Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs
When reporting a bug, please provide a detailed description with the following:
- Details of your operating system
- The version of Adobe Illustrator (desktop)
- The steps you were taking when you experienced the issues
- Your expected result and the actual result
- Upload your Illustrator file or a video (screen recording or gif, this helps us most to reproduce the issue and resolve it)
7716 results found
App is crashing without saving the work
My illustrator app on iPad is crashing frequently and the brush is also not working and it is not saving while it crashes
2 votes -
AMD Radeon Pro 580 rendering bug
Hi, I have a 2017 iMac Retina 5k 27", 64GB RAM, Mac OS Catalina 10.15.7 with AMD Radeon Pro 580 GPU, 8Gb VRAM, driver version 01.00.931, Illustrator 25.4.1. I am getting odd effects in rendering of linear gradients where angular areas of colour appear at higher magnifications. If the GPU is turned off in Illustrator prefs the effect disappears. Please see screenshot attached showing the effect with GPU. Is there a fix for this, please?
2 votes -
Illustrator 2022 DOES NOT OPEN.
This new Illustrator update DOES NOT WORK. Just installed the new 2022 update yesterday 11/01, and it worked for half the day, and in the second half, the app refused to open. Tried again this morning 11/02, and there was a small update to Illustrator, so in hopes of fixing the issue from yesterday, I installed the update, and guess what, still broken. I reinstalled the past version of Illustrator, and that doesn't work now either. I'm not telling you how to do your job Adobe, but for me to do my job, I need Illustrator to work. If you…
2 votesThis is embarrassing and incredibly sad to hear. I can’t imagine to be cut off a my main tool when I need it.
I guess the only option you can try is to clean all the traces of previous versions installed with the Cleaner Tool (, install 2021 version and hope it work.
So sorry it happened, and I wish I could do more.
Please add votes to this if you experience the same issue, it will help to initiate a proper investigation. -
Illustrator 26.0 (Intel/Ja_JP)
また、M1でも同様の挙動との報告を受けております。2 votesIllustratorデスクトップ版UserVoiceへのご協力をありがとうございます。
1,macos10.15.7 Illustrator26.0 PhotoshopEPS形式画像を配置すると指定したサイズにならない psd形式は問題ない
この現象は、以前のバージョン CC2021までは発生しませんでした。
Windowsでは未確認です。2 votesIllustrator 製品版フィードバックにご協力いただきありがとうございます。
ご報告いただいた「PhotoshopEPS 画像を配置するとサイズが大きくなる」という現象ですが、再現できませんでした。
Photoshop の画像解像度ダイアログで「幅、高さ、解像度」が同じデータを各種画像形式で保存し、Illustrator 2022 に配置した場合は、同じサイズで読み込まれています。
1. Illustrator 2022 では、全ての Photoshop EPS 画像ファイルで同じ現象が再現しますか? (リンク、埋め込み)
2. Illustrator 2021 で新規ドキュメントを作成し、同じデータを配置しても問題ありませんか?
3. 各画像データを Photoshop で開いて画像解像度ダイアログで確認しても、同じサイズ設定ですか?
4. 確認しても「幅、高さ、解像度」が同じ画像データにも関わらず、やはり Illustrator への配置サイズが変わってしまうようでしたら、問題のデータを検証用にご提供いただけますか?
Illustrator チーム
After update AI 2022, i can't press "Đ" on arthboard. I use font key Vietnames.
After update AI 2022, i can't press "Đ" on arthboard. I use font key Vietnames.
2 votes -
1 Windows 10 Pro バージョン20H2/プロセッサ Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10875H CPU @ 2.30GHz/実装RAM 32.0 GB (31.8 GB 使用可能)/64 ビット オペレーティング システム、x64 ベース プロセッサ
2 Illustrator2021で作成したデータを2022(最新版)で開き、デザインのバリエーションの作成を行おうとした。配置されている画像は2つ。うち1点の差し替えを行った。(Photoshopデータのリンクを変更)。差し替えた画像の大きさを変更するため、リサイズを行ったところ、アプリケーションがクラッシュ。復元データにより、1つ前の手順まではデータが残っており、作業の続行ができた。が、再び同じ作業(配置画像のリサイズ)でクラッシュ。
3 続行したデータを開き直し、もう一度作業のやり直しをしようと思った。
4 2つのリンク画像が消失した。『「」というリンクファイルが見つかりません』というアラートが繰り返し出る(「」というファイル名をつけたことはない)。エラーの起きていなかった配置画像も消失し、リンク情報そのものが消えてしまった。
5 エラーの起きたデータを添付します。確認のため、開き直しているので日付がエラーの起きた当時のものではなく、本日のものに書き換わっているようですが、保存はせずに閉じています。2 votesIllustrator 製品版フィードバックにご協力いただきありがとうございます。
日本語担当の PCM Maro です。
また、クラッシュの再現手順が明確であるような場合は、こちらの UserVoice にご登録ください。こちらのレポートは対応終了とさせていただきますが、コメントはオープンしておきますので、追加情報があるような場合は、コメントをお寄せください。
Illustrator チーム
Übersetzungsfehler im neuen 3D Panel
Im neuen Panel "3D und Materialien" gibt es unter dem Punkt "Aufblasen" einen Übersetzungsfehler.
