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Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs

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  2. The version of Adobe Illustrator (desktop) 
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1139 results found

  1. Illustrator file flattened when saved as .PSD (when 'write layers" is clicked on export)

    Windows 10 Photoshop 22.4.3, Illustrator 25.3.1
    When I export an Adobe Illustrator file as a .PSD and click "write layers", the file is flattened when I open it in Photoshop. The layers are not being retained.

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  2. Can't open my most recent aic file

    Using windows 10. I created the file on v25.0 of illustrator and yesterday updated to v25.01 and the file continued to work fine and my work was saved.

    Today I am unable to open that one file from my cloud documents. On the illustrator home page if I click on the file preview nothing happens, whereas with every other document clicking on the preview opens the document. I have tried opening it from my cloud storage webpage but it just opens the home page of the desktop app. It also says there's an error when I try to download the…

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  3. Export Artboards occasionally exports bleed

    I'm using Windows 10, up to date as of 8th Nov 2020.

    I have a new file, 85mm x 55mm. set up with a 3mm bleed. When attempting to export a JPG or PNG without the bleed (so, only the artboard visible) it still outputs the bleed area. I have tried exporting for screen, exporting with the 'Use Artboards' box both checked and unchecked. I have even reset my Illustrator preferences. No idea why this is suddenly not working in V25.0

    I also get an error when attempting to export at 300DPI, which has never been an issue in the…

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  4. Illustrator CC 2018 in macOS High Sierra Save 'Adobe PDF' presets/.joboptions scrambled, unsorted, mixed up

    Since the Illustrator CC got updated to 2018 in macOS High Sierra, whenever saving as Adobe PDF, the PDF print settings/job options got all scrambled/mixed up in the 'Save Adobe PDF' dialog.

    These should be sorted alphabetically, but as you can see they're all mixed up. A couple of colleagues are also experiencing this. Is there any way to workaround/fix this issue? See related thread from InDesign - could a startup JSX fix this issue?

    See my original post on the Illustrator users forum:

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    I am happy to share that we have fixed this bug in our latest release – 23.0.6 which is available worldwide now.

    Going forward, our goal is to fix as many top User-Voice bugs as possible and as frequently as possible. Given the nature of the fixes, some of the bugs will take a longer time to fix, but we are on it.

    You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:

    Thank you for all the feedback. Keep it coming!

  5. some graphics missing when exporting artboard using "export as"

    Hello, I am experiencing strange results during artboard export - after export to bitmap file, there is often some part of graphics missing. Latest example is this - the 1pt stroke, visible in editor, is not present on exported image. Simillar result achieved in numerous different cases, ussually some shapes or contours with white color are missing in exported image. I am includign source files, you will have the background photo link missing, but this can be replaced with any colored box with same result. This is dangerous bug, because you have to control your exports carefully, and is easy…

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    The white outlines in the file have Overprint attribute set. White + overprint result in empty objects, please remove overprint attribute from the white objects and try export again.

  6. Illustrator 27 packaging bug

    Mac OS Big Sur 11.7
    Adobe Illustrator 27
    Mac mini M1

    Package command destroys filenames and replaces links with others. That's catastrophic for my job. Please fix it as soon as possible.
    Also, could not upload files for helping you reproduce the issue.

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  7. broken: Save Variable Library

    since Ai 26.3.1

    saving variable library from the variables panels result in this error:
    'The filter cannot complete because of an unknown error.'

    Also a related issue is that scripts using 'exportVariables' function will fail

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  8. A lot of empty PNG when using Export for Screens function

    When exporting with Export for Screens, many empty pngs are created in the file folder. The bug occurs completely randomly. The number of files also defies any explanation. There may be 10 or 1000 files at a time.

    System: Windows 10, Illustrator v.26.0.3

    New details: this bug occurs if you copy complex graphics to the clipboard. Video attached. I suspect the meshes are to blame.

    Update: If you disable Clipboard Handling → Include SVG Code or clipboard log Windows, the problem disappears.

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  9. Empty error message

    I keep getting an empty error message modal, with no way to close it or exit out of it. It keeps happening when I want to save an .ai file

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  10. Missing transparency in placed PDFs

    I do have issues with Illustrator displaying transparencies of placed PDFs as solid.

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Open a new document.
    2. Draw two partially overlapping rectangles with different colors.
    3. Set he opacity of the frontmost rectangle to 50%.
    4. Save this document as a PDF with setting Illustrator Standard (see attached file).
    5. Open a second document.
    6. Place the PDF file.

    Expected result:

    The topmost rectangle should be displayed with transparency.

