Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs
When reporting a bug, please provide a detailed description with the following:
- Details of your operating system
- The version of Adobe Illustrator (desktop)
- The steps you were taking when you experienced the issues
- Your expected result and the actual result
- Upload your Illustrator file or a video (screen recording or gif, this helps us most to reproduce the issue and resolve it)
118 results found
Embeded icon not showing in the links panel
Illustrator 26.0.1/ macOS Big SUR 11.6.1
The icon for embeded images (like in illustrator 2021) in the links panel it's not showing anything, it's blank.9 votes -
Linked PDFs resizing when pasted
If you open a multi page PDF in Illustrator and then copy and paste it either into the same document or a different one, it changes from cropping to the bounding box to whatever was specified last in the File/Place options dialogue box and scales up or down to fit the same space.
If I place a file (any file) and specify cropping to Bounding Box, and then open the same multi page PDF as before, the problem does not occur. It appears that by opening a multi page PDF it crops to bounding box but by copying and pasting…
3 votes -
1,macos10.15.7 Illustrator26.0 PhotoshopEPS形式画像を配置すると指定したサイズにならない psd形式は問題ない
この現象は、以前のバージョン CC2021までは発生しませんでした。
Windowsでは未確認です。2 votesIllustrator 製品版フィードバックにご協力いただきありがとうございます。
ご報告いただいた「PhotoshopEPS 画像を配置するとサイズが大きくなる」という現象ですが、再現できませんでした。
Photoshop の画像解像度ダイアログで「幅、高さ、解像度」が同じデータを各種画像形式で保存し、Illustrator 2022 に配置した場合は、同じサイズで読み込まれています。
1. Illustrator 2022 では、全ての Photoshop EPS 画像ファイルで同じ現象が再現しますか? (リンク、埋め込み)
2. Illustrator 2021 で新規ドキュメントを作成し、同じデータを配置しても問題ありませんか?
3. 各画像データを Photoshop で開いて画像解像度ダイアログで確認しても、同じサイズ設定ですか?
4. 確認しても「幅、高さ、解像度」が同じ画像データにも関わらず、やはり Illustrator への配置サイズが変わってしまうようでしたら、問題のデータを検証用にご提供いただけますか?
Illustrator チーム
1 Windows 10 Pro バージョン20H2/プロセッサ Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10875H CPU @ 2.30GHz/実装RAM 32.0 GB (31.8 GB 使用可能)/64 ビット オペレーティング システム、x64 ベース プロセッサ
2 Illustrator2021で作成したデータを2022(最新版)で開き、デザインのバリエーションの作成を行おうとした。配置されている画像は2つ。うち1点の差し替えを行った。(Photoshopデータのリンクを変更)。差し替えた画像の大きさを変更するため、リサイズを行ったところ、アプリケーションがクラッシュ。復元データにより、1つ前の手順まではデータが残っており、作業の続行ができた。が、再び同じ作業(配置画像のリサイズ)でクラッシュ。
3 続行したデータを開き直し、もう一度作業のやり直しをしようと思った。
4 2つのリンク画像が消失した。『「」というリンクファイルが見つかりません』というアラートが繰り返し出る(「」というファイル名をつけたことはない)。エラーの起きていなかった配置画像も消失し、リンク情報そのものが消えてしまった。
5 エラーの起きたデータを添付します。確認のため、開き直しているので日付がエラーの起きた当時のものではなく、本日のものに書き換わっているようですが、保存はせずに閉じています。2 votesIllustrator 製品版フィードバックにご協力いただきありがとうございます。
日本語担当の PCM Maro です。
また、クラッシュの再現手順が明確であるような場合は、こちらの UserVoice にご登録ください。こちらのレポートは対応終了とさせていただきますが、コメントはオープンしておきますので、追加情報があるような場合は、コメントをお寄せください。
Illustrator チーム
macOS Big Sur ver.11.5.2 Illustrator ver.25.3.1 M1Universal
intele MacでパッケージをしたデータをIllustrator ver.25.3.1 M1Universalで開くと画像のリンクが全て外れます。
改善策をおしえてください。3 votes -
PARM error with embedded image
iMac OS Catalina 10.15.7
Adobe Illustrator 25.4.1I get an PARM error when selecting an embedded image and clicking the "Edición" menu (Edit in spanish).
After clicking the OK button I can then access all the "Edit" menu options as usual.Please fix this annoying behaviour.
Guille5 votes -
Placed images vanish
When system (Windows) crashes with Illustrator open, any placed or linked images are missing in the recovery file, thus rendering it unusable.
Warning appears, asking me to relink " " file (even if the linked file has a name), which I can't do due to missing information. Link palette is not displaying any information on what file it was either.
