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Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs

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  2. The version of Adobe Illustrator (desktop) 
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  1. Keyword search in Illustrator panel is not giving results for all libraries

    Working on macOS Sonoma 14.4.1
    In Illustrator 28.4.1 (seen the bug in different Illustrator versions e.g., 27.9.2)

    Experienced behaviour:
    When I search in ‘all libraries’ in Illustrator I don’t get results from all libraries (picture 1), instead (I believe) I’m getting the results from recently used libraries (those which are synchronised with my computer).

    So to be able to search all libraries I need to click one by one, load them and then I’m able to search. (picture 2)

    Wanted behaviour:
    Search in all libraries to get results from all libraries in the Illustrator window. (picture 3)

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  2. Screen blinking bug

    Screen starting blink after opened a tab for some times, making some irritations our eyes, it is only in Mac OS

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  3. MacOS 13.6.6, Illustrator 28.4.1 Substrahieren (Pathfinder) funktioniert teilweise nicht

    MacOS 13.6.6, Illustrator 28.4.1 Substrahieren (Pathfinder) funktioniert teilweise nicht

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  4. GPUパフォーマンスが設定できない

    Windows11 Intel Core i7を使っています。

    ・NIVIDIA GPU最新版をダウンロードする(552.22)
    ・Adobe Bridgeのカラー設定を同期する設定にし直す


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  5. Illustrator Window Disappears after an attempted Windows 11 shutdown

    Sometimes I forgot to save my file before I shut down my PC. When I attempt to shut down, the Interrupted Shut Down dialog opens, saying that Illustrator interrupts my shut down because I haven't save the file. However, when I click cancel to shut down, the illustrator window either froze or disappear and cannot be opened again. (Please find the attached video for the issue). This bug only happens to Illustrator and no other app.

    Operating System : Windows 11, i9-12900HK RTX 3080Ti
    Version : 28.4.1

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  6. 1 vote

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  7. Unwanted Artwork when placing a CC Library asset and when exporting as SVG

    I remember voting and commenting on a UV report mentioning this with CC libraries, but cannot find it anymore.
    Lately there have been 2 forum posts mentioning unexpected artwork added to an SVG export.
    I suspect that the New Document Profile that they use contains the artwork, at least I can replicate that behaviour, but I have not seen that confirmed by the posters.
    Add artwork to a new document profile and it will appear on assets export to SVG and when alt dragged from a CC Library.

    Movie enclosed

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  8. Assets I use for hundreds of documents in my CC library not printing correctly

    Some files the library file is fine, but recently the certain asset is not printing correctly, it is pixelated and colors are wrong. How is this fixed without going through hundreds of print files to reinsert this asset into all of the files so it prints perfect? Its used at the same scale everytime. Has to be saved the same way every time bc of the printer demands. It's just not behaving the same way each document. In the pictures one printed correctly, and the other file did not.

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  9. Aparece el error: No se puede completar la operación debido a un error desconocido. [STEX]

    Al mover, seleccionar o utilizar el creador de formas en un elemento me aparece el error, ya probé actualizando el programa, eliminandolo y volviendolo a descargar, eliminando caché, reiniciando la computadora, etc.
    Lamentablemente el problema persiste.

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  10. Illustrator Freezing

    Adobe Illustrator had been freezing for a week.
    Mac OS Ventura
    AI v 28.4.1

    When I go to Force Quit, it doesn't show it's not responding. I can't save or close files with Command+S or Command+W. When I right click and close from the dock, it crashes.

    I can't reopen AI by clicking the icon in the doc or the Creative Suite app. The only way to get it to run is by going to my Folder and selecting an AI file to open. When is does reopen, it says it is recovering from a crash.

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  11. some SBSAR files apply weirdly in illustrator

    when I applied 3d texture to object with some SBSAR file downloaded from substance assets, the texture of object looks matted color.

    both RGB and CMYK the files didn't work well

    but the texture works well in substance painter.
    It seems bug to fix in Illustrator.

    you can check here

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  12. レビュー用に共有のページがエラーばかりでほとんど見れない


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  13. Reproducible crash > flatten transparency w/ text to outlines, then direct selection

    I've been getting a lot of crashes after flattening a linked PDF and then selecting an area with a significant amount of vector outlines (i.e. a few paragraphs of text or a complex drawing). Illustrator instantly crashes when I make the selection with the white arrow direct selection tool.

    I can send you an example PDF and AI file that contains a full explanation of how to reproduce the crash. To be clear, it's not just this PDF file – I'm getting crashes with many different PDF files from various sources when I perform similar operations on them.

    This is a…

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  14. Size issue importing from Illustrator to After Effects

    When exporting from a large size canvas Illustrator file and importing into After Effects there is a bug. It imports all of the elements at 10% of the correct size so they appear tiny in After Effects.

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  15. Letter "N" symbol instead of hyphen when hyphenation is activated


    We have a problem with a certain file. After first auto activation of a font, the hyphen character is replaced by a "N". When we then close the file, not Illustrator, so fonts stay active and simply reopen the file, the hyphen is displayed correctly.

    We use Connect Fonts for fontmanagement, but apparently the problem is on the Adobe side (according to Extensis)

    OS: Windows 11 and MacOS Sonoma (latest version)
    Most recent version of Illustrator

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  16. Strange behaviour when scaling rectangles

    In Illustrator 28.4.1 on Windows 11, if a rectangle is rotated to 45, 135, 225, or 315 degrees, it isn't able to be reliably manually scaled. Some edge and corner handles snap to unpredictable positions when dragged.

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  17. Superscript number bug

    Whenever I start typing a number in a text box it ALWAYS automatically makes the number SUPERSCRIPT by default.

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  18. Problème Export 3D dans Illustrator: fichier .OBJ et USDZ

    Dans illustrator, après avoir appliqué l'effet 3D, je l'exporte en fichier .OBJ et .USDZ.
    Les problèmes sont:
    - Bug de luminosité (trop forte et non corrigeable) du fichier .OBJ dans After effect (Image ci jointe)
    - Bug du fichier .USDZ (absence de texture) lors de l'affichage en réalité augmentée sur Iphone (derniere version IOS 17.4.1) (image ci jointe)

    Pouvez-vous corriger ces bugs svp? trop nombreux à mon gout pour un logiciel payant..

    Merci d'avance,

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  19. Illustrator pulls clippings masks to the top of their clip groups when a document is reopened

    1. Make a simple clipping group
    2. Select clipping path only
    3. Fill it
    4. Send it to back
    5. Save and close the file
    6. Open the file back Illustrator will move the clipping mask back to the top of the group.

    Why this is important?
    1. Because if we release a clipping group that has the filled clipping path below clipped object, it stays below.
    2. Because when we use isolation mode, Illustrator will allow to select children only when the filled clipping mask is below the clipped objects.

    Take a look at the GIF attached, that shows three methods possible with colored clippings…

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  20. Using a # in layer name and saving as SVG does not properly save layer names

    In the newest Adobe Illustrator version 28.4.1 when naming a layer with the # and saving as an SVG the export file when opened does not include the # in the layer name. This has never been an issue in previous illustrator versions, and for the work I do I rely on that naming convention to work with the system we integrate SVGs with. I've had to downgrade to a previous version where this does not occur.

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