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Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs

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7522 results found

  1. Selection stroke non aligned with shape.

    After last update, the stroke of selected objects seems shifted compared to shape outline about 1 pixel, while anchor point is centered.
    When zoomed it's not well visible, but with small objects it's very annoying.

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  2. Scroll zoom not working

    When I zoom in using alt + scroll down, the canvas jitters; it zooms out then in.

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  3. Pencil automatically goes to no color

    Hi, everytime I draw a line with the pencil tool and have the fill with a color ex: black it automatically goes to no color. This randomly just started happening to me.

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  4. separator preview

    everytime I open CC2018 I get a dialog box where I need to disable the "separator preview" plug-in

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  5. Eyedropper picks wrong color from vector art placed behind transparent image (with Shift)

    I have in image on isolated transparent backround, in CMYK, with no profiles.
    It covers some art. I want to apply color of underlying art to another object. I pick Eyedropper tool and pick color from bottom art, holding Shift, clicking through transparent parts of my image.
    AI picks wrong color, with fractions and dirty channels.
    this is related to color picking in CMYK document from real CMYK values of an image, which AI fails to do. Again, I think AI should pick REAL color.

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  6. Expanding strokes lose ability to scale equally

    After expanding a stroke, when I shift + transform and scale, it does not scale equally on all sides.

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  7. Zero X and Y coordinates don’t match the artboard

    when making a file exact art size. Trying to snap to my

    the Transform pallet says i'm at 0 & 0 but clearly i am not and once i click off everything then re-select everything again i can make it 0&0. I am in a pre-press production setting and this slows down my whole process. Also the Align to Artboard selection is a huge problem.

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  8. Eyedropper wants to convert everything to text color?

    I have several elements that need to be colored the same way. After coloring the first one, I'm trying to color pick it to color the others... only as soon as I hover over the previously colored object a T appears next to the eyedropper and it colors the object black, regardless of the color I click on with the tool.

    There is NO text on the page!

    I cannot find anything that addresses this problem, and I'm wasting a lot of time trying to figure it out.

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  9. Smart guides does not align to compound shapes.

    Smart guides do not align to compound shapes.

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  10. Left Mouse Button Single Click Acts Like Double Click

    This only seems to happen in Adobe Illustrator CC 2018 and Adobe Bridge. I'll single click on a file to select it and it will open as if it has been double clicked. This happens intermittently. I've checked all the mouse settings and nothing has changed.

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  11. Illustrator 5 crashes everytime i try saving a file

    Hi, every time I try to save my file on illustrator it crashes, I'm using OS X Yosemite 10.10.5, any advice?

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  12. Align function not working properly in Illustrator CC 2017

    I don't know what category this goes into because I'm not a developer. You could at least provide categories for users instead of for developers. Your program is extremely frustrating to use. It's not designed to be very user friendly. I wish Macromedia Freehand were still around, because I would be using it instead of Illustrator. I have an alignment error that happens when I select all and then use the "align to horizontal center" and "align to vertical center". I have complained about this before and no one replied to it. Since I am paying monthly for access to…

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  13. color on screen looks different if cmyk or spot

    this is a problem i found in illustrator, indesign and photoshop cc.
    i create a gradient, say from 100% to 0% of cyan (c100 m0 y0 k0). (the color is not important)
    than i create another gradient, from 100% to 0% of cyan (c100 m0 y0 k0), but spot color.
    than i active 'overprint preview'.
    on screen, the 2 color look different, and it's wrong.
    we have the same color, the same gradient, so it MUST look the same.

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  14. 3 votes

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  15. Asset Export panel list view trims filenames to approx 24 characters

    Asset Export list view should show full file name or clip to panel width. As it stands, my file names are being trimmed even though there is plenty of room to show the full name.

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  16. Shortcuts not working, update cc 2018

    I was using CC fine the other day, and now I've updated to the latest version (2018) none of my shortcuts are working, only the space bar works for moving around - very frustrating since it takes away my whole workflow and adds loads of time to creating something very simple!

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  17. Custom Views, unlocking layers

    "Custom Views unlocking layers"
    Hi, I found something that I believe that wasn't supposed to work that way. I made a "Process" describing what's happening, but my point here is that I didn't expect the Views Feature to unlock layers, I thought it was only supposed to change the Zoom and view location.
    1- Create a New view with everything unlocked
    2- Lock some Layers.
    3- Activate your view.

    Result: Everything gets unlocked

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  18. Realign Canvas function blurs artwork

    When using the function to realign/sort canvases — including the embedded artwork — the artwork is placed on subpixels, although it was pixel perfect before. This bug appears in the pixel-preview mode, no matter when on CPU or GPU mode.

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  19. Rotating Guides

    After rotating a guide with any angle thats not a 90 degree one. Illistrator will not allow me to either rotate it again or move the angle guide. This feature does not work when zoomed in at at least 902% or higher. However, when I zoom out to at least 901% or small, it works normally again. This makes work a lot more time consuming constantly zooming in and zooming back out again.

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  20. freezing after using brush tool

    seems like this program is not going to work, just updated after being away from PC for 3 months (for work). Using brush tool freezes program. can use hot keys to change mouse, also can save. But can not move canvas, zoom in/out or continue painting.

    windows 10 64 bit.
    illustrator 22.0

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