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Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs

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7715 results found

  1. File saving on network issue.

    Using current Illustrator v27..3.1 and files on our Windows network are saving as temp files rather than existing AI files.
    This is a major problem, as if operator is not opening the folder window, they will not see the temp files if they go via FILE>OPEN. Opening the existing file opens up the previous version and all amends are lost!

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  2. Wrong resolution calculation on pasting an image copied from Photoshop

    Windows only it seems like.
    1. Create a document in Photoshop, 100×100px, 72ppi
    2. Copy the contents
    3. Create a web/mobile-based document in Illustrator
    4. Paste the copied image

    Illustrator pastes 99.9875×99.9875px image.

    It turns out Photoshop uses pixels-per-meter (biXPelsPerMeter and biYPelsPerMeter) to define the reoslution.
    72ppi is exactly 2834.6472 pixels per meter.
    Unfortunately, the value must be an integer (thanks to BITMAPINFOHEADER), so the convention is to use 2835 (which is 0x0B13 in hexadecimal).

    But Illustrator is going by the letter of the law (not the spirit) and converting 2835 to 72.009 pixels per inch.

    2835 / 2834.6472 ×…

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  3. Offset Path not remembering last setting

    I use Illustrator (26.5, but this has persisted through several versions) both at home and work. My mac at home remembers the last amount i used for Offset Path. For example, if i choose a path and offset by -.25 in, and then choose another shape and select Offset Path, the setting is defaulted to the same amount: -.25 in.

    However, at work, if i choose a second shape and choose Offset Path, the default is set to -.025 in.

    Is anyone else having this issue?

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  4. Scripts ran via actions do not select properly

    Dear developers,

    A few days ago I wrote a simple script which uses pathfinder to unite paths. This works perfectly when the script is ran via File > Scripts. But when added to an action and ran the script seems unable to select the proper layer and thus fails to run pathfinder.

    For a detailed rundown, analysis and files please visit the community forms post:

    Technical details:
    - Microsoft Windows 10 Pro version 10.0.19043 Build 19043;
    - Adobe Illustrator 2022 version 26.0.3 (64 bit)

    Kind regards.

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  5. broken: Save Variable Library

    since Ai 26.3.1

    saving variable library from the variables panels result in this error:
    'The filter cannot complete because of an unknown error.'

    Also a related issue is that scripts using 'exportVariables' function will fail

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  6. Imagens, letras, preenchimentos e fontes sumiram

    Ao aproximar o scroll do mouse na prancheta o arquivo do illustrator travou, e não suportou realizar a aproximação na imagem. Texto, preenchimentos, imagens, tudo sumiu no meu arquivo. E quando desligo e reinicio o arquivo ele continuar nesse formato corrompido.

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  7. Bug in pencil tool

    My Windows is 11 Pro, version 22H2. My PC is Dell and is only 1 week old. I installed Illustrator v. 27.3 and the mouse stays all the time on the pencil tool, I can't access any other tool. I uninstalled the program and reinstalled it but the problem persists.

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  8. Align text to Artboard

    When I Select text "Arabic or English" and align it to Artboard center , The alignment move to the right of the center. it just happen to Text and more obvious to Arabic text.

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  9. Illustrator template previews in New file are all blank

    Illustrator CC 2023
    Dell Windows 11
    64GB RAM (DDR5)
    Go to view templates' previews for New document and all previews show as gray after clicking Preview button
    Tried using Legacy "File New" preference with no success
    Tried renaming UXP folder to UXP old with no sucess

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  10. Panels don’t stay where they were on the second monitor

    Since recent upgrade, NONE of the menu panels stay on screen. I use a second monitor for displaying attribute menus. Every time I now open Illustrator, these have disappeared and have to be reloaded. Very annoying.

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  11. Font compatibility issues between different iOS and Illustrator versions

    My one system is on Mojave (10.14.6) running 25.4.8 illustrator. The other system is on Monterey (12.3.1) running 26.5 illustrator. And I have downloaded and installed Petrona font from Google fonts on both the systems.

    Now when I try to open the file (that was created on Mojave) on Monterey I'm prompted for missing fonts! This compatibility issue is making it very difficult for me to work across my devices.

