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Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs

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  2. The version of Adobe Illustrator (desktop) 
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  1. 7 votes

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    Most likely it’s because the bounding box got disabled by accident. Please try to toggle it using View > Show Bounding Box command or with a Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + B hotkey (this is the most common way to disable it).

    Comment back if it fixes this for you and especially if it doesn’t.

  2. Panels float on top until I click them

    Sometimes all panels get "always on top'' state. To change this, you need to mouse click each panel.

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  3. Buggy lines from tool windows

    When I expand some tool windows to the work area the drop shadow from the window remains when the window is closed. This shadow is persistent when I close Illustrator and it is seen over all programs and desktop. It even persists when I restart explorer.

    The only pattern I seem to find is that it only appears with the toolwindows popping up from the "More options" buttons.

    Is it possible this is problem with Illustrator itself of should I search elsewhere for a solution? I have never had this problem before with any other software after year and years…

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  4. Application Frame menu please for Windows Illustratör-Indesign-Photoshop!

    Illustrator, InDesign Application Frame menu please.

    Illustrator, InDesign, MacOS operating system in Photoshop has Application Frame menu.

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  5. Improve Large Complex File Handling

    Performance with large files is sluggish & frequently enters the "Not Responding" state. This wastes my time & causes frustration. Files with this behavior include those with many linked or embedded images or complex vector graphics such as expanded brush strokes. However, I cannot find an explanation for this slowness. During these periods, my total RAM usage does not go above 40% & CPU usage does not go above 20%. GPU usage spikes to 100% occasionally but quickly returns to near 0% so this does not seem to be the cause. Opening & saving files takes a very long time…

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  6. Gradient angle got reset to zero, when using Color Picker

    1. Create path
    2. Apply gradient
    3. Change gradient angle
    4. Select gradient stop
    5. Double-click Fill in toolbox to open Color picker
    6. Choose any OTHER color
    7. Hit OK

    Angle got reset to 0 (almost always)
    See attached file

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    We have the fix available in the latest release. Please update Illustrator using Adobe Creative Cloud application to the latest build for version Illustrator CC 24.0.2 on Win and 24.0.3 on MAC.

    Please refer to our knowledge base FAQ if you face difficulty in update.
    Or get in touch with us at any of the other support channels –

    Thanks & Regards
    Ankit Goyal

  7. tools & palette windows keep blipping in and out

    Every other click, all of my palettes that I have open will blip off, then I have to click somewhere on the document to get them to blip back up again. Every. Other. Click! How can anyone draw with this going on?

    Coworkers and I all working on same IMacs with most recent OS Mojave and just updated to 23.0.4 this morning and its still happening. Please fix it.

    Far and away, I have been using Illustrator since 2.0, seriously, and it just gets less and less reliable with every update. Very disappointing.

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  8. Keyboard shortcut for Offset path changes automatically

    I use offset path a lot in my work, so I have set a keyboard shortcut for it. cmd+shft+Å. This has worked always, until now.

    Now I cant even see the Obejct - Path - Offset path in keyboard shortcut setting panel. Still I see that this function has a shortcut, but not the one I have set. See pictures.

    Now I noticed, that system changes the keyboard setting that i've made to Effect - Path - Offset path.

    Is thee a way around, or is this something that I'll need to wait to be fixed?

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  9. Save error with embedded PDF (Unknown error occurred)

    Just updated CC to latest version on my MacBookPro 2017, and now I am unable to save a ill document which contains an embedded PDF inside. PDF was created from a scan on a Xerox WorkCentre 7855.

    PS: Why can't I copy content from file info in file Properties? That is just dumb!

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  10. Cannot open previous files or create new files in Illustrator V.23.0.1

    The issue:

    Adobe Illustrator won't open or create new files in version 23.0.1

    System information:
    System Software Overview:
    System Version: macOS 10.14.2 (18C54)
    Kernel Version: Darwin 18.2.0
    Boot Volume: Macintosh HD
    Boot Mode: Normal
    Computer Name: DUBM60286516A
    Username: Julian, John (i313124)
    Secure Virtual Memory: Enabled
    System Integrity Protection: Enabled
    Time since boot: 1S40
    Hardware Overview:
    Model Name: MacBook Pro
    Model Identifier: MacBookPro11,3
    Processor Name: Intel Core i7
    Processor Speed: 2.5 GHz
    Number of Processors: 1
    Total Number of Cores: 4
    L2 Cache (per Core): 256 KB
    L3 Cache: 6 MB
    Memory: 16 GB
    Boot ROM Version:

