Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs
When reporting a bug, please provide a detailed description with the following:
- Details of your operating system
- The version of Adobe Illustrator (desktop)
- The steps you were taking when you experienced the issues
- Your expected result and the actual result
- Upload your Illustrator file or a video (screen recording or gif, this helps us most to reproduce the issue and resolve it)
7730 results found
ファイル保存時のオプションダイアログの位置が保持されない Save dialog gets shifted left each time
IlklustratorCC ver 26.5.1ファイル保存時にファイル名を指定した後オプション設定画面が開きますが、このダイアログの位置が保存を繰り返すたびに左に移動します。最終的には半分見切れる状態となり、設定を行う為にダイアログウインドウ自体をマウスで移動させる必要があります。
ダイアログをマウスでドラッグして位置を戻す。80 votesI am happy to share that we have fixed this bug in our latest release – 27.1.1 which is available worldwide now.
Going forward, our goal is to fix as many top User-Voice bugs as possible and as frequently as possible. Given the nature of the fixes, some of the bugs will take a longer time to fix, but we are on it.
You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:
Thank you for all the feedback. Keep it coming!
Ankit Goyal
Illustrator Team
100% view is not 100% for pixels in cc2019
OMG, yesterday I've updated illustrator cc2018 to cc2019. Objects now in 100% view are diplayed as ~151% - see attached file - in left side - illustrator cc2018 window and 400x400 px square in 100% view. In the right side - the same square in 100% view.
Please fix this annoing bug.
This is on Mac pro late 2013, High Sierra, 27' Eizo monitor 1400x256080 votesI am happy to share that we have fixed this bug in our latest release – 26.3.1 which is available worldwide now.
Going forward, our goal is to fix as many top User-Voice bugs as possible and as frequently as possible. Given the nature of the fixes, some of the bugs will take a longer time to fix, but we are on it.
You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:
Thank you for all the feedback. Keep it coming!
XD and PS defaults to open .ai files - AI files should open with Illustrator only
Working in windows 10. After updating XD and Illustrator to 2019, all my existing .ai files have been defaulted to open in XD. I can use the "Open With" option to successfully open .ai files in Illustrator but the default always stays with XD no matter how many times I select Illustrator.
Uninstalled XD. AI files cannot locate Illustrator as primary software for launch.
Edited by Adobe Staff to generalise the issue.80 votesWe have this issue fixed, please refer to steps below to solve the issue
XD defaulting to AI on Windows
-——————————————————————- Please update to latest version of XD (13.1.32) to resolve the issue. Thank you XD engineering team for solving this issue.
PS defaulting to AI on MAC
-——————————————————————- Please update to latest version of Illustrator (23.0.1) to solve this issue.
発見はMacOS Catalina(10.15.7)ですが、Windows10でも同様でした。
Illustrator2021(25.2)のドロップシャドウにおいて、デフォルトのカラー設定がK100%ではなくC93%、M88%、Y89%、K80%になっています。RGBベースのカラー設定がCMYKモードに持ち越されているものと思われますが、印刷において事故の原因となりますので早急に修正願います。79 votesI am happy to share that we have fixed this bug in our latest release – 27.0.0 which is available worldwide now.
Going forward, our goal is to fix as many top User-Voice bugs as possible and as frequently as possible. Given the nature of the fixes, some of the bugs will take a longer time to fix, but we are on it.
You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:
Thank you for all the feedback. Keep it coming!
Ankit Goyal
Illustrator Team
Overwriting PDF-Files does not work anymore with build 24.0.2 !
Overwriting PDF-Files does not work anymore with build 24.0.2 ! Till 24.0.1 it works. Pleas fix this. Current Update is a desaster.
79 votesCompleted (Comments Open) ·AdminIllustrator Engineering (Software Engineer, Adobe Illustrator) responded
Hi All,
We have fixed this issue in 24.0.3 version of Illustrator (MAC only issue). Please update to 24.0.3 if you are encountering this issue. For all the other issues which you are encountering regarding the update or the new document dialog or any other please create another User Voice thread for that issue so that we can track it there itself.
Thanks & Regards,
Illustrator Team -
AI 2020 V.24 Unknown Error while saving in AI "when a PDF joboption file is present in the adobe PDF preferences folder"
Just updated to V.24.
There is a critical bug while saving on an external hard drive or a network storage. The saving process ends with a generic error and the file just DISAPPEAR from the server.I'm on MacOS 10.14.6
79 votesHi,
Thanks for reporting the issue .
We have fixed the bug which was orignally reported but it seems some users are still facing the issue.We are not able to reproduce this issue in house now ,Kindly provide following info to nail down this issue:
1)Kindly provide some video , Test file(Via File→Package) & some steps with which you are facing issue and share with us at .
