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Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs

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  2. The version of Adobe Illustrator (desktop) 
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  1. Problem ingesting then reexporting SVG with transform attributes

    Take an SVG file with transform attribute which contains some translate(x,y) distance. Illustrator will open it fine, but if you re-export (save for screens), transforms are mangled and go outside the svg viewport.

    Please investigate, maybe it's worth to wipe the transform attributes completely when saving to a new SVG file?

    I attached the example SVG file. Disregard the fills, they were originally set to consume CSS-variables but Illustrator wiped them (which is another potential bug). For example, fill would be like: fill="var(--c-color-semantic-codsen-roundel-bg)".

    Thank you.

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  2. Illustrator turning all PNGs into negatives (with or without yellow background) after saving and reopening document

    I'm on Windows 10 pro, version 21H1. The version of illustrator I have is 26.3.1.
    When working on a document, CMYK or RGB, in illustrator with my Adobe color settings synced across all programs, all PNGs whether 16 bit or 8 bit turn negative. I've attached before and after screenshots.

    I've never had this happen before and I work with PNGs everyday, I spoke to and adobe support rep yesterday and gave them an AI filer where I tested PNGs vs JPEGs out. JPEGs are totally fine, only issue is with placing PNGs and I rather place a PNG than…

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    I am happy to share that we have fixed this bug in our latest release – 27.0.1 which is available worldwide now.

    Going forward, our goal is to fix as many top User-Voice bugs as possible and as frequently as possible. Given the nature of the fixes, some of the bugs will take a longer time to fix, but we are on it.

    You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:

    Thank you for all the feedback. Keep it coming!

    Ankit Goyal

    Illustrator Team

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  4. "on your computer" button does not work in the "save" dialog when "creative cloud" is selected as the default location to save files

    I just updated to 26.3.1. Made a new file, sketched in it, and hit 'save".

    I was presented with the Creative Cloud dialogue. I am not a fan of keeping stuff in the cloud so I hit the "on my computer" button; nothing happened. I swore, aborted the dialogue, and tried again to the same result.

    A little further experimentation suggests that it works sometimes if I click on the button again. Weird.

    OSX 11.6.4, Big Sur.

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  5. Illustrator 26.3.1 loses Libraries after computer wakes from sleep

    Using Illustrator 26.3.1 , if you have your illustrator open and set your computer to sleep, the next time you wake it up and try resuming your work, libraries will be blank and say "Install Creative Cloud Library". If you restart Illustrator, it works fine until the next time you sleep your computer. Version 26.2.1 does not have this problem.

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  6. Cursor selections made within ui panels parameter fields do not respect dark mode on macos

    macOS 10.15.7
    Illustrator 26.3.1

    Selecting text or number values within ui panels in either light or dark mode, let alone any mode, should not rely on the os or allow the os to dictate textfield colors while that textfield has focus (e.g., text selection highlight color, text color, textfield background color). Instead always use just one neutral color for each regardless of the os display mode state.

    Screenshots show the selected text value (1575 px) within the Transform Panel > TextField [X pos] rendering correctly in macOS light mode and INcorrectly in dark mode.

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  7. Apparition de ligne blanche lors du déplacement

    Système exploitation windows 11
    Je déplace mes plans de travail ou j'en copie un avec la touche alt.
    Plusieurs plans de travail en même temps.
    Résultats attendu l'écran ne fait pas apparaitre des lignes blanches.

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  8. two points disappeared from all my files in Hebrew

    After Ai update two points= : disappeared from all my files in Hebrew and left a blank space, what to do?

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  9. textRange.words counts words wrong in a wrong way

    If you try to calculate a number of words and store them for later using textRange.words and a punctuation marks placed one space after the word, as demonstrated in the video, Ai cuts words in wrong places, resulting words being trimmed.

    This breaks all scripts that rely on this method.

    You have to rename 'words-bug.txt' into 'words-bug.js' and 'words-bug.pdf' to '' to test it, since UV does not allow to upload these type formats.

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  10. 細線に対する線幅プロファイルが正常に適用されない


    1. 10mm程度の線分を描画する。
    2. 線幅を0.41mmに設定し、線幅プロファイルをアーチ状(デフォルトプリセットの6番目)のものを適用する。
    3. 歪んだ状態で適用される。パスのアウトラインを行うと歪んだ状態でアウトライン化される。




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    3 comments  ·  Strokes  ·  Admin →
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    Hi All,

    Thanks for reporting this issue . We are unable to reproduce the issue at our end and would require help from your side to debug this issue and do an in-depth investigation around the same.

    Please share the following details :

    • Machine\OS details
    • Files with which the issue is reproducible
    • A small recording of  the issue

    Warm regards,

    Illustrator Team

  11. Repeat Grid messes up variable width strokes

    When the artwork contains asymmetrical variable width strokes, those are converted to symmetrical variable width strokes when a Repeat grid is applied with mirroring.

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  12. Tutorials in Czech have disappeared

    After installation WIN11 - practical lessons in Czech have disappeared, the program cuts.

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  13. Upgrade 25.4.6 Not export dxf

    Upgrade 25.4.6 Not export dxf
    MacoS 10.14.6

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  14. broken: Save Variable Library

    since Ai 26.3.1

    saving variable library from the variables panels result in this error:
    'The filter cannot complete because of an unknown error.'

    Also a related issue is that scripts using 'exportVariables' function will fail

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  15. dxfデータ・dwgデータを読み込むと形が崩れる

    Auto CAD LT2023で作成したdxfデータ・dwgデータをillustrator2022(バージョン26.3.1)で開くと形が崩れてしまいます。


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  16. Transparent items appearing as opaque

    Shape ontop is 10% opacity but appearing as 100%, but off the artboard is back to 10%

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  17. フォント「Bodoni 72 Bold」の小文字pについて

    フォント「Bodoni 72 Bold」で小文字pを打つとマルの下辺りに突起物ができる。上にも小さく。パスは正常なのでバグかと。

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  18. Adobe Illustrator: can't save the illustration, ID: -54.

    Same issue with some members here but I couldn't find solution. Can't save existing illustration file (in .pdf), have to "save as" new file. Really hope to get helps in detail showing how to fix this.

    1. Windows 10 Home - version 21H2, installed on this new computer on Apr. 8th 2022.
    2. Ai version 26.3.1 (latest version on Adobe Creative Cloud).
    3. The step: Saving an existing file (in .pdf). have to save as new file after even 01 modification in the file.
    4. Expected everything back to normal, can open file, make change(s) and just save it.
    5. File & video uploaded.
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  19. White lines added around exported JPGs

    When I'm exporting images from Illustrator using 'Export Assets', often white lines or lighter lines are added on random edges of the images.

    Screenshot shows image in Illustrator and exported image showing lighter row of pixels on image edge.

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  20. SVG opening don't work anymore correctly

    I am not able anymore to see correctly SVG that are created from Flourish web application since 10 days. I attach a SVG that opens with a big "X" in the place of the supposed graphics

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