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  11. 1 vote

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  12. Opacity Issues when Selecting Whole Layer

    In the Layers panel, when you click the Select All circle to the side of the layer, all of the objects on that layer become selected. If you then go to the Properties panel and adjust the opacity of those objects, they appear to become more transparent yet you cannot see through them. ALSO, once you go back to selecting individual objects, or even manually selecting multiple objects, the opacity changes are not indicated in the Properties panel. Rather, they say 100%, even if you've adjusted the opacity by selecting all in the layers panel. I've attached a video for…

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  13. Unable to collect multiple assets for export

    I am unable to collect multiple assets for export in Illustrator. I select several different layers and when I click collect for export as multiple assets they get compiled into a single asset. This is EXTREMELY inconvenient as I need to export 400 icons and I don't want to have to click into each one, exit isolation mode, collect as single asset 400 times.

    I am making a series of screenshots so you can see exactly what I'm doing

    I see the example in the help pages and this is exactly what I need, but exactly…

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  14. Fonts - scrolling through list

    What did you do to the font list??????

    I don't even know how to describe the issue. I just know it's wrong. And messed up. And needs to be fixed!

    Let me see if I can describe my complaint:

    1) In the CHARACTER pallet: if you highlight the font name and begin typing another font name, I used to be able to put the first few characters (or even just the first letter), then click on the down arrow and it would bring me to that place in my list of fonts.

    For example, I could type “HEL” and it…

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    We have the fix available in the latest release. Please update Illustrator using Adobe Creative Cloud application to the latest build for version Illustrator CC 23.0.
    Please refer to our knowledge base FAQ if you face difficulty in update.
    Or get in touch with us at any of the other support channels –

    Warm Regards,
    Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator
    Adobe. Make It an Experience.

  15. Paragraph styles not properly justifying

    I'm using the latest updated version of CC on mac High Sierra 10.13.6

    When I just use the justify option in the paragraph window, the type will justify properly, but when I've tried to create a paragraph style, the type hangs outside of the text box, no matter what I do.

    Is there something I'm doing wrong, or is this a bug issue? And if so, any workarounds? I'm working on a file that needs a lot of type, and Illustrator is preferred over InDesign (which I've never had a problem with).


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  16. recent mojave update 10.14.3 causing odd illustrator behavior?

    1) osx 10.14.3
    2) basic illustrator usage
    3) ""
    4) basic commands not being fulfilled, eventual crash

    recently illustrator has stopped functioning correctly for me. i realized that within the last week i upgraded from mojave 10.14.2 to 10.14.3 and that illustrator has been malfunctioning for me around the same time as i updated. i've tried trashing prefs, uninstalling illustrator and reinstalling and then trashing prefs again after still not working, uninstalling entire adobe creative cloud and reinstalling, it still won't work. some of the odd behavior is reminiscent of issues pertaining to gpu ive read on the forums so…

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  17. Stylus pen

    Illustrator Cc2019 crashes when using Lenovo Yoga Surface pen in a Touch mode.
    The surface pen is drawing in both Pen and Pencil tools but Illustrator crushes after a minute or two without an option of reporting.
    It takes 7/8 file openings to finish a tracing illustration.

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  18. Error: Can't print the illustration - Just updated to 23.0.1 - Trying to print to HP DesignJet 1055CM Plotter

    Error: Can't print the illustration - Just updated to 23.0.1 - Trying to print to HP DesignJet 1055CM Plotter - I can print to a HP Color LaserJet MFP M477fdw just fine. If I don't get the Error then the program crashes.
    Using Windows 10 on 64-bit PC.

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  19. Lock/unlock width and height while scaling

    If I have a rectangle for example and I unlock the width and height so that I can change the values separately, If I change the width or height (size) the object transforms proportionally.


    Object 500 H x 500 W px (locked):
    If I change H -50px I get 450 H x 450 W px.


    Object 500 H x 500 W px (Unlocked):
    If I change H -50px I expected to get 450 H x 500 W px.
    But what I get is 450 H x 450 W px.

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  20. Opening file with multiple envelopes crashes Illustrator CC2019 23.0.1

    Opening the file I included will crash CC2019 every time.

    Illustrator CC2018 opens the file without a problem.

    Expanding the envelopes will stop the crashing in CC2019.

    If you delete one of the two layers in the included file, there's only one envelope left and CC2019 opens it without a problem.

    Operating System macOS Sierra 10.12.6

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