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Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs

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  1. Inconsistent dot/comma stroke pulldown menus

    just noticed something strange in the pulldown menu of the new Properties panel. The values for thickness are marked with a dot for decimals, while all the other panels use a comma.

    In the picture you can see the pull down showing values with ".xx pt" while the stroke has a thickness of ",xx pt" (obtained through the Strokes panel)

    This causes the 0.5pt selection in the Properties menu to make strokes with a 5 pt thickness, and NOT 0.5 pt.
    (When I select the thickness through the regular Strokes panel it says 0,5 pt and ends up with 0,5…

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  2. Text Boxes won't Scale or Flip

    1. IllustratorCC 22.0.1 running under OSX 10.12.6

    2. Select text box and either attempt to flip (Reflect tool using vertical axis) or scale using the Scale tool. Scale fails both dragging to scale, or double-clicking the Scale tool and inputting numeric scale value.

    3. Text box scales or flips horizontal, as in all previous versions of AI.

    4. Error message reading: "Can't scale the objects. The requested transformation would make some objects too large."

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  3. PDF size is extremely large

    Adobe Illustrator CC 2018 version

    When I save a file as PDF or even the original Ai. format the file becomes extremely large. This started to occurred after the latest update. The file contains 2 small artboards with a little bit of text (not much) and a few small icons, its 43 MB! it should be 10 MB or less.

    The same happens when saving as PDF with (Illustrator default settings) File is TOO big, even if I change the settings of the PDF, it might drop to 15 MB.

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  4. Cannot set tint percentage to C (cyan) value except by sliding cursor

    Illustrator CC 2018
    Windows 10

    If I want to set the tint value of a CMYK colour to the same percentage as the Cyan number (66 in the example below), my only option is to slide the cursor, because typing the value or raching the value with the keyboard arrows don't work.

    This was already an issue with CS6, on both Mac and PC.

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  5. Can't move paragraph indent markers back to 0 in tab panel

    Illustrator CC 2018
    Windows 10

    When I try to move the top or bottom indent markers back to zero, it snaps back to its original place.
    If I type 0 in the X: box, it doesn't work.
    If I set it to 1, cliclk in the X: box and press the down arrow on my keyboard, it doens't work.

    The only way to set it back is via the Paragraph panel.

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  6. With multiple selection, you have to wait before clicking on key object

    Illustrator CC 2018
    Windows 10

    With a multiple selection, if the last object you click is the one you want to align to, you have to wait a little bit before re-clicking to set it as key object, otherwise it will go into Isolation mode or Symbol edition mode (if it's a Symbol).

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  7. Problem selecting Text Area background with direct selection

    Illustrator CC 2018
    Windows 10

    When I want to select the background of a Text Area with the direct selection tool (white arrow), I can only do so by clicking on the edge or half a pixel inside it, or it will select the text (unless there's free space under the text, which doesn't happen if you the block is automatically resized).

    I have checked on Mac, you can click anywhere inside the box where there is no text (eg the end of any line if text aligned is left) to select the background.

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  8. Clicking to the side of a (point) text doens't put cursor at the end of line

    Illustrator CC 2018
    Mac OS X El Capitan and Windows 10

    This used to work on CS6 (at least on Mac): with type tool selected, having clicked anywhere in the middle of a text (point, not area), if I wanted to go to the end of the line (eg to continue typing), I could click anywhere to the right of the text and the cursor would move to the end of the line.

    Now, if I do that, it deselects the text (sometimes creates a new point text.

    If I want to continue typing, I have to click exactly just…

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  9. no accessibility

    Why can't i access my properties panel and puppet warp tool? Is it a bug or some other issue

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  10. Running Illustrator on Mac Os High Sierra 10.13.1 failed

    Running Illustrator on Mac Os High Sierra 10.13.1 failed, stand, machine, not accepting mouse. Just press the power button to shutdown and reopen.
    Uppercase for errors on Illustrator and chrome

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  11. Move dialogue is broken when Y-axis is flipped

    Problem Description:
    Since AI team had Y-axis flipped, users who want to keep it the old way have to manually set flags in prefs file to undo these changes:
    /isRulerIn4thQuad 0
    /isRulerOriginTopLeft 0

    It works fine except it breaks setting negative distance in Move dialogue.