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  12. illustrator v25.2.1 color profile keeps changing to emulate adobe illustrator 6.0

    illustrator v25.2.1 color profile keeps changing to emulate adobe illustrator 6.0 once I set it to our teams color profile. Especially if I switch from AI to PS. Even after changing the profile in Bridge and synchronizing them.

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  13. Problems opening Illustrator

    Windows 10 Enterprise 22H2
    AI 27.3

    When I have to open the program 7 times out of 10 it doesn't open.

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  14. Objects keep being selected after clicking another object

    Everytime I try to select an object it stays clicked (or the previous selected object) and starts dragging objects, which makes the work impossible. This happens 100% of the time with a mouse and rarely with the touchpad. This happens both in my M1 macbook air and pro (14) with different mice.

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  15. [25.3.1 macOS]Photoshopで作成したpsd画像に日本語のクリッピングパスが使用されていると、Illustratorに配置してもクリッピングパスが反映されない


    Photoshop v21.2.9(2020)やv22.2(2021)など日本語のクリッピングパスでの不具合がないバージョンで、日本語のクリッピングパスを適用したpsd画像を作成。
    Illustrator v25.3.1(2021)で、1で作成した画像を配置するとクリッピングパスが適用されずに配置される。Photoshopでクリッピングパスを欧文にすれば、Illustrator v25.3.1でクリッピングパスが適用された状態で配置される。なおIllustrator v24.3および v25.2.3ではこの不具合は再現されませんでした。



    macOS Big Sur バージョン11.4

    MacBook Pro 15-inch 2016

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    Illustrator 2021(ver.25.3.1)で発生していた、Photoshop(v21.2.9 や v22.2 など)の日本語名のクリッピングパスでの不具合がないバージョンの PSD ファイルでも、日本語名のクリッピングパスが認識されない問題の修正が完了し、Illustrator 2021(ver.25.4.1)をリリースいたしました。

    Creative Cloud デスクトップアプリケーションから、製品版のアップデートが可能となっておりますので、お確かめください。

    もし、Illustrator 2021(ver.25.2.3)と同じ結果が得られないような場合は、コメントをお願いいたします。


    Illustrator チーム

    【追記 – 2021年8月27日】
    Photoshop 2021 が ver.22.5 にアップデートされ、日本語パス名の文字化け問題が修正されました。
    Illustrator でもクリッピングパスが正しく認識されます。

  16. Auto Select not working in Adobe Illustrator CC

    The auto selection isn't working on placed images.

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  17. the documentation website shows the documentation for a brief moment then redirects to a ******* sign-in page. I hate that

    i just need to read an answer to access some basic functionality in this baffling inscrutable ever-changing nightmare monstrosity, and the official documentation site has started redirecting to a sign in page and the back button doesn't work. i feel like you should know humans experience this and experience anguish because of it every day. i /know/ that this happens because someone needed to make a number go up in a spreadsheet. sincerely, **** that person with all my heart. thats my idea
    everyone else have a good one

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  18. リンクを再設定する度にダイアログがズレていく


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  19. Text center alignment off

    I'm on the most up-to-date version of Illustrator (26.5). Whenever I try to center text within a box, the x and y coordinates are slightly off for the text. For example, say my box is at 100.5 px on the x-axis and 100.5 px on the y-axis. When I center the text over the box (using Align Objects tool), the text box coordinates are 100.6904 px, 101.2729 px. Before I updated Illustrator, the text coordinates would always match the box coordinates. Even though the numbers are only off slightly, it is visibly noticeable that the text isn't perfectly aligned.

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  20. Copy and Paste Appearance into Photoshop Not working

    Update: I just noticed that this problem only occurs when I've applied the appearance effect to the entire layer as opposed to each individual stroke.

    When I edit a brush stroke appearance on illustrator, that appearance doesn't carry over when pasting into Photoshop like it used to. I've tried turning on ACIB preserve appearance, but that doesn't work. The only workaround is if I expand the brush stroke (which is getting tiresome because I do this quite often).

    Another issue: When working on one layer with multiple brush strokes, I attempted to expand that one stroke, but every single stroke…

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