Hier wurde "Volume" versehentlich mit "Lautstärke" statt "Volumen" übersetzt.2 votes -
Jittering / flickering content when scaling Ai windows on M1 Pro Macbook Pro 2021.
Jittering content when scaling Ai windows on M1 Pro MBP. Seems to be a GPU render glitch.
2 votes -
Pathfinder Divide produces imprecise result on curved elements
Mac OS 11.6
Illustrator 25.4.1I know this is not a new complaint, but it has not been addressed. When I used the Pathfinder Divide tool to divide an element with curves, the resulting shapes are not precise. This renders the tool useless for many operations where users need those lines to sit exactly on top of one another. See image for example.
There are many users, including me, who are begging Adobe to stop adding features we would rarely/never use and please, for the love of all that is holy, concentrate on fixing the basic tools we use every…
2 votes -
Artboard Options - Constrain Proportions Bug (Illustrator v25.4.1)
When I make an additional artboard using Shift + O, I click then drag the new artboard and when you hold Shift it constrains the new board to the same as the board made previously, like a rectangle. Holding Shift should make a square.
This issue occurs regardless of the Constrain Proportions box being checked or not.
2 votes -
Align to artboard when starting up
When you first start illustrator up in the newest version 25.4.1 the align to artboard tool will switch to align to selection if multiple objects are selected. If you select align to selection and then align to artbaord the issue will not happen and only happens when the program is first launched. Once you have gone to selection and then back to artbaord the issue will not happen again.
2 votes -
SVG Filter exported wrong
I have an svg filter applied to a simple path, which is applied correctly in illustrator, but when I export as an svg one feBlend item is missing.
My filter
<filter id="wood">
<feTurbulence baseFrequency=".4 0.002" numOctaves="2" result="stripes" stitchTiles="noStitch" type="fractalNoise">
<feColorMatrix in="stripes" result="woodStripes" type="matrix" values=" 0 0 0 0.52 0.04 0 0 0 0.29 0.03 0 0 0 0.15 0.01 0 0 0 0 1">
<feTurbulence baseFrequency="0.5 0.5" numOctaves="2" result="smallNoise" stitchTiles="noStitch" type="fractalNoise">
<feColorMatrix in="smallNoise" result="desaturatedNoise" type="saturate" values="0.2"></feColorMatrix>
<feBlend in="woodStripes" in2="desaturatedNoise" mode="multiply" result="woodTexture"></feBlend>
<feComposite in="woodTexture" in2="SourceGraphic" operator="in"></feComposite>
</filter>Is exported as
<filter id="wood" name="wood">
<feTurbulence result="stripes" baseFrequency="0.4 0" numOctaves="2"…2 votes -
Wrong localization
I have English version of Adobe Illustrator ver. 25.4.1
I changed language to Russian and see that Russian localization is incorrect. These Russian words do not exist in the Russian language.
Is that possible to update Russian localization in Adobe Illustrator?
Just few examples below
Full Justify Last Line Center -Полная выключка, последняя строка по центру
Full Justify Last Line Full-Полная выключка абзаца и последней строки
Full Justify Last Line Left-Полная выключка, последняя строка по левому краю
Full Justify Last Line Righ-Полная выключка, последняя строка по правому краю
Left Justify-Выключка по левому краю2 votes -
Zero height or width prevents using shape panel to adjust
If you set a rectangle's height or width to zero in the Shape panel, you cannot change it back again to a non-zero value. The object remains a rectangle, so you can use the UI and a mouse to grab and expand the shape, after which the Shape panel works as expected. (I did not test what happens if you set both dimensions to zero, but this is an edge case in any event, since I discovered it only accidentally because some values in my data set are zero.)
2 votes -
Color changed automatically
Posts screenshots of saved files every 3 days. It is a clipboard without any additional work. The color automatically darkens slightly. An ever-increasing problem is causing major problems with our schedules. Please come up with a way to solve it.
2 votes -
(Align to) broken more than not
Illustrator version 25.4.1
Mac 10.15.7(Align to) works SOMETIMES, and other times not so much. Doesn't matter if it's set to align to artboard, objects, or selected. Currently can only get it to work properly by shutting down & restarting every time I need to center something after successfully working ONCE. Here's what happens;
- Layer 1, align to center, worked.
- Layer 2, align to center, art moved 4 inches to right.
- Layer 2, align to center, art moved 4 more inches to right.
- Layer 2, align to left, art does nothing.
- Layer 2, align to center, art moves another 4…
2 votes -
Can't modify brush size neither use basic stroke
Every time I try to use brush with any size, it makes 1pt strokes. And when I try to use basic brush, it makes other strokes like caligraphic or caracoal.
I already closed the program and opened it again but doesnt work.
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2 votes
Documents are marked as changed immediately after opening in 25.4.1.
Since updating to 25.4.1, many documents are marked as having been edited immediately after opening them, instead of after actually changing anything.
I have not yet tracked down if there is anything documents doing this have in common. The more effects they have in them, the more likely they are to have this happen.
I've attached one of the simpler documents that's displaying this behavior.
2 votes
- Don't see your idea?