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Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs

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745 results found

  1. Free Transform tool and bounding box don't work with guides

    Sometimes you want to scale a guide by dragging.
    But bounding box doesn't show up when guide is selected and Free Transform tool stays in forever 'turn' mode.

    Don't you say me it is as intended. Just don't.

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  2. Main selection tool not working right

    The selection tool will select and move objects, but I cannot grab the corner and resize them. I have to use the direct selection tool and select any anchor points I want to move, even to do a simple re-size

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  3. Align distribute center doesn't work

    Trying to use Align>Distribute center with Align to Selection selected - on a group of elements.

    Elements arent distributed symmetrically but seem to randomly distribute, some elements very close together and others very far apart. Same issue has been repeating since updating to 23.0.1. Working on MacOS Mojave 10.14.

    For example the attached 3 elements were aligned with horizontal center distribution, but the center object moved close to the left text block.

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  4. Direct selection tool not resizing selected artwork

    When I try to click on an anchor point and resize my artwork with the direct selection tool, it does not resize the artwork anymore. It just moves the artwork. Fortunately, I can still use the Free Transform Tool to resize objects and artwork. This is on Windows 10 in Illustrator CC 22.1.

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    Hi All,

    Thanks for reporting this issue.
    We are getting response from users that they are able to resolve this issue via view→ show edges or show bounding box .

    In case you are still encountering this issue and unable to resolve via above provided workaround.
    Kindly provide us following information:

    1) Kindly provide some video and Test file(Via File→Package) with some steps with which you are facing issue and share with us in a zip file .
    2)Which version of Illustrator you are using.
    3) If you are using Adobe Illustrator 2020 , Could you kindly share your preferences folder with us in a zip file. You would be able to find the preferences folder in the below location:

    MAC: /Users//Library/Preferences/Adobe Illustrator 24 Settings (Kindly press Command + Shift + G and write ~/Library and ok and then go to preferences )

    Win: C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator 24 Settings


  5. Smart Guides no longer work.

    Smart Guides no longer work in Illustrator

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  6. 10 votes

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  7. rotate tool

    The rotate tool's anchor point won't stay were I place it when I go to the dialogue box to rotate in degrees.

    I updated my Mac OS yesterday and since the update this tool hasn't worked.
    I have the latest version of Illustartor 22.0.1.

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  8. About the Pencil Tool and Image Tracing in version 2025

    The accuracy of the path conversion for the pencil tool and image tracing has decreased in version 2025. Even if I change the settings to fine, it is converted to a coarse path, and I cannot express the details like in previous versions. Please improve it as soon as possible.

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  9. General Bugs in Graph Tool

    Computer: Dell, Intel i7, 32 GB RAM, Windows 10 Pro
    Illustrator Version: CC 2019, german

    The Graph tool needs many bugfixes.
    1. when trying to enlarge the data window or some of the columns in it, sometimes the cursor switches so that you see you can now pull the line between two colums and enlargen the column. Sometimes it doesn't (see jpg).
    2. When trying to insert a line break in one of the text lines in a chart (by inserting the vertical line glyph by copy&paste), german Umlauts are changed into strange glyps (see jpg)
    3. When changing some…

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  10. Rotate tool Glitch

    My rotate tool when used for copying with or without my wacom, starts sticking, and the object just keeps moving with my cursor. My only fix is restarting and hoping the app saved my recent changes. This is hindering me from doing BASIC and Simple things like copying a custom shape and maintaining the circular composition. I was trying to make a unique cycle like shape. I put the rotate point in the center and i was attempting to duplicate that shape inside the circle but instead of copying or doing anything, it just kept rotating even after i let…

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  11. 9 votes

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  12. Can't see anchor point and handles of paths after breaking link to symbol.

    1. Version 21.1.0
    2. Draw the circle or any other simple shape, convert it to symbol then break link to symbol. Choose Direct selection tool and click on any anchor point. As result you will not see the handles of any point. The handles are shown only in isolation mode or outline mode but not in basic prewiew mode.
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    We are pleased to inform you that your request is available in the latest release of Illustrator version 22.0.
    Visit your Adobe Creative Cloud Application and update. If you do not see an update on the application please check for update from the flyout options on the application after clicking on three vertical dots. For step by step process please visit:

    Warm Regards,
    Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator
    Adobe. Make It an Experience.

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  14. Dimension tool prefers to snap to or edit an existing dimension instead of starting or completing a new one

    Take a look at the GIF.
    I need to measure the width of one square, and then measure the overall width of both squares.

    I create the first dimension with no problem.
    However, when I try to create the second one, Ai plays dumb.

    When I click the leftmost point, the tool thinks that I am to EDIT the existing dimension (although I am clicking and not click-and-dragging, and I am clicking an endpoint of it, and not in the middle!)

    Well... I can lock the first dimension (which would require me to abort, select the first one, lock, and…

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  15. Scaling an illustration with grouped guides, the guides do not scale anymore with (V) tool CC2020

    This morning it worked fine but this evening it didn't work anymore. I reinstalled illustrator CC2020 twice. Please can you fix this problem? It is not about CMND+SHIFT+B and I don't want to use the (S) Scale tool. So please can you fix this problem asap.

    Thank you

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  16. Fix NO handles on shapes

    Shapes created with shape tools do NOT have corner rotate options available anymore.

    I'm really starting to look into Corel Draw or really any other program just so I don't loose more work DAYS trying to figure out the latest friggin bug release - not seeing a lot of improvements just bugs.

    How about you just leave things alone for a while and focus on quality and reliability.
    That'd be nice.

    Adobe is making itself pointless and overly expensive with lost productivity.

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  17. The Selection Tool keeps defaulting to the Direct Selection tool

    The Selection Tool keeps defaulting to the Direct Selection tool

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  18. freeform gradient tool is grayed out and not working.

    I have updated Illustrator and the new freeform gradient tool is grayed out in the gradient panel. It is not usable.

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  19. Disappearing an outline size diameter of a brush tool

    When you just launch the Adobe Illustrator, you can see the outline size diameter of the cursor of brush/blob brush tools, but when you have drawn something the outline disappears , you can see only an icon of the brush and no clue what size is currently on.

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  20. Smooth Anchor Bug

    Shapes created with the Blob brush, and then simplified with the simplify path tool are creating some weird smooth anchors that look like corner anchors based on the handle locations and line angles exiting the anchor. But when you grab a handle, they snap together or straight, changing the curve shape in an unintended and undesirable way without warning. Very frustration and time consuming to correct.

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