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Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs

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  1. Details of your operating system
  2. The version of Adobe Illustrator (desktop) 
  3. The steps you were taking when you experienced the issues
  4. Your expected result and the actual result
  5. Upload your Illustrator file or a video (screen recording or gif, this helps us most to reproduce the issue and resolve it)

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  2. Zooming is broken when in the middles of creating a path

    I am new to illustrator but have found that on mac if you use alt/option + scroll while using the curvature tool or pen tool, it wont zoom you immediately, it will do it afterwards. if you were to do it even a little bit it wouldn't happen until you are done with the stroke. once it activates its almost seizure inducing with how fast it zooms an unzooms. I don't know if this is a mac only issue or a software issue but it can not only be annoying but just outright time wasting. i use adobe illustrator version…

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  3. Applescript Artboard Name no longer works

    Getting/Setting name of artboard no longer works. It used to work fine. It is an issue with class of properties. All options Fail.
    1. name of (get properties of artboard 1) -- error
    2. get item 7 of properties of artboard 1 -- error
    3. name of artboard 1 -- always failed

    If you insert «class bAl9» in place of Name and compile, it does not fail however will fail next time since the dictionary replaces it with Name

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  4. Pattern image is not copied to clipboard

    When copying an asset to clipboard (using Ctrl/Cmd + C) SVG data in clipboard doesn't have custom image pattern. However, if the asset is exported the image pattern is included in the SVG file.

    MacOS Monterey 12.5 Apple M1 Pro
    Adobe Illustrator 26.5

    Steps to reproduce:
    1. Download and open -
    2. Make sure it looks like on the screenshot -
    3. Select the dress and hit Ctrl/Cmd + C.
    4. Paste it in any code editor (vscode).

    Actual Result -
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <svg id="Layer_1" data-name="Layer 1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" viewBox="0 0 239.18 354.03">

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  5. It's 2022. Can we get some glaring, long standing bugs fixed please?

    There are long standing user requests for all of these:

    • 'Export for Screens' still adds extra pixels on exports unless the artboards are placed to exact pixels

    • Artboards can't be moved to snap to exact pixels, meaning if you move artboards you probably have to manually remove any decimal places in the artboard position, or else Illustrator will add extra pixels on export...

    • Smart Guides show up when creating or moving artboards, but don't actually work because creating or moving Artboards doesn't snap

    • Artboard names will randomly revert back to old names

    • In the Export for Screens dialog box, Artboard…

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  6. Rotate View Tool - Alt + Transform

    Using the alt+tranform and the rotate view together is impossible because the object flickers between dramatically different sizes.

    Replicate this bug by using the rotate view tool and rotating the view 180 degrees. When in this view, hold down alt and try to transform an objects scale. The object will flicker between sizes making it impossible to transform using alt.

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    0 comments  ·  Rotate View  ·  Admin →
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  7. 複数のアートボードをPNGで書き出しする際に、裁ち落としが反映されない


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    PCM Miyuki responded








  8. Properties panel shows "no selection" when object is selected

    I'm using Illustrator version 27.1.1 on windows 10 64 bit.
    When selecting and object, the Properties panel shows "no selection" and some crucial features (like the reflecting buttons) are missing.

    I'm attaching a screenshot, where you can see that there is an object selected, but it doesn't appear as such in the Properties panel.

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  9. Artboard duplication messes up masks

    Masks linked, all objects unlocked, drag to copy artboard and content leaves mask messed up on OLD/ORIGINAL artboard. Please fix.

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    On the desktop version of Illustrator.....

    When you use the pencil tool with 'NEW ART HAS BASIC APPEARANCE" set in the APPEARANCE panel options, any subsequent/new pencil art has a basic appearance as it is supposed to.

    When you use the pencil tool with 'NEW ART HAS BASIC APPEARANCE" NOT set in the APPEARANCE panel options, any subsequent/new pencil art has the same appearance as the last made pencil stroke as it is supposed to.

    THESE TWO 'NEW ART HAS BASIC APPEARANCE" SETTINGS in the APPEARANCE panel options unfortunately DO NOT WORK this way when using the Brush tool.


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    I have an HP Pavilion using the latest version of Adobe illustrator and ever since the update it has been constantly crashing without saving and when it finally works, certain items have disappeared but by time I am halfway done fixing it and crashes again losing all progress.

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  12. Loading an external swatch library file freezes the app every time.

