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Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs

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  2. The version of Adobe Illustrator (desktop) 
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  1. Properties panel bug

    When you edit word in properties panel and you want to change first few letters in word from normal to bold. It will show you change but when you deselect type tools it will change entire word to bold. But if you go trough type panel everything is fine.

    And if you change stroke size in properties panel to 0,5 pt it will apply 5 pt, for 0,25 pt 25 pt and for 0,75pt 75pt stroke.

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  2. Dysfunction rendering CPU and GPU AMD Radeon R9 M395X 4 Go (iMac)


    When GPU rendering is enable, the colors rendering are not the good one.
    When CPU rendering is enable, scrolling are very very slow, and the colors rendering are not good too, but more good than with GPU rendering.

    This bug has arisen by MacOS Sierra to MacOS Hight Sierra update.
    Before this update, everything worked perfectly.

    I called Apple Care Hotline.
    they could do nothing to assist him.

    I have an iMac i7 4 Ghz with AMD Radeon R9 M395X 4 Go (iMac), 40 Go RAM.
    I’m on Creative cloud, and all my adobe softwares are updated.



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    I am closing the ticket due to lack of response.
    Please get in touch with us at or any of the other support channels – . Please give a reference to this post so that we can identify you.
    Since this is not a generic issue that we can reproduce at our end, we will need someone to look into your machine to figure out what is going on here.

    Warm Regards,
    Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator

  3. win7 21.0.2新建文件開不了,但是21.0.1就可以新建文件

    win7 21.0.2新建文件開不了,但是21.0.1就可以新建文件

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  4. all my guides are missing

    all the guides like intercepts and centre are disappeared. I have reset more than once, but nothing changed.

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  5. Ctrl+F

    Antigamente, o ctrl+F (colar no local) colava a forma no mesmo local independentemente da camada ou artboard. Hoje ele cola apenas na mesma camada na qual foi recortado ou copiado. Isso é muito ruim pois temos que direcionar para a camada desejada manualmente. Acho que isso é um bug visto que a função perde o sentido.

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  6. Export Text of Keyboard Shortcuts Crashes Illustrator

    After hitting the Export Text... button in the Keyboard Shortcuts dialogue, Illustrator always crashes. Additionally it exports an empty text file.

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  7. Scaling only appearance (without objects) doesn't work

    I want to scale appearance of my art only, without changing scale of art itself. The way I'm trying to do it — is to use Scale tool's dialogue with 'Transform objects' unchecked and 'Scale strokes and effects' checked.
    AI does nothing.
    Strangely, but if I cut and paste this art into new document, AI don't allow to uncheck 'Transform objects' anymore.
    I can work around this, scaling art with effects down, and then enlarge only art, without effects, up to desired size, but this is not very nice way to do it.
    Photoshop does scaling of effects all right.

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    Apologies for the inconvenience caused to you due to this issue.
    Unfortunately we are not able to reproduce this issue. Could you kindly provide the following information to help us nail this down.

    Please share the document in which this issue is seen by you.

    1) Kindly share a video recording for the issue 

    2)Please share your system details - OS, GPU etc.

    3)Please upgrade to the latest Illustrator available on Creative Cloud , and check if issue is still happening at your end.

    Aishwarya 'G' Gadodia
    Illustrator Team

  8. Layers Window Twirl Down Icon Issue

    I only know of this occurring on the latest version of Adobe Illustrator CC 2017 for Windows 8.1. In the Layers Windows, there's a very slight graphical bug. A locked group within another locked group is expanded to show what it contains by pressing the sideways "V" shaped arrow to the group's left side. As expected, the arrow plays its animation of rotating into the downward "V" shape and expanding the group. However, when the locked group is compressed down again, the button to expand the group disappears and is unclickable until clicking off to another item in the Layers…

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    Please accept my sincere apology for the inconvenience. Please get in touch with us at any of the other support channels – . Since this is not a generic issue that we can reproduce at our end, we will need someone to look into your machine to figure out what is going on here.

  9. Recent Files panel within workspace is empty

    Since the last update on PC, opening the Recent Files panel (Ctrl+O), while a document is open, opens the panel but does not show any of my recent files. It doesn't even show the "Create new" or "Open" options. I went back to the previous version and it works there, so that leads me to believe it has to do with the latest update.

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  10. Cannot open file with Bridge

    I am using the latest version of Illustrator, CC2017.
    Often, an Illustrator file will not open with Bridge. Bridge is also the latest version. CC2017. Initially, files will open normally.

    No other application has this problem.

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    We are pleased to inform you that your request is available in the latest release of Illustrator version 22.0.
    Visit your Adobe Creative Cloud Application and update. If you do not see an update on the application please check for update from the flyout options on the application after clicking on three vertical dots. For step by step process please visit:

    Warm Regards,
    Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator
    Adobe. Make It an Experience.

  11. Text is broken up when layered on top of any other object. Prints fine.

    Text is broken up when layered on top of any other object. Prints fine.

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    Please get in touch with us at or any of the other support channels.
    Since this is not a generic issue that we can reproduce at our end, we will need someone to look into your machine to figure out what is going on here.

  12. Illustrator CC/Windows- When selecting multiple type boxes and lines it randomly deselects the group.

    When trying to align un-grouped lines and text boxes, it will deselect before I am able to move anything. I've updated to the most current version available (21.0.2) and reset preferences and am still having the same issue.

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  13. 2 votes

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  14. Distorted Rotated text in an "Envelope"

    Rotating text that is within an "Envelope" shape distorts the text. It shouldn't.

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  15. Copy and paste object values error

    9 times out of ten when I copy and paste a simple object like the one on this art board, it pastes as the objects text values. It is really annoying.

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  16. Placing images file then locking layers

    21.1.0 64bit

    Bug Report

    I can always replicate this. Here's how.

    1. create a new document

    2. go to file-place and select multiple image files

    3. before clicking to place images, create new layer and lock all other layers

    4. Click anywhere and it will place your image on a locked layer in the corner of the art board instead of on your new layer in the location of your click.

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  17. Illustrator Font problem :((

    A client's custom font that shows up InDesign and Photoshop is not showing up in Illustrator?!?!?!?!? What is the problem??? And how can I fix this?????

    I have Font Book and have never had a problem, now I am trying to reload, restart, test, etc to get the font to show up with no luck.

    Any ideas?

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  18. Type and Text Sizing

    Illustrator CC 2017

    I was adding a Type/Text box into my design when Adobe Illustrator stopped working and not responding. Then when I was able to get it back up I could place a Type/Text box in my design but the box was filled with lines and lines of unwanted text. I got that fixed but now the text comes up at barely 1/16th of an inch and I am unable to change the font size. I have done everything that everyone has suggested and I have also uninstalled the program and re-installed it and the problem is still occurring.…

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  19. Changing font by typing first character isn't working illustrator cc

    Changing/selecting font by typing first character is not working
    or scrolling with arrow has no preview.
    illustrator cc

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  20. Allow Shift + arrows in an input field to always add 10 (like in Photoshop) instead of rounding up to a 10 first

    In illustrator if you change sizes using shift + arrows in the top bar, it rounds up to the nearest 10 and then goes up in 10s. In photoshop it doesn't round up just increases by 10.

    I think it would be better to be able to choose which mode to use as sometimes I prefer either depending on what I am doing.

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