Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs
When reporting a bug, please provide a detailed description with the following:
- Details of your operating system
- The version of Adobe Illustrator (desktop)
- The steps you were taking when you experienced the issues
- Your expected result and the actual result
- Upload your Illustrator file or a video (screen recording or gif, this helps us most to reproduce the issue and resolve it)
7796 results found
Incorrect line weight scaling after vertical reflect command
With "Scale Strokes & Effects" turned on in preferences, using the transform panel to change the length of a line after it has had the vertical reflect command used on it will incorrectly scale the line weight.
Attached images show the scaling behaviour after the vertical reflect command has been performed.Adobe Illustrator 2023 27.8.1 64-bit
OS: Windows
Version: 11.0
Process Architecture: x86_647 votes -
Illustrator CC2022以降再現手順
1. 線や麺の組み合わせでライブペイントを作成し着色する。
2. ライブペイントオブジェクトを選択し「編集→カラーを編集→オーバープリントブラック」を適用する。
3. ライブペイントに対して指定した処理が消え、閉図形外で保持されていた線も幅0.5pt、K100の黒に変化する。期待する結果
ライブペイントに対する「ブラックオーバープリント」は行わない。必要なオーバープリント指定は手動で指定するか、ライブペイントオブジェクト自体を拡張してから「ブラックオーバープリント」を適用する。7 votes -
Stroke Inside is unchangeable on a compound shape
If you make a compound shape from two paths with strokes set to Inside, then this is retained for the compound shape and shown in the Appearance panel, but it's not reflected in the Stroke panel and it can't be changed there.
7 votesNo longer happens in Beta
Hiding a layer doesn't hide the guides
Since the Update 27.5 of Illustrator CC all guides oaf any file are showing whether or not their parent layer is visible or not. In my Graphic template i have a base layer for guides of different target sizes, areas and columns which are organized on named layers for each type of guides to easily show/hide them.
since the the last update (27.5 AI on macOS) ALL guides are showing up whether or not the layer containing these guides is hidden or shown which results in showing all guides for 4, 5 and 6 column layouts as well as all…7 votesA configuration modification has fixed this problem. It may take up to 24 hours for your Illustrator to show the changes resulting from this update.
- MacOS Ventura 13.0/Adobe Illustrator 26.3.1
- Illustratorファイル保存時にファイル名変更欄でのカーソル移動および保存先フォルダを選択するため,十字キーを押した.
- 十字キーに従ってカーソルを移動させたり,フォルダを移動したりできる.
- どの十字キーを押しても,ポップアップ画面が落ちた.
- なし
7 votes -
Variable Font Changes
While working with a Variable Font in Adobe Illustrator 27.2, everything works fine, and I save and close the file I am working on. The next time I open the file in Illustrator, the Variable Font changes to an italic version. There is no easy fix to revert the text other than to select and adjust it.
7 votes -
Small objects don’t have corner widgets displayed
Small objects don’t have corners widgets displayed.
Take a look at the test file with small 3 rectangles.
The largest one does have its widgets, but two smaller ones don’t.
Once you scale them up to 110%, the middle one now has them.
Another scaling up — all three now have them.Yes, these are very small, hardly larger than 1 pixel! But what a difference it makes for a user? None, really. Ai is capable to display all of them and allow tiny transformation, like this scaling up. Why does rounding some corners should be anything different?
7 votes -
Fill/Stroke automatically snaps back to previous setting
Whenever I make a change to fill or stroke (color or on/off) it automatically reverts to the previous setting as soon as you click back to the artboard. (ie: select shape, turn stroke off, stroke turns back on, hit cmd+z to undo the stroke turning back on. This has been happening over multiple versions.
7 votes -
Pantone colors are printing blank when printing from Illustrator using Photoshop DSC.EPS
While trying to print artwork with spot colors from Adobe Illustrator the color in the 2nd channel will always print blank regardless of what print device or setting that is used. I have included the DSC EPS files as well as the AI files and the subsequent print of the file as a pdf. Whichever pantone color is placed in location 2 of the channels in Photoshop will print blank. This is a bug that has popped up since Pantone pulled it's colors from Adobe and the Pantone colors automatically are changed to black.
Please refer to this post for…
7 votes -
Wrong resolution calculation on pasting an image copied from Photoshop
Windows only it seems like.
1. Create a document in Photoshop, 100×100px, 72ppi
2. Copy the contents
3. Create a web/mobile-based document in Illustrator
4. Paste the copied imageIllustrator pastes 99.9875×99.9875px image.
It turns out Photoshop uses pixels-per-meter (biXPelsPerMeter and biYPelsPerMeter) to define the resolution.
