Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs
When reporting a bug, please provide a detailed description with the following:
- Details of your operating system
- The version of Adobe Illustrator (desktop)
- The steps you were taking when you experienced the issues
- Your expected result and the actual result
- Upload your Illustrator file or a video (screen recording or gif, this helps us most to reproduce the issue and resolve it)
7715 results found
Illustrator ver25.3.1 ja_JP/Macintosh
C630 B930 C830 2D00 3100ver.25.3.1での出力
C900 6500 C900 5800 C900 6700 2D00 3100※各文字コードはリトルエンディアンですからUnicodeLTとなります。
※最新版のPhotoshopはmormの方を正しく出力出来ないバグが存在します。8 votes製品フィードバックへのご協力ありがとうございます。
ご報告いただいた「日本語ファイル名で書き出した TIFF ファイルのレイヤー名が文字化け」問題を修正した、Illustrator 2021(ver.25.4.1)を一般リリースいたしました。
Creative Cloud デスクトップアプリケーションから、製品版のアップデートが可能となっておりますので、動作をお確かめください。
Illustrator チーム
Eyedropper won't pick up arrowheads in 25.3.1
Using Illustrator 25.3.1 with Mac OS 11.4, the eyedropper won't pick up the arrowhead style from a stroke to replicate onto a new stroke. This has always worked before.
1 vote -
Illustrator stürzt nach Umschalten auf "Pfadansicht" ab.
Windows 10 - Illustrator 25.3.1
Ein Dokument in welchem ein 1px Raster mit 4 Unterteilungen angelegt wurde, bringt nach umschalten auf die Pfadansicht das Programm zum abstürzen.
Wenn ich den Raster ausblende, funktioniert Illustrator einwandfrei.1 vote -
macOS Catalina 10.15.7
Mac mini (2018)
CPU/Intel Core i5 3GHz
メモリ/16 GB 2667 MHz DDR4
Intel UHD Graphics 630 1536 MB
Adobe illustrator 2021(25.3.1)GPUレンダリングはOFF
会社の同じ環境の人も、同じ現象が起こっています。4 votesIllustrator 製品版フィードバックへのご協力ありがとうございます。
・使用マシンが Intel Mac
・環境設定の GPU パフォーマンスが無効
・開いている2番目以降のドキュメントで 1200% 以上にズームする上記のすべての条件が揃うと再現されますが、ズームアウトすると表示が戻ります。
また、GPU パフォーマンスを有効にするほか、単一ドキュメントを開いてでの作業で現象を回避できます。
この現象は、M1 Mac(M1 ネイティブ、および Rosetta 起動)では再現しません。今後、詳細な検証作業を行います。
よろしくお願いいたします。Illustrator チーム
1 vote
exporting PDF files
You're phasing out eps files. I gather I should now provide logos files in PDF.
However, I can't export each art board (I use artboards for the variations of the logos I design) as a separate file. I don't believe a client wants a multiple paged PDF for a logo!
What do you expect our work flow to be?2 votes -
Object redraw issues
Having issues with AI 25.3.1 update and object redraw. When I drag elements around the artboard they start breaking up and pixelating. Video showing issue attached. MacOS 10.14.6.
2 votes -
I can't use anything
When I open a photo, no panel opens on the right or left and I only look at the page I opened.
1 vote -
Tool Tip for the "Get familiar with illustrator..." button doesn't go away
Unable to close this tool tip.
No text is showing and it doesn't go away.
I've uninstalled/reinstalled.
This happens for 25.23.0 and 25.23.1 - which I've tried.Changing the view to Presentation View and escaping out of it moves the box to the bottom right.
1 vote -
Coloured Fonts: Copied text unintentionally becomes path objects
In AI 25.3.1 (macOS 10.14.6), when I copy a text written in a coloured font in the same document or in another document, then immediately or after a few copy-paste actions the editable text unintentionally becomes a path object. Example with the coloured font "Gilbert" attached.
