Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs
When reporting a bug, please provide a detailed description with the following:
- Details of your operating system
- The version of Adobe Illustrator (desktop)
- The steps you were taking when you experienced the issues
- Your expected result and the actual result
- Upload your Illustrator file or a video (screen recording or gif, this helps us most to reproduce the issue and resolve it)
7797 results found
Fix your ******* live paint groups & work paths,never had an issue until updating and now it wont let me live or merge paint certain groups
fix it for gods sake or stop trying to force it
1 vote -
Eliminate the "sticky" selection tool
The latest 27.8.1 version selection tool acts like a magnet after an object selection and will often drop/release the selected object with wild and random predictability. It's a horrible bug. Unfortunately, I have to use Illustrator in my job. This is nothing like I've seen in all the decades of using Illustrator. Lots of UNDOs. I'm going to revert back to the previous version.
2 votes -
Free transform tool groups selected layers to one layer
When selecting several Layers and using the Free Transform Tool, Illustrator moves all these layers to 1 single layer.
I guess this is a bug or am I doing something wrong?5 votes -
Colors Get Stuck in the Adobe RGB Color Space When Switching From Adobe RGB to sRGB
When I change the document color profile from sRGB to Adobe RGB and then back to sRGB, all the colors get stuck in the Adobe color space.
How to reproduce the problem:
1) Create an sRGB document with an R: 0 G: 255 B: 0 object.
2) Assign the Adobe RGB color profile.
3) Assign the sRGB color profile.
1 vote -
text selection issue with threaded text frames
Trying to select text in the second column of a threaded text frame is impossible. The selection always jumps to select the text in the previous text frame. In the video example I uploaded - I'm simply trying to select just the top paragraph in the middle column - but it keeps highlighting the text in the linked text frame on the left column. I can never just select the top 3 lines in the middle column.
9 votes -
Text got removed automatically
I was working on illustrator file, opened the file and texts were removed automatically.
All fonts are installed, pleases fix this bug.1 vote -
MacOS Ventura color pale
After update to macOS Ventura, file color becomes pale, like neon color becomes pale
24 votesAs stated at, this issue is a Mac-only problem for Ventura on Silicon chips.
A workaround for now is to use CPU preview or run the app using Rosetta or open as Intel or roll back to Monterey.
Illustrator suddenly switching to CPU preview, GPU preview greyed out
My little research has shown that the preview mode changes when zooming if the cmyk document contains cmyk images. In a cmyk document with rgb images or an rgb document with rgb/cmyk images, there is no gpu to cpu preview switching when zooming. To reproduce the bug, the document must include multiple images in order to impact performance during scaling. My system: i5 8400, 32 Gb, GTX1650 with latest Studio Driver installed, Asus PA329C, windows 11 Build 22621.1265, Illustrator 27.3.1 Here's what it looks like on my system.
5 votesIt is expected to have this bug fixed in the latest version, 27.4. Please test if it works fine for you and comment back.
Illustrator not using GPU preview on MacBook Pro M1 Max
I bought a new MacBook Pro M1 Max 16" 2021 I have the latest version of Illustrator installed. But when I work with a project where I have a bitmap image illustrator automatically switches to CPU preview and everything crashes.
When I want to click up in the menu View > View using GPU - I can't it's greyed out. Cmd + E shortcut doesn't work either
I can't work with the program like that. Please do something about it. For it is completely crazy. And you don't solve it and yet it limits the work quite a lot. Several…
1 vote -
Bounding box missing
When selecting an object, edges for manual expansion of the object do not work
1 vote -
Cursor indicator jumps from linked text boxes
When I try to move the cursor between text in linked text boxes, the cursor instead jumps to the first text box. This is seen particularly when selecting a space in the text, or when trying to move the cursor to the front of a text line within a linked text box.
1 vote -
Bullet list cannot be disabled
No matter how the bullet list is set up in Preferences > Type, Illustrator will always make a list after typing the characters +, * ,# , - followed by a space.
20 votesI am happy to share that we have fixed this bug in our latest release – 27.1.1 which is available worldwide now.
Going forward, our goal is to fix as many top User-Voice bugs as possible and as frequently as possible. Given the nature of the fixes, some of the bugs will take a longer time to fix, but we are on it.
You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:
Thank you for all the feedback. Keep it coming!
Ankit Goyal
Illustrator Team
Get the color wheel cloud to work properly
I teach 5th grade and we made color using the Adobe Color wheel. Then when we went into our libraries in Illustrator those palettes showed up for only about 1/2 the kids. No idea why. When I did it I also did not get the colors I saved to show up in my Illustrator color library. Even weirder when I open Illustrator on a Windows device (instead of Mac) the color DO show up.
1 vote -
"export for screens" beachball bug
I am on a M2 MBA running the latest macOS. I have a bluetooth Logitech MX master 3S. I have illustrator 28.1
When using 'Export for Screen', if I have a document with 20+ artboards, there is a scrollbar on the Artboards tab.
If I use the mouse LEFT BUTTON to drag the scrollbar or use the mouse LEFT BUTTON to click on the arrows on the scrollbar, Illustrator will beachball and I have to use Force Quit to close it.
If I use the mouse WHEEL to scroll the panel, I am able to make my selections - the…
1 vote -
Illustrator AI - high volume
I'd like to have a better understanding of this problem - I originally posted in the community discussion but was told I would need to repost here so that's what I'm doing.
I've been getting this error with one of my projects since this morning and since I can still use it by closing that project and opening another - I don't think the problem is really "High volume"
- I do have a prompt that's about 3 paragraphs which could be the problem but if that's the case, Adobe really should be limiting the characters, not just saying that there…
1 vote -
Problème de vectorisation de la numérotation (puces et numérotations) sur MacOs 12.2 et AI 27.5
La numérotation disparaît lors de la vectorisation si on convertit pas en texte.
1 vote -
cursor is gone
The cursor is sometimes after a while just gone. You can't see it.
1 vote -
Legacy text objects updated after two file saves are completely lost
Bugs fixed in CC2018 are still not fixed. Procedure:
1. Prepare and open a file of version 10 or less.
2. Click [OK] button in Legacy Text Warning dialog.
3. Save the file as is.
4. [Important] Open the saved file.
5. [Important] Save the file as is.
6. Open the saved file.
7. Click on a legacy text object with the Text tool.
8. Click [Update] button in the warning dialog box.
→Legacy text object is completely lost.This bug occurs in all versions since CC2018.
38 votes -
Illustrator reopens after quitting
I'm on macOS 14.2.1 and Illustrator 28.1.
When I quit illustrator it automatically reopens immediately. Workaround: close the app via the dock (secondary click > quit).
I uninstalled Illustrator and reinstalled it, but the problem persists.
1 vote -
12th Gen intel(R) Core(TM) i5-12500【CPUクーラー】
DeepCool AK400【メモリー】
Corsair DDR4-3200(1600MHz) 16GB*4枚(64GB搭載)【グラフィック】
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050【OS】
windows10 64bit1 voteGuides in Illustrator, unlike in InDesign, are considered to be objects and exist within layers. As per the comment by Ten_A, if your guides are contained within a locked layer, they won’t be selectable.
If you wish to change this behavior, you should upvote this request:
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