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Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs

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  1. Width tool started work weird after update 27.9

    After this update, width tool on closed shapes instead of acting like they are shapes with continuous edges, it cuts the width at a point.

    I use width tool a lot and this is problematic.

    Oh and in some cases width point not showing.

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  2. Round vectors not saving and expanding properly in SVG

    When I create an icon in illustrator and then export it as an SVG, the SVG loses its shape and form. See screenshot below.

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  3. Calling Tabs panel with a keyboard shortcut crashes Beta

    When using the shortcut to open the tab ruler window "command + shift + T" on mac, the program shows this error and dies:

    expression: "nilOk"
    hash: "14394c54-77fc-d426-daca-d1680000004c"
    lastError: "2"
    message: "Missing image: S_MarkerIndent_Sm_D@2x.svg"
    sourceFile: "/Volumes/AICode/Jenkins/ws/ilst_update-builder/shared/META/dist/git/adobe/DVA/dva/shared/adobe/dvaui/utility/src/DrawbotImageResourceCache.cpp"
    sourceFunction: "const drawbot::ImageSharedPtr dvaui::utility::DrawbotImageResourceCache::GetImage(const dvaui::utility::ResourceManager *, const drawbot::SupplierInterface *, const dvacore::UTF8String &, dvaui::drawbot::ImageFileType, const dvacore::utility::ImmutableString &, const dvaui::svg::ICSSDataP, bool) const"
    sourceLine: "776"
    threadID: "1760471"
    threadName: "main"
    timestamp: "2024-10-04T04:31:42.0Z"

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  4. Lasso selection drops

    I can't keep a lasso still on an image or drawing that I'm attempting to crop. Whenever I circle an image with the lasso tool, it immediately goes away after I release the mouse controller.

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  5. 均等配置したエリア内文字をポイント文字に切り換えると開始位置がずれる


    mac0S 11.6.8 (Intel/imac27inch)
    Illustrator ver.27.9.0
    1. Tツールをドラッグしてエリア内文字を作成・入力する。
    2. 段落パネルにて1のエリア内文字に均等配置(どれでも良い)を設定
    3. 「書式→ポイント文字に切り換え」を実行。
    4. ポイント文字に変更されるが、開始位置がシフトする。



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  6. Sometimes a selection cannot be canceled

    Sometimes it is not possible to deselect a selected object - even if you lock the corresponding layer or take other measures to deselect it. In such cases, only restarting the application helps.

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  7. Add an option for the Layers panel to show tight bound thumbnails for clipping groups

    Illustrator 28.4.1 on Mac Ventura 13.5.2

    Wasn't there a time when the thumbnail of a layer containing a clipped image was cropped around the clipping mask and not around the whole image? (i.e. not showing the white all around)

    Or is there a setting that I missed?

    Thanks for your help!

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  8. Mockup (Beta) in Illustrator not working due to PARM error

    I am trying to use the Mockup (Beta) tool, and every time i get the "the operation cannot complete because of an unknown error [PARM]" message and the action cancels.

    I'm attempting to mockup using a compound path and a png. I've updated and reinstalled both the app and the mockup installer. I've also tried using the newest and previous versions of Illustrator. I've also removed my preferences and still no luck.

    Any ideas? I've used Mockup on this computer multiple times without error.

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  9. Repositioning an existing dimension does not really allow to snap the dimension line’s position

    When we create a new dimension with Smart Guides enabled, it snaps to an existing dimension quite fine: by the line, by the anchor, just by proximity. The precision is strong, the snapping has a distinct ledge.

    If I try to reposition on re-snap an existing dimension to another one though...

    It doesn't work.
    See the GIF attached, please.
    Illustrator highlights the neighboring line, it tries to persuade you it snaps... but there is no ledge felt, no snapping happens, the line does no stop exactly at the position needed. It’s just broken.

    And since we can’t define a default…

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  10. 3D Rotation object misses the light source in version 28.5

    Version 28.5: Rotation 3d does not produce full 3d. Missing light. Diffuse instead.

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  11. Difficulty Finding Mirror Process in Adobe Illustrator

    Users should be able to easily find and use a dedicated mirror tool or a clearly labelled option for mirroring objects within the interface.

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  12. 调整字重后字体字号会缩小


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  13. Editing handles of smooth points using ALT to change one side only

    Adobe Illustrator 2024 on MacBook Pro running Sonomas 14.5
    When editing smooth points I used to be able to select one side of the handle, hold the ALT key and edit the direction of that handle independently. Now it duplicates a part of the path. It's slowing me down a lot. Used - making waves, hair texture on objects, etc. Thank you

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  14. Radial lines in a group created with Polar Grid Tool don’t touch the outer ellipse precisely

    After creating a shape with the polar grid tool, if you want to create the shape of any region on the outermost layer, you cannot. Because the anchor point connects to the outermost layer and does not cut it. In the examples I will give below, I am trying to shape the area I indicated in blue with the (Shape Builder) tool. However, we cannot cut the shape because the section line does not touch the upper part. It must be a mistake to connect to the inner part of the circle correctly, but not to the outer part. You…

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  15. Speichern der AI Datei nicht möglich

    Fehlermeldung "Diese Datei kann nicht gefunden werden"

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  16. Filled area text boxes do not export to SVG (v. 28.4.1)

    In the current 28.4.1 version, our files do not export to SVG correctly. You can easily reproduce this by creating any area text box and apply a fill to the box. The text will export, but not the filled box. We use this for all our our org charts and other graphics where we want the text to be easily centered in the boxes as the boxes get resized and moved.

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  17. Font characters get replaced with weird symbols in Illustrator 2024

    I've noticed that I'm unable to change my variable fonts in Illustrator after updating to 2024. In my case, the characters are replaced with weird symbols as soon as I alter any of the variable axis.

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  18. Aligning issue

    Although I'm selecting "aligned to Artboard" the Illustration still jump away right when I click on Horizontal/vertical Aligned center"

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  19. 1 vote

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  20. Command Z not working for some functions

    Using the keyboard shortcut for Undo does not work for some functions. Reordering layers does not respond to the keyboard shortcut but works via the Edit menu selecting Undo. Same issue with "Show All". Command Z doesn't work but selecting Undo from the Edit menu works.

    Mac Studio MacOS 14.4.1 / AI 28.4.1

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