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Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs

When reporting a bug, please provide a detailed description with the following:

  1. Details of your operating system
  2. The version of Adobe Illustrator (desktop) 
  3. The steps you were taking when you experienced the issues
  4. Your expected result and the actual result
  5. Upload your Illustrator file or a video (screen recording or gif, this helps us most to reproduce the issue and resolve it)

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7794 results found

  1. Pen tool not closing paths

    Having n issue with the pen tool not closing the paths. I can draw a shape just fine but when I get back to my start point to end the path it doesn't close.
    It is working only about half the time. Very frustrating with complicated shapes.

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  2. The fill of the object is not following the guide lines.

    the fill of the object is not following the guide lines. It's seems to be the preview in illustrator because when I paste it in photoshop it displays correctly.

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  3. Illustrator 2020 huge problems!

    Mac OS Mojave 10.14.16
    Illustrator 24.0.1.
    Some problems and HUGE problems:
    1) The saving to server (which is where we are supposed to save) is extremaly slow even with vector based files)
    2) When opening a new file while another file is open, the file name is the right one, but on the screen view there is a duplicate of the other file that is open
    3) While saving the changes for file in .ai format the file that was just before first in pdf-format, the program gives "Fatal error, could not save" and the whole file disappears from the…

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  4. System font Helvetica Regular is not listed

    I have CC2018.1 & CC2019.1 & 2020 installed on my macOS Catalina.
    CC2018.1 can list Helvetica Regular but CC2019.1/2020 does not.
    The font is installed by system here /System/Library/Fonts/Helvetica.ttc, and only one copy is installed.
    Delete Prefs does not help.

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  5. Spot color names are incorrect in other applications

    I'm using Illustrator 2020 (24.0.1) on macOS Mojave (10.14.6) in Japanese.

    Opened an Illustrator 2020 file containing spot colors with Japanese names in Acrobat or place it to InDesign, the names are not as expected.

    I can use English names for the new ones, but changing InDesign ink settings in all existing files can be difficult.

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  6. Buggy blue screen redraw

    1. iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, 2017). 3.8 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i5. 40 GB 2400 MHz DDR4. Radeon Pro 580 8 GB. (Adobe Ai - 24.0.1) Note: App Was working perfectly prior to this latest update this evening 11.12.2019)
    2. Holding down space bar (Hand tool) to move canvas around.
    3. Clean refresh/redraw of page.
    4. Buggy blue screen redraw
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  7. Gradient gets rasterized into a different looking one when used for mapping with 3D Revolve

    While in 3D Revolve, I am trying to apply a created Symbol onto a half circle with a gradient. Within the dialog box, there is a message that says "the gradient will be rasterized", which changes my gradient from "red to black gradient" to a "balk and white gradient". That changes my whole effect.

    Ai 24.0.1, MacOS 10.13.6

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  8. New update on Illustrator 24.0.01 will not allow Print

    AI 24.0.01 (64-bit) will not allow me to print to my network printer. Error window box generates with a Red Triangle with an exclamation mark, and message reads "Can't print the illustration."

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  9. This error appears during the update.

    Please help!
    This error appears during the update.

    Exit Code: 126
    -------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------
    - 3 fatal error(s), 0 error(s), 2 warnings(s)

    FATAL: Fatal Error '126' occurred while download
    FATAL: Fatal Error '126' occurred while download
    FATAL: Error occurred in download of package (Name: CCX-Process-mul Version: Error code: '126'
    WARN: Failed to load xml
    C:\Users\VELYAK~1\AppData\Local\Temp\ETRAC0B.tmp\validation.xml. system error:0
    WARN: Failed to load xml C:\Users\VELYAK~1\AppData\Local\Temp\ETRCBC9.tmp\validation.xml. system error:0

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  10. Artboards with the same number / missing number

    In the artboards menu, two have the same number, and so one cannot access or export one of those two artboards (see the attached photo, with two artboards labeled "9")

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    The team again asks for help with this issue, since there are not specific steps they can try to reproduce it — the nature of the bug is random.

    If you are a Windows user, the next time you spot a missing or a duplicated number in Artboards panel, please follow these instructions below.

    1. Open Task Manager

    2. In Details tab, locate 'Illustrator.exe'

    3. Right click it and choose 'Create dump file'

    4. Wait until the dumping process is complete and click 'Open file location' button

    5. Find 'Illustrator.dmp' (sorting files by date helps) and compress it with any archiving utility

    6. Upload the archive to a file hosting service of your choice and sent the link for download to Please use the subject 'Artboards numbering bug dump'

    This will help provide necessary clues to locate the source of the problem. If you are a Mac user —…

  11. Objects sliding when switching between outline and preview

    Most of the times I'm working with quite simple graphics (preparing already existing logos and graphics for printing).

