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Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs

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7796 results found

  1. AI CC V 28.1 Windows 10 Extrusion (3D and materials) no more working for some objects

    I am no more able to complete the extrusion of a disc object for which I previously removed parts of it using the pathfinder substraction tool. Substraction is working well, but extrusion is not. Once started, the extrusion process does not complete. I had to revert to Illustrator 28.0 to make it work.

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  2. Preview of the 3D cube in the Effect 3D (classic) dialog is garbled or missing

    When opening effect the preview is garbled.
    Rotating 3D cube, it is flashing or disappearing.
    Changing angles via keyboard has same bug.
    AI beta 28.4.32

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  3. Using reflect or object - repeat causes stroke-only layers to misalign

    When attempting to mirror / repeat a stroke-based object, it reflext along the extremity of the stroke, not the shape path itself. This is insanely annoying when trying to work with strokes.

    The path itself is the part that should be mirrored and the stroke applied afterwards.

    It wouldn't be so bad if we could use snapping on the object > repeat > mirror but even that doesn't work and you have to eye-ball it. This makes for poor precision.

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  4. Aparece el error: No se puede completar la operación debido a un error desconocido. [STEX]

    Al mover, seleccionar o utilizar el creador de formas en un elemento me aparece el error, ya probé actualizando el programa, eliminandolo y volviendolo a descargar, eliminando caché, reiniciando la computadora, etc.
    Lamentablemente el problema persiste.

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  5. some SBSAR files apply weirdly in illustrator

    when I applied 3d texture to object with some SBSAR file downloaded from substance assets, the texture of object looks matted color.

    both RGB and CMYK the files didn't work well

    but the texture works well in substance painter.
    It seems bug to fix in Illustrator.

    you can check here

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  6. Superscript number bug

    Whenever I start typing a number in a text box it ALWAYS automatically makes the number SUPERSCRIPT by default.

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  7. Slanted instances are not properly sorted

    When a variable font has ***** axis and right leaning instances (common oblique styles) the Oblique instances gets sorted before the Romans on the font menu dropdown. See attachment.

    According to the OT spec, right leaning instances must use negative values, so I‘m guessing Adobe’s font menu is sorting instances by slnt coordinates in ascending direction when it should be in the other direction.

    This is not only bad and uncommon for users but is also pushing font developers to make fonts against the spec just to circunvent this situation. Plase fix.

    Note. All the fonts tested have proper STAT…

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  8. Can't copy, paste or delete data on graph tool

    Illustrator has a very old and annoying bug when using the graph tool: from times to times you can't copy, paste or delete data. Sometimes the keyboard shortcuts stops working and you need to use the menu (slower workflow). But sometimes even the menu doesn't work. Then you need to quit Illustrator and even restart the Mac.

    It doesn't matter which OS ou Ai version you have installed. As I said, it has been behaving like that for years.

    Please fix it.

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  9. Using a # in layer name and saving as SVG does not properly save layer names

    In the newest Adobe Illustrator version 28.4.1 when naming a layer with the # and saving as an SVG the export file when opened does not include the # in the layer name. This has never been an issue in previous illustrator versions, and for the work I do I rely on that naming convention to work with the system we integrate SVGs with. I've had to downgrade to a previous version where this does not occur.

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  10. All Text is not visible and Can't move the objects. The requested transformation would make some objects too large issue.

    I opened a project I was working on last week this morning and encountered this issue. All my text is not visible and I cannot move any text boxes without an error message coming up stating: Can't move the objects. The requested transformation would make some objects too large. I tried all the other solutions listed that could be found on Google and this forum. It happens for every project I open. I attached images of what I see and the error message.

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  11. Not Working: Select objects completely inside the marquee

    Today’s 28.3 release (non-beta) touts the “Select objects completely inside the marquee” feature. Unfortunately, it’s not working here in macOS 14.3.1 (23D60).

    Whether the E key is used or not, all objects are selected even in the case of an object not being fully enclosed in the selection area. And unfortunately, using the E key switches the current tool to the Free Transform tool, away from the Direct Selection tool which is counterproductive :(

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    2 comments  ·  Isolation  ·  Admin →
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  12. Center of rotation changes position after rotating with a dialog

    Trying to rotate a path from a custom rotation location by entering the rotation as a value, not manually.

    I'd expect that you can rotate from any given position by entering rotational values. As it is, your selected rotation position will instead default to center.

    When you select a custom position to rotate a shape from, it only works if you manually rotate the object. You can't select a custom position and then type in a rotational value via enter or double-clicking on the rotate tool.

    Win 11, Version 28.1
    Video attached.

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  13. Illustrator font bug

    1. Windows 11 Home
    2. Illustrator 28.1
    3. Installed font from Adobe Fonts, doesn't show up in Illustrator (but shows up in other Adobe programs)
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  14. Blend in CMYK color mode and GPU preview = MOIRE

    In CMYK mode the blend option looks really terrible with GPU preview. With these settings the Blend hets a jaggy moire effect.

    Tested in different color modes with CPU and GPU preview. Only CMYK on GPU produces this nasty screen effect, see screenshots. I work mostyl in CMYK mode so I hope this can be fixed rapidly.

    macOS 14.1.1 / Adobe Illustator 2024 v28.0

    I'm sure this bug affects Illustrator v27.x too.

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  15. Find and Replace text results in unwanted repeated characters

    Illustrator v 28.0
    Mac OS Ventura 13.4.1

    Using the Edit > Find and Replace... function to search for and remove text results in the first character after the removed text to be repeated. For example:

    Old text: Lorem Singapore / Lorem Hong Kong / Lorem Australia
    Find "Lorem " and replace with nothing
    Result: SSingapore / HHong Kong / AAustralia

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  16. Smart guides don't work

    My smart guide isn't working, I tried every single way. Still didn't work, so frustrating.

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  17. New file closes when I create a document

    Can't create a new file, the tab closes instantly and I can't choose the size and create it

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  18. Selection Tool Stops Functioning

    The selection tool stops functioning when Illustrator has been open for a while. It will work as expected and then it will stop functioning, either not allowing me to select an object or group at all, or it will allow the select but then nothing happens when you try to click on a corner of an object to either move it or resize it. Opening and closing the file does no good. I have to close Illustrator and re-open it and the tool will start functioning again. It seems like a memory issue.

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  19. The interface UI font fails to follow the Windows system settings. A lot of serif fonts are used in

    The interface UI font fails to follow the Windows system settings. A lot of serif fonts are used in Chinese, making it very difficult to distinguish.

    The red part does not follow the operating system font, and the blue part correctly follows the operating system font. In Chinese Windows, the default font of the operating system is "Microsoft Yahei"

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  20. Menu items missing

    I guess this is a bug, but a lot of items are missing from the menus on my Illustrator. The ones I notice most are Window and Object, I'm not sure if stuff is missing from the other menus as well. I have everything up to date, and I'm on Windows 11, version 23H2.

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