    Actual result:

    The topmost rectangle is not transparent.

    If you save the document with the placed PDF itself as PDF file, the rectangle is still transparent, so this is a display issue…

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  11. Reading SVG does not respect dominant-baseline="middle" attribute

    For <text> elements

    dominant-baseline="hanging" and dominant-baseline="baseline" are parsed correctly, with text aligned on top and bottom, respectively.

    But dominant-baseline="middle" is not respected, and is instead rendered as dominant-baseline="baseline".

    This produces misaligned text, which is displayed aligned normally by Edge, Firefox, Chrome.



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    Installed Adobe Illustrator 2020 recently and all was working OK for about a week. Now, suddenly, am no longer able to save files as pdfs. When I try, it gives me an error; the file shows no thumbnail and says it's "missing all pdf content".

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  13. illustrator save as PDF bug - v24.0

    i have a problem with the new version of illustrator 2020 (v24):

    if i save a file as PDF i am not able to open it or preview it
    - see the test.pdf how all pdf files saved under illustrator v24 looks for me...

    System: iMac Pro 2017 - Mojave 10.14.6

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    I am happy to share that we have fixed this bug in our latest release – 24.1.2 which is available worldwide now.

    Going forward, our goal is to fix as many top User-Voice bugs as possible and as frequently as possible. Given the nature of the fixes, some of the bugs will take a longer time to fix, but we are on it.

    You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:

    Thank you for all the feedback. Keep it coming!

  14. Adobe Illustrator CC 2019 is not able to generate PDF-compatible files

    No matter what I do (re-save as a AI, EPS, PDF, check/uncheck 'create PDF compatible file', etc...), if I save as a PDF, the PDF will show up saying "This is an Adobe Illustrator File that was saved without PDF content" etc... Is this a version 2019 bug??? What am I doing wrong?

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  15. 8 votes

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  16. Illustrator 27.9 Adobe PDF Preset will match what it was last modified to.

    This seems new to 27.9 and removes confidence in save presets.

    Steps to replicate:
    1) Save file as Adobe PDF format
    2) Select [Smallest File Size] from presets.
    3) Check Preserve Illustrator Editing Capabilities (note it now says: [Smallest File Size] (Modified))
    4) Click Save PDF
    5) Save file as Adobe PDF format
    6) Select [Smallest File Size] from presets.

    Notice the Preserve Illustrator Editing Capabilities is now selected. Also notice the preset name hasn’t changed to say it's (Modified).

    2022 Mac Studio M1 Max, Illustrator 27.9

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  17. TIFF形式で書き出す時に日本語でファイル名をつけるとTIFFファイルのレイヤー名が文字化けする

    Illustrator ver25.3.1 ja_JP/Macintosh





    C630 B930 C830 2D00 3100

    C900 6500 C900 5800 C900 6700 2D00 3100


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    ご報告いただいた「日本語ファイル名で書き出した TIFF ファイルのレイヤー名が文字化け」問題を修正した、Illustrator 2021(ver.25.4.1)を一般リリースいたしました。

    Creative Cloud デスクトップアプリケーションから、製品版のアップデートが可能となっておりますので、動作をお確かめください。



    Illustrator チーム

  18. Exporting assets as SVG with asset export tool is buggy

    Asset export in illustrator is a very convenient tool, the only problem I found is when exporting my drawings to SVGs they get distorted, but when I take my objects one by one to a single document and fit them in an artboard and save the document as SVG the problem resolves (a big process), essentially because SVG saving settings for saving a document isn't the same when for exporting with asset export, I believe it isn't a big problem to solve and I hope for it to get fixed soon, I can reply with images to assist my point.

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  19. Asset Export not respecting Clipping Mask on image

    When dragging an image with a clipping mask into Asset Export it will add a white border and export at the original image size, not the clipped size

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    Gentle Reminder.

    Please share the given details at
    1) If the issue is reproducible on latest build 25.2.3?
    2) Is multiple AI versions installed in your system? If yes, please share the details.
    3) Some video & Test file for our reference.

    Illustrator team

    Also, please mention the title of this issue as the subject of the mail.


  20. Saving error Adobe Illustrator 2020 [24.0.1]

    When saving an existing ai document that I have made an alt to illustrator keeps giving me a save error.

    Illustrator tried, but could not save the file 'file name' Click "Learn more" to try alternate options for saving a file.

    If I then use the 'save as' command and save over the top of the existing ai it will save. Illustrator leaves a .tmp file in the same folder as my ai. I may work on the file a few more time re-saving using the 'save' command with no issue and then randomly I will save and we go…

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