2)Please try the below mentioned workaround and let us know if that helps:
If you do not use custom Adobe PDF presets/joboptions or not heard of it then follow the below steps
1. Navigate to user presets folder
Win: appdata\Adobe\Adobe PDF\Settings
Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe PDF/Settings
2. Rename the folder to “Settings old” and create a new empty folder “Settings” in the same place
3. Launch Illustrator and check if you can save the documentIf you use custom…
環境設定やAdobeCCの設定を確認しても、言語の欄は日本語になっいる。78 votes -
Tiny size indicators on high-resolution displays
I have Windows 10 and a display with a resolution of 2560x1440 and a scaling of 150%. Illustrator displays tiny size indicators. Take a look at the screenshots.
This is a long-standing problem with the scaling of the Illustrator interface. Please correct it, my eyes hurt.
77 votesWe have the fix available in the latest release. Please update Illustrator using Adobe Creative Cloud application to the latest build for version Illustrator CC 23.0.
Please refer to our knowledge base FAQ – if you face difficulty in update.
Or get in touch with us at any of the other support channels – Regards,
Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator
Adobe. Make It an Experience. -
M1 Apple McBook - Crashing
I just got a new MacBook Pro with the M1 Apple chip. Illustrator keeps freezing and crashing. It also causes my whole computer to crash! I heard many other people are having the same problem. It is unusable by this point!
76 votesThis issue (entire M1 MacBook system freezes) is fixed for AI 25.0.1 and 25.1 This fix takes effect in a day's time, if you still face this entire system freeze then please follow the steps to update:
1). Backup your preferences and launch Illustrator with fresh preferences
2). Quit and re-launch Illustrator once again
3). Use Illustrator in your workflow.
If you see AI crash and entire system is not freezing then please create a new issue.
Bug in entering number values in transform panel
Version: CC 22 (and has happened in previous versions)
OS: Windows 10There is a small bug that happens often when using the transform panel. I use it a lot to move and size objects with precision. Many times, I will want to move an object with the X and Y values. I will type a number, press enter and a completely different number value will automatically appear in the box and move it to that value. For example, I want to move an object to 4.25" in the Y axis and after I press enter, a value of 36.0833"…
76 votesIt is now obvious the issue was not fixed fully. The developers are aware of it now. Let’s hope it will be fixed soon enough.
If you have a solid order of steps which reproduce this behavior, share them in comments, because only some machines are affected. Please help the team to isolate it.
Outline preview bug
After updating to the two latest versions of Nvidias Drivers on my laptop Outline Preview does not work at all in Illustrator.
I tried to reinstall Illustrator, reinstall Nvidia drivers but nothing works.The only solution right now is to switch to the integrated graphics Intek HD Graphics 530. But the performance is so much slower with this card :(
Illustrator version:
2017.1.0 Release (21.1.0 Release (64-bit)Graphics card:
Nvidia Quadro M1000MNvidia driver version:
Quadro Desktop / Quadro Notebook Driver Release 384.
Version: 385.69Hardware:
Dell Precision 5510 laptopPlatform:
Windows 10 Enterprise 64 bit75 votesWe have a confirmation from nvidia that the issue has now been fixed for both GeForce and Quadro. Please update Nvidia GPU drivers to fix this issue.
Thank you NvidiaAdding download links:
Please get the latest NVIDIA drivers from here:
if you have issues please contact NVIDIA support.
New document (File > New) window / dialog is blank / black / gray / empty
I am not able to create a new document, the dialog is blank
Capture d’écran, le 2021-02-19 à 20.42.23.png 200 KB -
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75 votesWe are not hearing this anymore in recent times, marking this one as Resolved.
If you are still facing this issue, please add a comment.
Can't save files in Catalina
With the new OS Catalina, Illustrator no longer can save, save as or export any file. This is a critical issue. Not sure how it would be missed in testing. is it a known issue and being worked on?
74 votesCompleted (Comments Open) ·AdminIllustrator Engineering (Software Engineer, Adobe Illustrator) responded
We have the fix available in the latest release. Please update Illustrator using Adobe Creative Cloud application to the latest build for version Illustrator CC 24.0.0
For the issue where you are encountering “An unknown error has occurred” while saving the document then please go to the following link to track the status of this issue: Regards,
Illustrator Team -
Line Extension Smart Guide not working
I recently updated my Illustrator to 2025 and my smart guides are on but when I extend a line now it is no longer snapping to "Line Extension". I have verified that in my preferences under Smart Guides, "Anchor/ Path Labels" is turned on. Not sure if this is a bug with the new update or what is going on.