72ppi is exactly 2834.6472 pixels per meter.
Unfortunately, the value must be an integer (thanks to BITMAPINFOHEADER), so the convention is to use 2835 (which is 0x0B13 in hexadecimal).But Illustrator is going by the letter of the law (not the spirit) and converting 2835 to 72.009 pixels per inch.
2835 / 2834.6472 ×…
7 votes -
Links panel showing wrong date created and date modified
MacOS Monterey (12.4) on
MacBook Pro with M1 Max Chip
Illustrator 26.3.1
All placed links show a creation and modified date of Feb 6, 2040. This is every file I open. It doesn't matter if the link is stored locally or on a server. The dates of the file stored in the folder are correct, but the info in the links panel shows the wrong dates. All previous versions of Illustrator show the correct date. This makes Illustrator 2022 unusable for me!7 votes -
Illustrator 26.2.1
windows10 21h1カラーモードRGBでカラーパネルもRGBでの作業で、カラーコード(#と6桁)を打ち込んで色を変え、前の色に戻したいなとctrl+z(取り消し)を押すと挙動がおかしいです。
7 votesIllustrator 製品版フィードバックへのご協力ありがとうございます。
ご報告いただいた「カラーパネルの RGB カラーコードでの色変更が、操作(アクション)として正しく認識されない現象」の再現を確認いたしました。
Illustrator チーム
Freeform Gradient Crashes Illustrator
If press V and I select seemingly any object in my drawing, press G to select gradient, and then I select Freeform Gradient, then Illustrator simply freezes forever until I force it to close. I'm able to select Linear and Radial gradient just fine. This only seems to happen with Freeform Gradient. I attached my file to this ticket. If you want a specific object to try, try the blue handle of the sword in the bottom right. But it seems to happen on any object.
I'm using Adobe Illustrator 26.0.3 64-bit.
My RAM is not overloaded, and I have…
7 votes -
Cannot exit presentation mode.
Esc key is not working in presentation mode so I cannot exit from the presentation mode at all. I have to force quit the app every time.
7 votes -
Editing Adobe PDF Presets crashes Illustrator
When trying to edit a Adobe PDF Preset in Illustrator it crashes on hitting OK to save. I have tried deleting all preferences and uninstalling and reinstalling Illustrator but no luck. For most things this would not be an issue since I can overwrite most setting by saving it in InDesign and overwriting with the same name (Why can't we do this in Illustrator?) This is happening on Illustrator version 26.0.3 on Mac OS 12.0.1 Intel iMac. I have added a quick screen grab. It doesn't matter what I try to edit.
7 votes -
OS/macOS10.13〜、Windows10 (20H2)
7 votes -
Illustrator Arabic text issue
Mac Os Big sur Version 11.6
Illustrator 26.0.2
Steps done - Opened existing files in 2022 version and the text was showing different as it shows in 2021 version. this issue with all the Ai files.
To show the issue, a screenshot is added below.
7 votesI am happy to share that we have fixed this bug in our latest release – 26.3.1 which is available worldwide now.
Going forward, our goal is to fix as many top User-Voice bugs as possible and as frequently as possible. Given the nature of the fixes, some of the bugs will take a longer time to fix, but we are on it.
You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:
Thank you for all the feedback. Keep it coming!
Illustrator stopped reading certain .tif files after update to version 26.0.2
My illustrator stopped reading certain .tif files immediately after update to version 26.0.2. I reverted back to 26.0.01 and everything works as usual. I uploaded an example .tif file I had an issue with.
7 votes -
Illustrator will automatically convert color codes of shapes and vectors when a document of different color profile is imported.
I've seen this issue where people complain about color codes in Ai changing automatically, this leads to brand color codes slight off for most projects. I've discovered this issue myself and apparently when profile mismatch warning box are not checked (i.e Ask when opening, Ask when pasting) Ai will automatically convert the colors without asking. If you import multiple images then the color will be way off after 10 images. This happens when Ai is in sRGB and the photos are either untagged or AdobeRGB or other than sRGB. If you checked the warning boxes Ai will prompt you what…
7 votes -
The colors in the closed file are persistently and almost forcibly trying to enter the palette.
Let's say a spot color was used in a previous work and somehow copied. Later, when the file job is finished and I start another new job even though I have closed it, the copied color in the closed file persistently and almost forcibly tries to enter the palette. I tried to describe it simply in the video.
7 votes@enisio We are able to reproduce this issue with the steps you provided. Thanks for not letting this go
- Don't see your idea?