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Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs

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  1. Color changes when document is closed

    I am working on several documents with a specific color, and when I close the AI file, the color switches to a different HEX code.

    This issue has no pattern that I can understand, since it does not happen with all documents. It is even more odd because if I choose the color I want with the eyedropper, it remains correct, but if I write the HEX code, it does not. Besides, the color profile doesn't change when this happens, at least that I'm aware of.

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  2. Multiple import of SVG doesn't include filters. Only the first file opened includes filters.

    Situation: I have 2 SVGs I want to import into Ai.

    I import the first one and the SVG Filter Effects are applied as expected.
    Then, when I open the second SVG, Ai just completely ignores the SVG effects.

    It's a simple bug which probably should have a simple fix.
    However, as a developer, I wasted 6 hours of my time not realizing you could have such a trivial bug, one that's so easy to fix, in your software after this long.

    Here's the second bug: "upload files" feature for the bug request doesn't accept SVG. Or maybe it's just…

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  3. Ctrl+click on a Gradient tool icon in a toolbar to reset gradient doesn’t work

    We were able to Ctrl+click the Gradient tool button to reset gradient to default black-and-white, as stated here:
    Now only Ctrl-clicking the preview in Gradient panel works.

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  4. 1 vote

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  5. Undo after deleting a line created with the Pen tool freezes Illustrator

    OS: Windows 10 Enterprise
    AI Version: 25.4.1,
    Bug replicated with three different computers and instances of Illustrator, all same OS, same AI version, same freeze.

    I had a bunch more steps when I ran across this problem, but I was able to replicate it with much fewer steps like so:
    With the pen tool, draw a couple vertices.
    Delete the line you're making from the table of contents.
    Click on the canvas anywhere; the line reappears with a new vertex which you just made.
    Undo the vertex you just made (the first time I did it, it undid the pen…

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  6. Unable to open/paste/place images from AfterEffects generated PNG sequence.

    I'm getting error when I'm trying to open/place/paste image form After Effects (22.4.0 build 54) genereted PNG sequence. Png can be any size (tested with 1080x1920 & 640x640). Images had no transparency (solid white bg).
    Error says "Requested transformation would make some objects too large". When I press OK, png image opens in another tab with dimensions of 16383x 16383px for 640x640px picture. I can open same image in Photoshop without a problem. The DPI of the image generated by AfterEffects is 72dpi.
    Illustrator version 26.3.1.
    After Effects 22.4.0 build 54
    MacOS 12.2.1

    P.S. My colleague was able to open…

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  7. Selecting text works poorly

    According to the screenshot, when I press the left mouse button in the place represented by the red triangle, the above text is selected. This place is completely beyond the scope of the word "Nature".

    Windows 10 Pro 64bit, AI 26.3.1. (64-bit)

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  8. Editing Adobe PDF Presets crashes Illustrator

    When trying to edit a Adobe PDF Preset in Illustrator it crashes on hitting OK to save. I have tried deleting all preferences and uninstalling and reinstalling Illustrator but no luck. For most things this would not be an issue since I can overwrite most setting by saving it in InDesign and overwriting with the same name (Why can't we do this in Illustrator?) This is happening on Illustrator version 26.0.3 on Mac OS 12.0.1 Intel iMac. I have added a quick screen grab. It doesn't matter what I try to edit.

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  9. Localization bug with variable font panel

    As shown, this is a variable font with 3 axes, the second axis is named "Italic", but it is incorrectly displayed as a localized text. I'm sure there is no localized name for this axis in the font file.

    The font file can be downloaded from here:

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  10. If the vote is low, is the insect I found a bug a bird?

    Let me tell you from the beginning, I'm not trying to get more votes here..
    What does voting change? Does it produce a solution? What does it matter if I get 1,000,000,001 votes?
    For example, there is a bug in illustrator and I prove it. But vote 3 etc. 5 Does this cease to be a bug? What a stupid app.
    I have serious doubts that Uservoice is cumbersome.

    In the meantime, check my profile if you want to see my questions.