I have never seen this bug before, but it has happened the last two times for me, and is very unfortunate.Windows 10 Enterprise
Illustrator CC 25.2.12 votes -
The operation cannot complete because of an unknown error [PARM]
Illustrator 25.4.1
macOS Big Sur 11.5.2- Launch Illustrator.
- New Project.
- Add shapes, or text.
- Select all.
- Rasterize.
- Click Object to reach Trace.
Tested on a New Admin User with the same result.
Safe Mode
Recovery Mode/Disk Utility/First Aid
Tried with different project files and formats (.ai, .pdf) with the same problem.4 votes -
Illustrator v 25.3.1 on Mac Big Sur 11.4 Drag n drop multiple photos not dropping
Adobe support support recommended I post here. When dragging multiple images from Photos, it grabs all images, but only drops 1 image. Copy and paste doesn't work either.
2 votes -
Placed image was resized automatically
I had encounter the issue where the aspect ratio (heights and width) of the placed images .psd was changed when the same file was reopen.
As attached, 1.png was the originally placed image size.
After the file was closed and reopen, the aspect ration of the image changed as shown in 2.pngPlease note that the original image was not edited in any way.
2 votes -
Images get randomly cropped from unwanted sides with Crop Image
Currently when you wish to crop an embedded or linked image, clicking the crop button makes the cropping interface appear over the image.
When this happens, illustrator has already applied some (seemingly random) degree of cropping to the image.
This is super annoying if you only want to crop one edge of the image as you have to return the other three edges to the uncropped position.
Also if you are zoomed in so far as to not be able to see all the edges of the image, you crop the edge you are looking at without realising illustrator automatically…
9 votesAs per the comment, the random crop is caused by Enable Content Aware Defaults option in Preferences > General. Turn it off disable auto-suggesting weird crops.
As for the white lines, this a separate problem, now merged into separate report:
Please upvote it.
Cannot place a bitmap TIFF into Illustrator (24.3 or 25.2)
MacOS Catalina 10.15.4
AI 24.3, 25.2I am unable to place any bitmap TIFF into the two latest versions of Illustrator. I tried two different versions of the file at two different dimensions and file-sizes.
I get the dialogue: "Illustrator could not read the file [Filename]. Try replacing this with another valid link.
I have never had this issue before. I tried a workaround wherein I open the TIFF directly in AI, and then copy/paste to my target file. However, the file is embedded and for large format work, this is not an acceptable workflow.
Please help. TIA
2 votes -
Shift+Alt drag to duplicate in CC 2021 makes a duplicated image invisible
When using Shift and Alt to drag to duplicate, the image to be duplicated does not stay visible. Therefore I cannot see up to where I want to drag and then duplicate. Used to work on previous versions, but somehow since upgrading, it doesn't work. Not sure if it is a setting that I must change?
1 vote -
1 bit TIFF files still importing inverted after all these years
It's been a while since I needed to import a 1 bit tiff file into Illustrator (maybe two years?) And I was so surprised to see this problem still occurs even in version 24.0.3
Does anyone know a fix bedside inverting it in Photoshop before importing it?
This is a no go, because when people open the file who aren't experiencing the the problem, it's wrong again.3 votes -
Profile of the document changes when a screenshot with P3 display (AI 24.3) is drag & dropped on Mac
Take a screenshot (Command-Shift-4) and select the area. Drag in the image from its preview into an Ai open document with color settings: North American Web with the monitor profile preset to sRGB. Upon dropping the file into the canvas, the monitor profile becomes "Monitor" automatically. All the colors change visually with no warning presented.
33 votes -
Cannot relink the image
In the adobe illustrator app, I tried to relink the image but it didn't work, as shown in the videos I posted below. Can you solve this bug, please?
Thank you
3 votes -
Can't drag and drop an image from a folder on canvas
I can not drag photo from my PC folder to Illustrator. Dragging is done only on the folder page. I can not continue dragging on illustrator. Can anybody help me find the way? Thanks.
1 vote -
Illustrator links are broken upon document recovery
After suffering through terrible support through the chat in Adobe Admin Console (basically just telling me that I'm wrong), I've been redirected here.
Here's the bug:
In Illustrator 24.1.X, all links will be broken when you try to open a recovered document. This does not happen in 24.0.X
How to reproduce:
Create an AI File
Link a png from the 'Links' folder next to it
Save it
Make an edit and let it Auto Save
Force Close AI
Open the 'recovered' file when it asks me
You are met with this:
'Could not find a plug-in to read the linked…
7 votes -
Image Trace Bug?
Every single image I trace and expand causes this effect. Is there a way to get rid of it?
2 votes -
Image trace distorts the image
Image trace creates a transparent line around the image so when added to swatches, the image doesn't go together. There is a transparent line around the swatch
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?