Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs
When reporting a bug, please provide a detailed description with the following:
- Details of your operating system
- The version of Adobe Illustrator (desktop)
- The steps you were taking when you experienced the issues
- Your expected result and the actual result
- Upload your Illustrator file or a video (screen recording or gif, this helps us most to reproduce the issue and resolve it)
7797 results found
Copy/Paste formatted text is broken
Mac M1 Pro, 16Go, macOS 14.5
Illustrator 28.5When I copy/paste formatted text into a new text frame or at the text cursor place, the formatting is lost.
It seem that the formatting of first paragraph is applicate to all paragraphs.
Kerning adjustments is also lost.2 votes -
Hitting Escape while editing a field does not cancel the value but applies it
I don’t know why nobody reports this...
If I input something in a field and I want to abort and return to the previous value, I hit Escape.Sometimes the first Escape closes the suggestions dropdown (like in browsers), and only the second one restores the previous value.
A LOT of apps follow this rule except browsers:
Affinity Designer, Inkscape, CorelDRAW, Blender...
Non-design ones too: MS Office, Google Docs, various text editors... A LOT.Some apps keep the value entered, but don’t apply it, and put the old one back when an object get reselected — Xara does it.
8 votes -
Generating an artwork always shows 'We’re experiencing high demand' message
Not generating neither object, nor scene or symbol...
2 votes -
Aligning doesn’t work for groups with strange empty unselectable objects inside, imported from SVGs (originally made with Illustrator)
Several objects were made in Illustrator and exported to SVGs.
Later they were imported back into Illustrator.
Please take a look at both the GIF and the file atached.When one tries to select all the top-level groups and align them to left — it doesn’t work.
Aligning to center and to right works, but once these get aligned to right — aligning to center stops working too.When exploring layers, it’s clear that these groups have something else inside besides rectangles — but only in Layers, not on canvas. These can’t be selected or changed, only rearranged, renamed, deleted.
8 votes -
Intertwine unknots in places on Expand Appearance and PDF Asset Export
In Illustrator 28.5 (macOS 14.5, intel)
• Create intertwine from paths with 2 strokes (lower is black and greater weight)
• Either use Object > Expand Appearance or use Asset Export to create PDF
• Several crossings reverse on some Intertwine objects.2 votes -
SVG Save As 'SVG Code...' not same as marked up saved SVG. This now matches Export As SVG
The content saved when you Save As... SVG is different in 28.5 to 28.3. When you click SVG Code... the text file preview matches that of the old version. Example file header:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Generator: Adobe Illustrator 28.5.0, SVG Export Plug-In . SVG Version: 9.03 Build 54727) -->
<svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px"
viewBox="0 0 2255 692" style="enable-background:new 0 0 2255 692;" xml:space="preserve">
<style type="text/css">
</style>When you actually save this with OK it changes to :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<svg id="Layer_1" data-name="Layer 1" xmlns="" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 2255 692">
.cls-1 {…3 votesThis change is intentional. The team aims to improve the way SVG is generated (speed, size, redundancy, etc.) and merge current both code branches into one.
Since some workflows heavily rely on the way the code structure is organized, the team tries to gather feedback on it.
Please describe what engine changes affect you and why.
Partage d'écran: «conversion des éléments déplacés au format EPS»
Lorsque j'utilise Illustrator avec le partage d'écran, déplacer une image et très compliqué.
Lors du déplacement d'une image, le pop-up « conversion des éléments déplacés au format EPS » apparaît plusieurs fois. Très souvent lors du déplacement d'une image, la connexion au Partage d’écran se coupe et il faut attendre un certain temps avant que la connexion ou Partage d’écran se fasse de nouveau.
Tous les autres logiciels de la suite, Adobe Creative Cloud fonctionne parfaitement. Je ne rencontre ce problème qu'avec Illustrator.
Illustrator est installé sur un Mac studio, 2023, avec une puce Apple, M2 Max et Sonoma 14.5
L'ordinateur utilisé…1 vote -
Fonction Enregistrer pour le web (hérité): Le panneau Table de l'image et de Couleur ne s'affichent pas.
Le panneau Table de l'image et de Couleur ne s'affichent pas.
1 vote -
Very wired and bad line jitters in "Accurate" Fidelity mode in Pencil tool
I'm using the Pencil tool quite a lot in "Accurate" Fidelity mode, but it seems like this mode somehow got worse with the last updates? Did they change anything with the Pencil tool?
Does anyone suffer the same results while drawing with some speed?