    Loading a external swatch library freeze the app every time. Loading swatches from a file does not.
    The freeze replicated by different swatch library files. Both my swatch library files .ase and files are offline. My frozen work file is in Creative Cloud.

    (meta feedback: This feedback system is slow and inefficient. I just wanna leave my bug report and leave. I'm working on clock paid by my client so I have no time flipping through pages of others' writing to find a similar feedback and vote. By imposing this inefficient feedback system, Adobe is missing a lot of other…

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  13. 와콤타블렛 PTH 660 연결시 일러스트레이터 다운 후 복구창으로

    와콤타블렛 PTH-660을 연결(블루투스나 USB연결 모두)하여 일러스트레이터를 사용시 어느정도 시간이 지나면 자동으로 일러스트레이터가 종료되고 다시 일러스트레이터를 실행시키면 복구할 파일을 복구하라는 팝업창이 뜬채로 실행됨. 한두번이 아니고 계속적으로 발생하기에 타블렛을 사용할 수가 없을 정도임. 충돌 문제 검토 부탁드립니다.
    일러스트레이터 최신업데이트 버전이며, 폰트관련 부분도 체크가 완료되었고, 아울러 초기화도 여러번 해봤으나 해당 증상은 계속되고 있습니다.

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  14. Color mode changing issue (Grayscale mode)


    We are using Adobe Illustrator CS6 & CC22, for image color conversion.

    Input: Figures in RGB mode & color RGB
    Output: Figures in CMYK mode & color Grayscale

    Manual Process:
    When we change color mode manually by following below step, then no issues color mode was changed successfully:

    Step 1:Select Image.
    Step 2:Go to File Menu -> In Document Color Mode Select RGB Color.
    Step 3:Go to Edit Menu -> Edit Colors Select Convert to GrayScale.
    Step 4:Go to File Menu -> In Document Color Mode Select CMYK Color.

    Now our output images will be in CMYK mode &…

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  15. Illustrator does not insert images from Telegram by drag&drop

    When I try to drag and drop an image from Telegram into Illustrator, it inserts the text of the temporary file path instead of the image.

    Note that drag&drop from Telegram to Photoshop works correctly. The same method can be used to drag and drop images to the desktop or other applications.

    Mac OS 12.6 (but I have tested it on Windows too)
    Illustrator 26.5 (but also tested with previous versions)

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  16. Some shortcuts don't work while using non-English keyboard / language layout

    After upgrading to AI 26.0 (and still not fixed in 26.0.1) some shortcuts stopped working, like those:
    - Show/hide layers = cmd + ;
    - Lock selection = cmd + 2

    It seems that all shortcuts with czech letters on the keyboard instead of US are affected. To be clear:
    - On us keyboard there is ";" key, but on the Czech keyboard, there is "ů" letter.
    - The same for the letter "2" on US, on the Czech keyboard, there is "ě" letter.

    Possible fix: to keep logic as before, when everything worked, you have to work with hardware…

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  17. Copying and pasting text turns it to outlines

    Copying and pasting text turns random parts of it to outlines. if you Option-drag the text, it works fine, keeps all the text in tact. this happens even in the same document, other documents.

    Makes working pretty much impossible between documents and just a pain in the same document.

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  18. Auto Spell Check marks capitalization mistakes when type is set to ALL CAPS.

    With auto spell check enabled, capitalization is still marked if the type is set to "ALL CAPS" in the the character panel's options. when using all caps, the capitalization of the underlying text should not matter, only what is displayed which is all-caps.

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  19. paragraph copy converts to individual letters, or small small groups of letters

    I have noticed this issue with some increasing frequency: where paragraphs of copy suddenly appear as individual letters or small groupings. These letters all appear on their own layer. I am unable to grab all the text, or modify an entire word. Thankfully, I save rounds of files, or work by copy and pasting , so I'm generally able to grab copy from an older version, but this is maddening to say the least. I work as a packaging designer and it's crucial that copy remain editable. I have attached an image of the copy selected and highlighted little pink…

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  20. Discover panel’s videos don’t have Full Screen button

    OK, I am a new user and want to use Discover to make some learning.
    Illustrator shows me the video of steps I need to perform.
    How on Earth am I going to view these that small, if I am not familiar with the UI? What good do they make being shrunk like this?

    Also, when you try to see maybe the cog button has something useful, the video covers the menu. Just great.

    And even if you find the 'Read article in a browser' link, it’s somewhere deep below, and you have to scroll all the way down.

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