Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs
When reporting a bug, please provide a detailed description with the following:
- Details of your operating system
- The version of Adobe Illustrator (desktop)
- The steps you were taking when you experienced the issues
- Your expected result and the actual result
- Upload your Illustrator file or a video (screen recording or gif, this helps us most to reproduce the issue and resolve it)
7796 results found
It's 2022. Can we get some glaring, long standing bugs fixed please?
There are long standing user requests for all of these:
'Export for Screens' still adds extra pixels on exports unless the artboards are placed to exact pixels
Artboards can't be moved to snap to exact pixels, meaning if you move artboards you probably have to manually remove any decimal places in the artboard position, or else Illustrator will add extra pixels on export...
Smart Guides show up when creating or moving artboards, but don't actually work because creating or moving Artboards doesn't snap
Artboard names will randomly revert back to old names
In the Export for Screens dialog box, Artboard…
3 votes -
Illustrator is always disconnected from Creative Cloud
Illustrator refuses to load my fonts and color library. It doesn't sync with the creative cloud until much later if at all. I'm a design intern and it's extremely important I use our specific font and colors so not being able to access this really sets me back on my projects.
1 vote -
Unable to launch. Can't connect to server.
Have tried every suggestion I could find to fix this myself. I am connected to the internet; i have deleted and reinstalled; i have checked the logs, the hosts, my firewall, my system compatibility, and my drives. Seriously want this fixed asap.
1 vote -
GPU renderer fails on complex appearance stacks involving Knockout Group
I have an appearance stack that uses a scatter brush at 0% opacity to knockout parts of the underlying fill, thanks to Knockout Group being checked on this object.
It does not seem to work on the GPU renderer.
Some experimentation suggests that it does work if I shift the overall object's transparency from Hard Light to Normal. I haven't tried other opacity modes.
I have included a file with an example path, as well as screengrabs of how it renders on the CPU and GPU previews, and the data given by the "system info" button in the Performance pane…
2 votes -
pathfinder - unexpected behaviour inside script
when I select two compound paths and subtract, I get a fully selected group.
If I create an action consisting of just the pathfinder operation and run it from the actions panel, the result is identical.
If I call this action from extendscript, the group sometimes is only partially selected. - and the following steps produce unexpected results :(
It turns out that adding an extra object.selected = true can help.
I observed this in 2022 edition, I have the impression that this did not happen in 2020 edition2 votes -
Illustrator Fails to request Disk access cannot access file system i.e. cant save the files!
I have a freshly set up m1 mac Illustrator 24.6.1 and I was stumped today when using Illustrator for the first time on it. When after working on a file I could not save it. Save, Save as, Save a Copy,"Save Before Your exit - save" all failed to do anything. I then tried opedning a file... I discovered that Illustrator had failed to get permission from Mac OS to work with files. So I was stuck with my work that needed to be saved!
I opened system preferences => security & privacy=>privacy, and then file settings, and saw that…1 vote -
slicing problem
I'm having a weird glitch with Illustrator. The program works fine until it suddenly the selection stops working. no matter which tool I select I get the same result- the cursor slices any shape that's selects. I can't pick anything or preform and other function, the cursor just slices the shape. If I close the program and restart it it fixes itself only to happen again a few minutes into the re-launch.
1 vote -
Preferences dialog window opens small, tiny, shrunk, and I can't access any settings
Problem with Preference panel in Illustrator since the last update of the app.
A person from Adobe helped me yesterday by removing all the caches and preferences from illustrator, it worked right after but today it's happening again.9 votes -
Can't export selection properly
Have some simple artwork with some outlined type. Prior to the update, it all exported properly with "Export Selection..." Now it SHOWS it's going to export in the preview, but no matter what I do the majority of the text is absent. If I segregate the export to even simply one of the letters not exporting, it still exports incorrectly (even though the preview before the export shows the character) and results in an empty file!
1 vote -
1 vote
Artwork out of place in preview mode, but in outline mode is where it should be.
Title describes whole problem. Need this fixed ASAP please.
1 vote -
Bug fix: The odd placed linked image changing size or position or both, on opening.
The odd placed linked image changing size or position or both, on opening.
2 votes -
Changing color via Hex doesn't count as an action, so save does not update file
When changing the color of a selected object, if you paste a hex number in to the color palette window and hit enter the object will change to the correct color. However, the program does not register this as an action/history change. So you can’t hit save and have the color change applied to the saved the file. This also is apparent in that it doesn’t become an “Undo Color” item under the Edit menu. Besides pasting a Hex color, I get the same bug if I type a Hex color in.
Any other form of changing the color of…
6 votesThe latest Beta now correctly treats a document as changed when a color code is paste into the HEX field in the Color panel with an object selected.
Please test it and comment back.
Crashing repeatedly 26.4.1
Since the update to Illustrator v 26.4.1 there have been repeated crashes.
Crashes creating new document from template
Crashing when copying and pasting objects into Illustrator and crashing when working in the document. Only using basic shapes, although some shapes do have legacy 3D effects on them.
Windows 10 Enterprise Intel (R), Xeon(R) E-2276M CPU 2.80GHz 2.81 GHz RAM: 42.0 GB 64-bit OS, x64-based processor15 votesHi,
Thanks for reporting this issue. Kindly try the steps mentioned in the below article for this crash.
Ankit Goyal
Drop Shadows in Illustrator 26.4.1 won't export to SVG properly – they become displaced
I made an Illustrator 26.4.1 graphic that used the drop shadow effect.
When I exported it to SVG, the shadows became displaced. They were all moved a bit to the top-left. I tried all kinds of alternate exporting and effects settings, always to the same effect.I knew for certain that I had already done this in a previous Illustrator version, so I downloaded Illustrator 25.0 and tried the exact same thing – worked perfectly!
Some time between those versions, something must have gotten buggy.When I noticed this, I was on Win10 (Win11 now).
1 vote -
Illustrator auto-close when opening an .ai file
It closes automatically when I open an .AI file, whether I double-click the file or open it from the illustrator menu.
I already reinstalled illustrator and the problem continues.
3 votes -
バグなのか設定の問題なのかわからなかったのでここで質問させていただきます。1 voteお手数ですが、一度こちらのAdobe Support Communityにございます内容をお試しいただけないでしょうか。
Coordinates not showing in Overprint Preview
On Intel Macs running Monterey (Issue does not appear to happen on Apple Silicon Macs), with the GPU Performance turned off the coordinates do not show when dragging an anchor point. If GPU Performance is turned on it does work but only in Outline View.
Steps to Reproduce
1. Create blank file, have GPU Performance turned off
2. Drag to create a new square object
3. Turn GPU Performance on and change to Outline View
4. Drag to create a new square object (Coordinates now show in Outline View)
5. Change to Overprint Preview
6. Drag to create a new…2 votes -
Bullets and Numbering indentation changes
Numbering moves away from the text when I make the text larger. It does not happen always. I have tested it a few times and found this issue.
1 vote -
Ai 26.4.1 no longer recognizes my Nvidia GPU Quadro P2000, no acceleration
After 26.4.1 update AI says Compatible GPU not available. This has been working for 4-5 years. WTF!
1 vote
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