    Sometimes when switching from preview to outline view, and back, I notice that some objects aren't where they are supposed to be. In outline view they are at their supposed position, but in preview they are somewhere else. It isn't a big problem when I notice it happening - the problem is when I don't and print it like that. When I notice it, moving the object, pressing unite, or several other actions will make the object pop back to their right…

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  12. AI displays the START SCREEN on opening the file and the document view do not switches (refreshes) the file content.

    We have created this thread to investigate . If you are encountering the below mentioned issues with latest Version (24.0.1 on Mac and Win), then please vote on this User voice thread and provide Test File via File->Package, Video and steps via dropping email at along with this thread link so that we can identify and fix the root cause.

    1. On opening a file in Illustrator the START SCREEN do not gets dismissed and the file’s content is not visible.
    2. While working on a file and opening a new one the document view sticks to the old file and…
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    Thank you all for reporting this issue and providing us your valuable feedback.
    Kindly help Illustrator Team to nail this issue down further:
    1)Kindly provide video ,Test Steps or File via File→Package with which you are still facing this issue and share with us at in a Zip file. Please mention the title of this issue as the subject of the mail.

    Please remember to update graphic driver. We are also seeing cases where updating graphic card driver fixes the issue. You can update your driver via .

    Thanks and Regards
    Ankit Goyal
    Illustrator Team

  13. Part of text disappears when printing upside-down

    I am printing a piece of art with text. When rotating the document upside down in the print dialogue window, the printed version lacks letters. It looks like only the first letter gets printed. This is not a printer issue either, tested printing from PDF and it worked fine.
    See attached for the example. The right half is how it should be, left half is what comes out - small "B" is missing.

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  14. Crashing every 10 minutes or less


    I am currently doing a piece of art on illustrator and it keeps crashing every 10 minutes or sometimes less. Something that should take me an hour or less is now taking me currently 3 hours and I'm not even half way through because it keeps crashing and it's frustrating that I pay so much for something and I can't even do what I want because it doesn't want to work or allow me to do work. It's even more frustrating having to stop and save every minute or so when this all can be prevented.

    I hope there…

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  15. Cannot Type in Search bar in the File Open dialog

    After saving a file in Illustrator, I go to File > Open > folder my files are in. Next, I use the upper right search bar to find the file I need. It will not allow me to type in that search bar. I have to close out of Illustrator, then reopen and start all over again to be able to type in the search bar.

    Windows 10. PC. Ver. 24.0.1

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  16. Illustrator Not Holding Clipping Masks

    Hello. I'm not sure if this is just an "operator error" or if this is a bug in the new Illustrator 2020, but every time I reopen my AI file the clipping masks have been removed. Is there a fix for this? It started happening when I updated to 2020.

    Thanks in advance!

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  17. Stuck on Rotate or Reflect Tool - Wacom Input Device

    I have run into this issue many times over the years (multiple AI versions) and figured I'd add to the posts about it.

    When using either the Rotate or Reflect tool, Illustrator often gets stuck. What I mean by stuck is that after trying to rotate or reflect some artwork, the Rotate or Reflect tool remains active as if you never released right click. This makes it so that every subsequent movement just rotates around the artwork as though you were still holding down right click. If you try to click elsewhere in the program, nothing happens. Clicking with a…

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  18. Save as PDF in CC2020 cannot open with CC2014

    I noticed if I was to save a PDF file in CC2020, a customer using CC2014 is unable to open it. I compared the PDF files to see how it is different.

    If a PDF was saved using CC2014 it generates the colors like this:

    [ /Separation /ATHLETIC#20GOLD /DeviceCMYK << /C0 [ 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ]

    But If a PDF was saved using CC2020 it generates the colors like this:
    [/Separation/ATHLETIC#20GOLD/DeviceCMYK<</C0[0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0]

    Due to this settle difference, can this be the reason why the file is unable to open in CC2014?

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  19. Since updating to the 2020 version of CC, Illustrator seems to freeze up.

    Freezing. Plus, I'm trying to create a dotted stroke with the stroke panel and my stroke always reverts to a solid line.
    I'm running Windows 10 and just updated it today 12/7/19 and no change.

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  20. "Anyways" isn't a word.

    Change this word to "Anyway". It t looks extremely unprofessional.

    Illustrator 2020 on an iMac running Catalina 10.15.1

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