73 votesThe fix is pushed to the stable release
"Apply to All" checkbox or "Replace All" button are missing AGAIN
Apply to All option for missing/replacing links is missing again in version 28.5. Now instead of being able to click that and replace all links I know have to do the relink step up to 30 times every print file.
72 votesHello all,
The 'Apply to all' checkbox has been brought back in the Replace missing link dialogue.
'Apply to all' checkbox was removed when we introduced the 'Auto-relink' (search for missing links in this folder) functionality, as we though 'auto-relink' is going to take care of the 'replace all' workflow as well. But it didn't work as expected in few cases as pointed out by some of you.
Hence, with the latest release V29.2 (full roll out happens on Jan 9), we have decided to revert to the earlier experience whereby we are bringing back 'apply to all' checkbox and rolling back the 'auto-relink functionality.
Because of conflicts, both of these functionality cannot co-exist unless we make some significant changes to the relinking experience.
As we understand, 'replace all' was a important workflow for most of you, so we decided to quickly bring it back while working on the overall…
Running an Action from script
In Illustrator CC latest update, my following script does not work:
1- Select a couple paths (in script) (all of them close paths in different groups)
2- execute my action which offset paths with certain amountThe problem is in this new version after the action dis-select all of them except one, but before this version it worked and keep all of my selection paths still as selected ( by path I mean the new offset paths, but for all of them)
It really made trouble for my script in the company, because some computer still does not have…
72 votesI am happy to share that we have fixed this bug in our latest release – 26.0.0 which is available worldwide now.
Going forward, our goal is to fix as many top User-Voice bugs as possible and as frequently as possible. Given the nature of the fixes, some of the bugs will take a longer time to fix, but we are on it.
You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:
Thank you for all the feedback. Keep it coming!
Blob Brush changes size after undo operation
Illustrator CC 2017.1.0
I Select blob brush on 2pt.
Draw a bit with it
Hit undo and the blob brush suddenly changes to a much larger size even though it says 2pt in the menu
The only way to get it back is to go to Blob brush menu, select 1pt hit ok, then go back to blob brush menu and select 2pt again.
I expect that when I hit undo the blob brush will stay the correct size
It changes size every time I hit undo
71 votesCompleted (Comments Open) ·AdminAvinash Singh Kotwal (Principal Product Manager, Adobe Illustrator) responded
I am happy to share that we have fixed this bug in our latest release – 23.0.6 which is available worldwide now.
Going forward, our goal is to fix as many top User-Voice bugs as possible and as frequently as possible. Given the nature of the fixes, some of the bugs will take a longer time to fix, but we are on it.
You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:
Thank you for all the feedback. Keep it coming!
Artboard Borders / Guides / Grid Disappear when Scrolling/Panning
When I scroll or pan with the scrollbars or the hand tool the black border of the artboards disappear. This is super annoying as I keep my canvas white, so when I'm moving around the canvas, I can't see where the artboards are until I release the hand tool.
70 votesWe have started working on fixing this one.
Custom Colors convert to CMYK automatically, when we set "Effect->Blur->Gaussian Blur".
When we apply Effect->Blur->Gaussian blur an object with a custom color, it will be converted to CMYK color in overprint preview mode.
Also, when we export PDF, it will convert to CMYK.Illustrator ver.24.2
OSX 10.13.6The steps you were taking when you experienced the issues
1. To make pathItems that colored Custom color.
2. Select it and apply Effect->Blur->Gaussian Blur.
3. Open Separation preview panel and check Overprint preview.
4. Custom color objects seem to convert to CMYK.
5. To export it to PDF, the custom color will discard and convert to CMYK.Your expected result
We lose custom…67 votesI am happy to share that we have fixed this bug in our latest release – 24.3.0 which is available worldwide now.
Going forward, our goal is to fix as many top User-Voice bugs as possible and as frequently as possible. Given the nature of the fixes, some of the bugs will take a longer time to fix, but we are on it.
You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:
Thank you for all the feedback. Keep it coming!
ð (eth) and Ð (Eth) glyphs not recognised as the same character
The glyphs ð (eth) and Ð (Eth) are lower and upper case of the Icelandic character eth. Illustrator has no problems working with them, except when you need to change the case, whether you do that by Type->Change Case or by changing the character attribute to All caps (or small caps for that matter).
This is a recurring bug in Illustrator, which has been fixed at least twice before, but somehow creeps in a few versions later. I suspect some legacy code in the internal text engine, which does not reflect the relationship between the two characters.
I’m including a…
64 votesI am happy to share that we have fixed this bug in our latest release – 24.0.2 which is available worldwide now.
Going forward, our goal is to fix as many top User-Voice bugs as possible and as frequently as possible. Given the nature of the fixes, some of the bugs will take a longer time to fix, but we are on it.
You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:
Thank you for all the feedback. Keep it coming!
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