1 vote -
Diacritical characters are displayed incompletely
I create fonts and need diacritical marks above or below letters for European fonts. When I copy the following text
́ ˘ ̧ ̒ ̋ ̏ ̀ ̌ ̦ ̊ ̄ · ̨ ̣ ̇ ̷ ̃ ̈ ^
from TextEdit (Mac) into Adobe Illustrator 25.3.1 (Mac), many of the characters disappear.
The problem does not occur in Affinity Designer. So please repair this bug, thanks.2 votes -
Problems with scripts and BridgeTalk using Illustrator 25.3.1 on M1 Mac
I have a handful of scripts that have stopped working after switching from an Intel Mac mini to an M1 Mac mini. The scripts will run as expected if I use the Intel version of Illustrator on the M1 Mac mini, but they return this error when run using the M1 version of Illustrator on the same machine "TARGET COULD NOT BE LAUNCHED(59)". The current culprit seems to be BridgeTalk. Any help would be appreciated, thx!
13 votesThe workaround for this is to update to the latest build, 25.3.1, which doesn't contain Bridge related changes for Mac ARM — that's why this error is happening.
If you still have the issue, please comment back.
Performance is extremely slow when using show grids in outline preview
macOS Big Sur 11.4, Illustrator 25.3.1
When switching to outline mode when using show grids, it is almost impossible to keep on working as everything is in slow motion, as if the graphic card is unable to cope. This occurs with a 500 kb file that was trouble free before the last updates.
41 votesIt turns out the problem is fixed only partially in 26.3.1, only for some users, and the performance remains slow when grid is rendered with lines or dots in Outline mode. This applies to zooming, panning and ghosting of objects being moved.
Please help the team by providing your specs and answers to these questions:
1. Does it work fine with grid as dots in Preivew / Outline mode?
2. Does it differ from grid as lines in these modes?
3. What is slow for you exactly? How severe?
4. Is there a difference if you disable 'Grids In Back' option?
5. What are you lines/subdivisions settings?
And any other related feedback is appreciated. Let's track it down and get this really fixed.
Illustrator 2021 won't reopen files that are saved as and returns error - reboot necessary - iMac M1
I have the lastest 2021 version of Illustrator (25) on Apple's newest iMac M1
and Mac OS Big Sur 11.4I often save files as templates (option "save as") and I've noticed that:
- When I save a file as or
- Export a file under a certain format (even PDFs at times)Coming back to the original document isn't possible, upon opening, the following dialog box appears (see screen shot) and at that point, a reboot is necessary to make this possible.
My files are located on a NAS but I am not convinced the NAS is incriminated in…
1 vote -
1 vote
Illustrator utterly slow after 25.3.1 update
Running on late 2013 mac Pro with 64GB RAM
As per title, even menus take a while before opening. Tried to uninstall and reinstall, no effect. If I go back one version it works as before, at usual speed.
4 votes -
Repeat grid is ALMOST awesome.
The repeat grid is awesome EXCEPT for the fact that it puts all of the objects on the same layer when expanded. This doesn't work.
I'm trying to make stickers with a dieline. It laid and and spaced them wonderfully except now I have to go back and manually fix the dielines that are now on the same layer as the art. Lame. No thanks, going back to the old way by hand and replicating a correct object.
1 vote -
Photo exports come out faded
I recently updated Illustrator for the M1 chip on my MacBook Pro.
Now when I save an Illustrator document that contains photos as a press ready PDF (or any other file type) the photos become desaturated, and look faded.
This is a problem as I am often preparing files to be printed and my colors no longer look accurate. How can this be solved?2 votes -
canvas background disappearing
view goes from white to checkerboard out of nowhere recently... maybe in the last week or so? seems like a bug that needs to be addressed
1 vote -
Align To: keeps getting broken with upgrades, WHY ?
Align To: keeps getting broken with upgrades, WHY ?
Like clockwork. Adobe Upgrades keep disabling USER Align To Preferences.
Can anybody tell me why year after year, upgrade after upgrade, this KEEPS HAPPENING?
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?