Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs
When reporting a bug, please provide a detailed description with the following:
- Details of your operating system
- The version of Adobe Illustrator (desktop)
- The steps you were taking when you experienced the issues
- Your expected result and the actual result
- Upload your Illustrator file or a video (screen recording or gif, this helps us most to reproduce the issue and resolve it)
7796 results found
Working on a Mac touchpad when moving around the project with 2 fingers gesture zooming triggers automatically with extreme intensity
Working on a Mac touchpad when moving around the project with 2 fingers gesture zooming triggers automatically with extreme intensity.
I used to work on my projects on my touchpad and now with the new updates somehow this bug appeared. Now it is a struggle to move around the project without a spacebar or with a hand tool instead of the previous Mac touchpad gesture.
1 vote -
Error con la nueva versión 2025 [!IMP]
Abrí mis documentos creados en AI para poder editarlos y cada ciertas acciones me aparece un error sin precedentes.
1 voteThe issue has been resolved by installing a missing plugin from CCD app
Outline view not work on AMD graphics
Outline view does not work on my PC, AMD 6650XT Illustrator 29.1 or beta.
This is my system info.1 vote -
以前作成したテキストに変更を加えるとなります。1 vote -
Importing a PDF with only Spot RGB Colors inside treats the document as CMYK
I am exporting PDFs from an RGB file using 'Export for screens’ with a PDF Preset that converts to sRGB.
Any artboard that contains a ‘process’ RGB color (white, in my case) comes out as an RGB PDF file.
Any artboard that only contains Spot RGB colored elements is seen as a CMYK file when opened in Illustrator or imported in InDesign (which is my goal).My example file will export nicely until I hide the background layer to make my PDF transparent. Then the one with the (previously) white background becomes CMYK.
4 votes -
Gaussian Blur Effect Changed in 29.1 from 29.0.1
As previously reported in July 2020 when this happened with 24.2:
This was last an issue with 24.2.3, and since 24.3 it had been successfully fixed with consistent results in 29.0.1.
December 2nd, 2024: We have discovered that the issue is how the Gaussian Blur effect performs on Process vs Spot colours.
In 29.1, Gaussian blur now produces an identical effect on both process & spot colours. We'd consider that a fix, as a designer should expect the same result no matter the colour used.
The challenge here for Adobe is weighing "fixing the blur" vs customer legacy files.…
2 votes -
Constant crashing - can't even move an object
Have updated my illustrator to the most recent version 29.1.
Using Mac OS Sequoa 15.1.1 - M1.
I would make changes, scroll to another section of my frame. Return back and my changes were then 'reverted'.
Every time I open the app it lags, spinning wheel of death, and all i'm doing is trying to maybe zoom in or out, copy or move an object.
I have reverted to old versions, reinstalled etc
It's a small file, good computer with heaps of memory.
Illustrator is basically unusable at this point and can't do my work. .
2 votes -
Color set through Appearance section Properties conflicts with the one from dedicated Appearance panel.
Some features in Illustrator are quite strange. For example, if you set a color in the Appearance panel of the Properties panel and then add a color in the independent "Appearance" panel, the object will have color A+color B overlap, but the color set in the Appearance panel of the Properties panel cannot be reflected in the "Appearance" panel.
The Appearance panel in the Properties is different from the individual Appearance panel, which cannot be understood.1 vote -
Align to key object doesn't work properly
Mac Studio 2022 Apple M1 Max - 64Gb memory
Mac OS Sequoia 15.1
Illustrator (Middle East) 29.2.1Alignment to key object SOMETIMES doesn't work as expected. I cannot figure out which are the specific cases.
When dealing with text boxes there is no difference between Roman Hanging punctuation ON or OFF.
I numbered the screenshots according to the issue.TWO TEXT BOXES:
I'm right aligning my text box to another text box. It right-aligns it to the right border of the selected text box with small margin (in this case 0,26mm). The right border of the text box is shifted…
1 vote -
Color cannot be changed in compound paths and/or is not displayed correct
In compound paths, the color cannot be changed directly via color fields or the pipette. The set color and color codes are displayed correctly under “Appearance”, however, nothing changes on the drawing area and the compound paths retain the fill color and outline color with which they were created.
1 vote -
Illustrator Beta Font Selection Panel Disappearing Problem
When the pop-up font preferences panel opens, which is an easy selection area, the window that opens to select a font disappears when hovering over it with the mouse. The font preference preview panel closes before making a selection. It occurred after the last update.
1 vote -
Eraser tool not working since update today, it erases whole image
Eraser tool not working since update today, it erases whole image
1 vote -
Illustrator friert bei Copy ein
ich arbeite mit einem Dell Precision 7560 PC unter WIN 11 Vers. 10.0.22632 mit Illustrator. Ich habe einen Prozessor 11th Gen Intel Core i7-1185H mit 2.5 GHz mit 8 Kernen
Ich habe seit geraumer Zeit das Problem dass Illustrator extrem langsam wird. meine Dateien sind klein un bestehen nur aus wenigen Vektor-Linien. Das Problem tritt auf, wenn ich Teile anwähle und mit Command C in die Zwischenablage kopiere. Dann wird die Darstellung ****, alles friert ein, das Rädchen dreht sich und manchmal werden die Fenster und Bedienfelder Schwarz. Nach einigen Sekunden funktioniert dann wieder alles. Nachdem das ein paar mal…1 vote -
붙여넣기 에러(Paste error)
어떤 개체(Objects)를 카피(copy)해서 현재의 레이어(A layer)에서 다른 레이어어(B layer)에 붙여넣기(paste) 하려고 하면 자꾸 기존 레이어(A layer)에 붙여넣기가 됩니다.
1 vote -
当我的链接图片达到100张以上时,会有个漫长的保存过程 Allow to disable proxy images for missing links on saving
这导致我虽然排版时,电脑运行流畅,但不敢保存,保存会消耗大量的时间等待,我只能在完全排版好后,保存1次。A recent update to Illustrator included a project.
Is to make unlinked pictures.
It can also display a reduced image in Illustrator.
This update is causing me a lot of trouble.
When I have more than 100 linked images, there is a long saving process.
This was not necessary before.
In the past, when I removed several options from the save options, no matter how many images were linked, the save was done instantly.
As a result, although I typeset, the computer runs smoothly, but I dare not save, saving will consume…1 vote -
1 vote -
Character Information in the Properties Panel does not work
The following bugs did I found while working with text (selected):
- Font selection is blank
- Font search does not give a result
- Font style does not update
- Colour does not update or shows a wrong colourThis all happens even though the Character Panel works fine.
1 vote -
Latest version of illustrator (v29.1) does not export pngs with the same pixel placements as the one before.
Export from the new version of illustrator places artwork off center: Up and to the left slightly. This causes SO much work in our pipeline, please fix this urgently.
1 voteAnders, please share a test file and the exact setting and the method you use to export an image.
Errore sconosciuto all'apertura di un file dwg.
All'apertura del file dwg generato con autocad (il quale l'ho sempre aperto con Illustrator), non sono più riuscita ad aprire alcun file dwg. Mi compare la scritta "impossibile completare l'operazione a causa di un errore sconosciuto [UNKN]"
PS: non mi fa caricare il file in oggetto2 votes -
Lighting preview is missing in 3D and Materials panel in Ai 2025, Undo does not work for 3D rotation, performance is slow
Why is the preview for lighting missing? And why is the render so slow? Also why is there no undo option to take you back to the previous rotation position??!!!! This is Illustrator 2025! Horrible.
2 votes
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