts...".
    7. The additional checkboxes for fonts embedded for display are grayed out and cannot be checked.


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  14. Javacript locking embeded image

    In Illustrator 29.1 this script worked just fine. I place an image, move it, name it, lock it and embed it. But in 29.3 this code gives an error message: It says that it cannot operate on a locked layer, BUT it still locks the placed item. If I move the lock to after the embed, the lock does not happen. So this code no longer works in 29.3.

    I think its weird in 29.1 that you were allowed to lock the placeditem before you embed it, but it doesn't work if you lock it afterwards.

    We are using macos…

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  15. Only one pattern fill of many gets scaled when Transform Object option is disabled in the Scale dialog

    Take a look at the attached file and watch the GIF.

    I have an object with two pattern fills assigned, and I want to scale them both at once, but to leave the object unscaled.

    But when I call Scale dialog and uncheck 'Transform Object' option — only one of two fills gets scaled — the currently chosen one in the Appearance panel (despite my attempt to pick 'Path' there to somehow make my intention clear).

    Fill/Stroke Selector also displays the affected fill — and I surely understand it can’t have both. But what can we do to make it…

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  16. Radial gradient not properly centered on some objects.

    Radial gradient should be centered on object's center, not on it's bounding box. It is possible to move the gradeint's start point and to scale the endpoint circle, but there is no way to move the center of the endpoint circle.

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  17. Illustrator Images Move when opening file

    It's the third time Illustrator has done this. I was busy with a file that has text and images for a banner design. I saved the file, and when I reopened it, all the images had moved up. I thought it would be a one-time thing, but opening a file and having to move images back to where they were on big files is really time-consuming. I have no idea why it does this.

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  18. 3 votes

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  19. 画像トレースのパスが粗すぎる


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  20. Conversion from CMYK to Grayscale is wrong

    Converting CMYK values to Grayscale will not give the expected result. C=50 M=50 Y=50 K=50 converts to 100% Grayscale in a CMYK document.
    The same C=50 M=50 Y=50 K=50 converted to R: 92 G: 81 B: 76
    in an RGB document it converts to 67,16% Grayscale, which looks more like the expected Gray value.

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