    Steps to Reproduce:
    1. Change said flags to 1
    2. Relaunch AI
    3. Create and select an object
    4. Press Enter to invoke Move dialogue
    5. Set vertical position to any positive number and apply
    6. Invoke dialogue again
    7. Set same vertical value, but negative (you can also select any other object before that)…

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  12. Smart guides don't work properly

    It has been too long for this not to be working right yet. Smart guides aren't smart enough. When smart guides snap to something it has to be exact, not .05 pixels off. Close enough is not good enough. Also, when I drag over an object it needs to snap to that object, not some random shape clear across the pasteboard. If I have to zoom in 2600% to manually align something (which I often do) smart guides and snapping have failed. Is there some ridiculous setting I have to change to get this to work the way it's supposed…

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    39 comments  ·  Snapping  ·  Admin →
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    It’s dangerous to call things Smart... When they behave dumb, the name sound like an insult. Sadly, this is the case.

    Please provide more specific cases, with video proofs, ask you colleagues to share and vote, to move this further. This is the way to force changes to things that are broken — be vocal and persistent. Thank you all and let’s hope we get heard.

  13. Scatter brush rotation orientation to line.

    When using a scatter brush with rotation set to the line (not page) the vertical orientation will randomly flip. For instance, when I'm using the scatter brush to create a bush with stems and leaves pointing up (natural orientation), after creating the line and applying the scatter brush sometimes the brush will apply pointing down.

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    Please accept my sincere apology for the inconvenience. Please get in touch with us at any of the other support channels – . Since this is not a generic issue that we can reproduce at our end, we will need someone to look into your machine to figure out what is going on here.

    Also do try the steps provided by Herman.

    Thanks & Regards,
    Raghuveer Singh

  14. Can´t save an open document!!

    When I try to save an open document, AI say´s it can´t save as the file is open.

    Well, obviously it is open, as I am working on it!

    I have to rename the file. Then when I try to save the new file, same thing happens and I have to keep renaming files if I want to save my work.

    Surely this is a bug.

    Is this happening to anyone else??!

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  15. My Illustrator CC window will not minimise into the dock?


    Not sure where to go with this one but I have just upgraded to Adobe CC and noticed that I'm unable to 'Minimise' the window in Illustrator and also noticed that it won't do it in InDesign but Photoshop does minimise (ODD!)

    All it will do is when you double click it fills to fit screen and then the opposite.

    I have posted this onto the forum and others have mentioned that they are also experiencing this problem.

    (I have turned on the 'Double -click a windows title bar to minimize' in the System Preferences)

    Please could you help…

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  16. Image automatically gets embedded when dragged into Illustrator

    This is screwing my work flow and happens out of nowhere

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  17. doesn't display proper illustration

    It didn't happen in C6 version. The line and shape(colored) doesn't display accurately. (Ref. attached)

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  18. Bad precision of the mouse/cursor

    I am using Illustrator CC2018 on a MAC OX Sierra.

    There is a huge issue with the precision of the cursor. It is super shaky, keeps on appearing/disappearing. It's worst when you hit Alt, cmd, or space. I can't see the tools I am using, for example, the cursor is always black, even if I am using the white cursor ( "A" tool).
    This is really annoying, even more when I try to work with my Intuos pen and tablet... It is simply impossible.
    Am I the only one experiencing that ?

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  19. Smart guides not working on Text Area boxes

    Mac OS 10.11.6 El Capitan (and also Windows 10)
    Illustrator CC 2018

    I have a problem with the latest version of Illustrator (I just upgraded from CS6):
    Smart Guides do not appear on Text Area boxes (corners or sides), for example when I want to draw a line with the pen from one corner of a box to a corner of another box).
    They do appear normally on other objects.

    Snap to Grid and Snap to Pixel are off. Snap to Point is on, but the problem is the same when off.

    Is anyone experiencing the same? Is there…

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  20. Illustrator CC 2018(Mac) Crashes every time I save

    Every time I save Illustrator quits and creates a weird .tmp pdf file? forcing me to save as every time I need to save

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    We have the fix available in the latest release. Please update Illustrator using Adobe Creative Cloud application to the latest build for version Illustrator CC 22.1.
    Please refer to our knowledge base FAQ if you face difficulty in update.
    Or get in touch with us at any of the other support channels –

    Warm Regards,
    Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator
    Adobe. Make It an Experience.

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