There are these wired bumps in a lot of sections, which are absolutely NOT accurate.
I know I can smooth the lines, but that smoothes everything. For some drawings I really like the accurate mode — but not this way...
1 vote -
Hilfe reagiert nicht, sowohl Lupe als auch Hilfe unter "Fenster" Mac OS Ventura 13.6.7., AI 28.5
Die HilfeFunktion ist unzuverlässig.
Manchmal reagiert sie, manchmal erst in einer zusätzlich neu erstellten Datei, manchmal nach dem Neustart von Illustrator und manchmal gar nicht.
Das Entdecken-Fenster ist also nicht zugänglich.1 vote -
英数で 「1(いち」「.(ドット」「 (半角スペース)」と入力するとスペースは全角で入力され、バックで削除できなくなる。選択もできなくなる。これをアウトラインをとった時、消えてしまう場合とそうでない場合がある。「1(いち」「.(ドット」「 (半角スペース)」と入力したい場合は「1(いち」を入力する前に何か任意の数字(文字)を入力してから「1(いち」「.(ドット」「 (半角スペース)」を入力した後、任意の数字(文字)を削除すれば通常通りに入力、アウトライン等可能
2 votes -
Clipping Path Dimensions disregarded when exporting JPG in version 28.5
When using "File -> Export As" to create a JPG of your illustrator document, the size of the JPG includes artwork hidden by a clipping path and adds white space. Attached is an example where I've exported a JPG from versions 28.4.1 and 28.5. The JPG from version 28.5 added additional white space to the left, right, and top edges where artwork was hidden by a clipping path. This is not how Illustrator behaved previously. Is there a workaround?
2 votesThis is a bug similar to that one:
Rasterizing a clipped image/group of objects results in extra white space in the resulting image —
Both are fixed in the latest Beta build and are expected to be pushed into 28.6 GA build.
Width tool not working right: can’t adjust widths at the first point of the path
Have a fairly simple shape inside a radial repeat x 12. That shape has about 4 width adjustments. And one of them has a hard adjustment, from wider to smaller, but it acts really weird and can't make it a smooth width. It doesn't have two width adjustments on top of each other, and I can't delete the width adjustment. This has happened twice in different files, made separately but with similar processes. Can't seem to find a way to fix this besides deleting and starting over.
Windows 11
Intel i5 13600k
32gb ram
Adobe Illustrator version 28.57 votes -
Custom/saved workspace doesn't update toolbars the first time
After I choose a saved workspace, the toolbars don't get updated/repositioned until I choose the saved workspace the second time from the window>workplace menu. In the first attempt, it positions the toolbars somewhat but not properly/fully. Therefore each time I have to go back and choose the saved workspace once more to get everything positioned how it is set.
1 vote -
Can't copy, paste or delete data on graph tool
Illustrator has a very old and annoying bug when using the graph tool: from times to times you can't copy, paste or delete data. Sometimes the keyboard shortcuts stops working and you need to use the menu (slower workflow). But sometimes even the menu doesn't work. Then you need to quit Illustrator and even restart the Mac.
It doesn't matter which OS ou Ai version you have installed. As I said, it has been behaving like that for years.
Please fix it.
1 vote -
Copy paste breaks up text frames
When I copy paste text frames in Illustrator 28.5 they end up broken up in individual letters. This is due to interference with the clipboard manager of LaunchBar and is a regression — the previous version of Illustrator did not have this issue but I've experienced problems with LaunchBar and Adobe applications in the past.
MacOS Sonoma 14.5 (23F79)
Adobe Illustrator 28.5
LaunchBar 6.18.51 vote -
Elements placed on top of a Dynamic Symbol disappear when exported as JPEG
Any element placed on top of a dynamic symbol looks hidden behind the symbol when exported as JPEG.
Works in 2023, stopped working in 2024 version 28.517 votes -
Сompound Paths with Pattern Fill
I encountered an issue where, after using the "Expand" command on Сompound Paths with using Pattern Fill, the pattern is duplicated several times.
Can this be fixed?
4 votes -
Generative AI not working
Whenever I'm trying to generate something using the generative AI, it fails to generate and gives the following message shown in the picture. My Internet is totally fine but it still gives that message. Kindly help me with this problem!
Operating System: 64-Bit
Adobe Illustrator Version: 28.21 vote -
PC:Windows 10 Pro
プロセッサ:Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700T CPU @ 2.40GHz 2.40 GHzillustrator CC v28.5
1 voteThe team would need to see into the document and know about your printer. Please send both the file and the specs via
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