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  11. SVG Export Settings not applied

    Operating System: macOS Monterey v12.1
    Illustrator version: 26.1

    1. Open .ai file or .svg file in Illustrator that uses a gradient
    2. Export as SVG with the following settings (see attached screenshot):
    - Styling: Presentation attributes
    - Font: SVG
    - Images: Preserve
    - Object IDs: Unique
    - Decimal 2
    - Minify: yes
    - Responsive: yes

    Expected Result:
    - The SVG elements use the "fill", "stroke", etc attributes directly
    - No <style> tag
    - No inline style attributes in the SVG elements
    - Object IDs are random strings (uuid)
    - SVG shouldn't have the <?xml starting tag

    Actual Result:

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  12. SVG - save as in illustrator version 27.0.1 - moving objects off artboard sporadically

    The latest version seems to not be playing well with SVG formats. I have reverted back to 26.5.2 and the issue resolved itself.
    When saving an SVG, everything looks fine. When it is opened again, all the of the objects are sporadically distributed on and off of the artboard. I have never seen this issue before and my save settings are the same.

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  13. Expanding a path with a gradient doesn't expand, just creates a group with the same path

    I want to expand a gradient applied to a path so that I have bands of colour as vectors in place of the gradient.

    I have been using this tool in this way successfully but this week there seems to be a bug: it works until it doesn't and then doesn't work at all.

    If I quit Illustrator and reopen everything it might work again, but with some paths it doesn't work at all. Please see my screenshots.

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  14. Match maximum allowable PDF export dimensions to maximum artboard dimensions

    When I try to save my artboard as a PDF I get this error: "The dimensions of this page are out-of-range". After researching, I found that the artboard needs to be under 200" to export as a PDF. Any way to change this limitation to 227" to match the maximum artboard size of illustrator so we don't get this error?

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  15. Selection and Direct selection tool behaviour errors

    The issues have to do with what items are selected, and which properties are displayed in panels (appearance and attributes) when using the selection tool and the direct selection tool on various configurations of item.

    Please see the attached AI file for a thorough QA breakdown of this issue (s).

    The most impactful error can be seen when using the Direct Selection tool on an item(path or text) in a group which contains only that one single item.

    The expected behaviour should be the same as for any other usage of the direct select tool: it selects the item within…

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  16. Illustrator 27.0.1 does not recognize JPG format (then locks file)

    Illustrator 27.0.1
    DRAG - DROP any JPG format image into Illustrator and the attached error occurs. The image must be RENAMED to "JPEG" for Illustrator to recognize it, however, when attempting to rename the image its locked by illustrator.

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  17. language change

    I am not able to change the language of the apps I am paying monthly money for. Your support team ist not able to help / sending me around, so I explained 3 people what is the problem in german and english. I have changed the language on my michrosoft windonws - it is in english now, my adobe cloud is in english + I have deinstalled and installed the apps / nothing helps -still german - the support team is not able to help / sending me the same links / very annoying and dissapointing - adobe is giving…

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  18. apply shadow effect on this file, the app crashes

    whenever i use and effect (shadow) in this file the computer automatically crashes.

    been doing a file that it includes this chart, but whenever I save the file,
    it automatically crashes. all of my work is lost.

    even the technician encounters the same thing

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  19. Align to Center fails on imported .AI file, continuously moves right

    Mac OS Monterey 12.4
    Intel Core i5
    Adobe Illustrator (desktop) 26.3.1

    When I use the align panel or the toolbar to align the Great Seal of California, an imported .AI file, to the center of the artboard, it instead moves a number of pixels to the right. After multiple attempts, it moves to the edge of the artboard. This error does not affect other assets in the document. The error persists when switching from "align to artboard" to "align to selection".

    See attached file.

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  20. save dialog not appearing when trying to save newly created file windows 10 64bit regarding Illustrator 27.0

    Like many others, when I create a new file, draw something and try to save, save as or export the newly created file, Illustrator does not display the save dialog box.

    I have discovered that if I open up a file created previously, it will save without issues.
    Since discovering this, to get it to save the new content, I needed to open up an old file, delete contents, draw new content and Save As a new name.

    Although this method works, the issues remain, I have now rolled back from the latest update to 26.5.1 and the issue is…

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