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Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs

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  1. Details of your operating system
  2. The version of Adobe Illustrator (desktop) 
  3. The steps you were taking when you experienced the issues
  4. Your expected result and the actual result
  5. Upload your Illustrator file or a video (screen recording or gif, this helps us most to reproduce the issue and resolve it)

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  2. text change when opening in Illustrator CC 2019

    Illustrator 23.0.1 on Mac OS 10.12.6
    I have issues when I open a document that was created in Illustrator CC2017 in CC 2019. It seems that the text spacing is different, so sometimes some characters are changing to the next line!
    See example exact same document between CC 2017 and CC 2019

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  3. Annoying opening screen

    I reinstalled the system. I removed and reinstalled Adobe Illustrator. No solution. I don't understand why the problem is caused.
    Mac Mojave 10.14.2
    Adobe Illustrator 23.0.1

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  4. Vectorise text doesn't work on text mask

    There's a bug in Illustrator (all versions MacOS 10.12.6):
    when there's a non-vectorised text mask in a file and you do select all -> vectorise text, the non-vectorised text mask will not be vectorised.
    Then when you re-open the file on a computer without the active fonts, it won't give you a warning that there's a missing font!
    Only when you click on the mask it will say that there's a font missing.

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  5. Selection tool moves objects in steps when using mouse

    In CC2018 I could move my objects either in steps (arrows), big steps (Shift+arrows) or with precision using the mouse.
    Now in CC2019 if I move something with the mouse it emulates the arrow keys movement, I'm talking about Twitch Badges (72x72 px) so It's a heavy issue for me, when working on big documents like 1080p this problem is barely noticeable

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  6. Freeform gradients color stops were altered after crash

    Running Mac OS High Sierra and Illustrator CC2019.
    While editing one shape with a freeform gradient, Illustrator crashed. Document had been saved prior to the edits. When opening the recovered file, all objects using that freeform gradient had all their color stops altered. Instead of dark brown, med brown and yellow, color stops were changed to use Registration, an unnamed brown and an unnamed pale color. None of those colors matched what had been used prior to the crash. Had to manually go back and redo the freeform gradient.
    This feature is going to be really useful but you have…

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  7. Default Black

    My default black (000000) is registering as a dark grey (1A1818). I have updated the software and tried CMD+drag the "black" and white style in Graphic Styles to the default location in an effort to reset. Nothing is working; every time I need black (which is often) I have to go in and manually change the color to 000000.

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  8. start up screen flashing black and white

    when i open adobe illustrator the screen flashes black and white continuously and the menus close instantly when i click on them. i can open a new document by pressing ctrl n but cannot click on any of the menus.
    this only happens when i am signed in, which i need. i can sign out by quickly clicking the sign out button in the help menu before it closes again, but this is not ideal.
    this only happens in illustrator CC 2015, not photoshop.

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  9. Type Tool Craziness

    The latest update to Illustrator CC seems to have completely rendered the type tool useless. It's not stable, it has trouble selecting text. It has trouble staying active. Is this a compatibility issue with the touch pad? If need be, I can create a screen recording of all the craziness it's doing.

    Using a MacBook Pro 2018 with 32gb Ram
    OSX Mojave 10.14

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  10. Opacity Mask is acting funky. I paste in place an object. Exit Opacity Mask, and it's gone when I go back.

    Having a bug where I paste in a graphic and neither clipping, nor invert work with my vector object. I then exit the mask to go back to the artboard, and when I go back my art is gone. I've updated all the apps for CC. Thanks.

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  11. Wrong font preview for RTL languages

    There are a few problems with the new fonts preview in the last version of Illustrator.
    1. Even though 'Selected Text' preview option is selected the preview shows first five Hebrew alphabet letters instead.
    2. This happens weather the text box is selected or the text itself.
    3. Sometimes the 'Selected Text' preview is shown. In those cases it's shown backwards (LTR instead of RTL).

    This happens in spite of the fact that the text box is marked as a 'Hebrew' one and 'RTL Arabic' digits is selected.
    I'm using a Mac running OS X 10.13.6 High Sierra.

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    Hi Eli,

    Not all the fonts have all the glyphs available with them to show the preview. For the fonts where glyphs are not available, we show the default sample preview (that’s why you get first five glyphs for those fonts)

    Hope This helps.

    Anish Kumar
    Illustrator QE

  12. transform effect negative numbers

    This has been a problem for a long time -- not just the current version of Illustrator. When applying a transform effect to an object and using the "move" part of the effect, negative numbers get converted to positive numbers. Occasionally I can "fool" the effect by not previewing the results but that doesn't work often. This happens whether I type in the numbers by hand or use the slider.

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  13. Type on Circle Path Centers at 45º

    When I type on a circular path, something I've done a million times, it now centers at 45º instead of 90... despite anchor points at the cardinal NESW.

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  14. Letter outlines distorting bug

    In type, I noticed that some curve points looked like they had 'kinked'.
    But checking the Glyphs font master and the generated font, all was fine.
    Strange thing is that in Illustrator the actual vector line is correct (no kink, in highlighted blue on the attached image) but the black-filled area DOES have a kink (see the version where I added a magenta outline - the circle indicates a kink).

    It’s like Illustrator is rounding off the values of the point placements when rendering on-screen displays, but still preserving the actual paths (which are not seen when printed - just…

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  15. Cannot select objects with selection tool

    If I have a layer set to preview mode and it is above another layer that is not in preview mode, I cannot select objects in the preview mode layer when the objects are above an object in the lower layer. I have tried zooming in as close as I can and the selection tool will still not select an item in the preview mode layer. I can get around this by hiding the non-preview mode layer or selecting the object in the layers panel.

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  16. Selection tool not working with Text

    Intermittently, the selection tool isn't working with my text. For area type, the bounding box will disappear (and "show bounding box" is enabled). When it re-appears, often there is a lag between when I move the text and when the bounding box follows it. If there is no lag, it is not uncommon for the bounding box not to move at all.

    OR my selection tool will (on area type) act only like a direct selection tool. And the transformation controls on each side of a rectangle of the type box will disappear. All I can do is use the…

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    Hi All,

    Thanks for reporting this issue.
    We are getting response from users that they are facing this issue no more on Latest Illustrator released version .Hence marking this issue as resolved.

    In case you are still encountering this issue.
    Kindly provide some video and Test file(Via File→Package) with some steps with which you are facing issue and share with us in a zip file at .Please mention the title of this issue as the subject of the mail.

    Ankit Goyal
    Illustrator Team

  17. Pathfinder Actions not properly saving in Illustrator CC 2019

    Every time after I close and open Illustrator I have to edit my actions all over again. I've set all Pathfinder options to expand when being performed. They work while I'm in the session, when I open the software the next day I have to re-set them to do the same, otherwise they all act as if they're Unite and don't even perform the proper action. I've moved them out of the default folder and into a custom folder - still keep doing that. Slows down work a lot.

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  18. save for web image has missing data / missing layer

    save for web image has missing data / missing layer

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  19. Image resolution wrong when rotated

    When you place an image into a document the resolution is shown correctly, but if you rotate it, Illustrator continue to consider original pixel width and height as if image was not rotated.
    - Import new 800x400px @72dpi image.
    - Illustrator shows correctly 72ppi.
    - Rotate it 90°.
    - Illustrator now shows 144x36ppi, as if image size was 800w x 400h but it was stretched to 400w x 800h (so 800/400 = 2x -> 144 and 400/800 = 0.5x -> 36).

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