Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs
When reporting a bug, please provide a detailed description with the following:
- Details of your operating system
- The version of Adobe Illustrator (desktop)
- The steps you were taking when you experienced the issues
- Your expected result and the actual result
- Upload your Illustrator file or a video (screen recording or gif, this helps us most to reproduce the issue and resolve it)
7556 results found
Holding Shift (or Ctrl) to move RGB sliders together in Color panel doesn’t work when color is white
A Help article on Color panel states we can hold Shift (also works for Ctrl, although unspecified there) to move color channels’ sliders 'in tandem', together, —
This indeed works, in both RGB and CMYK modes (not in HSB, since its values won’t benefit from it).
However, if all three RGB sliders are at 255/100% (white), this mode doesn’t work — please see the GIF attached.
It probably makes sense for CMYK, where it’s not clear if 0-0-0-0 should become something like 24-24-24-24, but it totally makes sense for RGB, where we expect to get a gray color.
10 votes -
Font dropdown list isn't anti-aliased
Illustrator 28.5 on Mac OS Sonoma 14.5
Since the latest illustrator update the font dropdown list is pixelated
1 vote -
problème de copier/coller d'objet sur les calques non verrouillés
pourquoi illustrator veut toujours coller les objets sur le calque vérrouillé ou invisible ? Cela n'arrivait pas avant la dernière mise à jour de Illustrator. Avant, je copiais collais sur le calque sélectionné (les autres étant verrouillés) sans souci. Maintenant cela m'affiche un pop up qui me demande si je veux déverrouiller le calque ou afficher le calque correspondant . Si je clique NON, le collage ne se fait pas, si je clique OUI, il se colle sur le calque d'en dessous qui est verrouillé, voir même invisible. Pourtant, Je suis bien positionné sur un claque déverrouillé et qui est…
1 vote -
Save as PDF doesn't export opacity correctly when placed back into illustrator. Save 5 minutes prior was fine.
I made a small change to my illustrator file and it stopped saving correctly. Objects with opacity under 100 do not show up correctly after PDF save and when placed into Illustrator. Please help. The attached images show the PDF once saved and then the PDF after being placed into Illustrator.
1 vote -
Alt-drag from a CC library to an artboard to create a linked object doesn't work reliably
Really there should have been an option to keep the previous behaviour when you changed dragging from a CC library to create a linked rather than embedded object. However in the absence of this the workaround to get embedded objects must be reliable and it's not in Illustrator 28.5 64-bit Windows 11 Pro. This makes using CC libraries to store & share assets virtually unusable in the current versions when your workflows involve a lot of this.
— sometimes following the above actions correctly creates an embedded object.
— sometimes following the identical steps still creates a linked object.…1 vote -
Do not loose focus for the Scale dropdown’s field in Export for Screens dialog after we choose a value
2 votes -
I'm tired. Tools occasionally don’t work, artboards don’t get edited, links don’t hold.
My illustrator since I downloaded it has been very bad, at the moment it is buggy and does not let me edit the artboards, I even had to restart my PC. The bug happens with all the tools and just with the passing of the hours it fixes itself, but I'm tired. I can't even add images or screenshots because it doesn't leave me when it's in that state, it's not my computer, it's a very good computer and I can't say it's because I'm doing something wrong. Simply out of nowhere some tool does not work or the application…
1 vote -
Older Brush Strokes get replaced with new ones drawn nearby
Why a new brush stroke always replaces the old one, if they're close to each other?
1 vote -
Objects aligned with edge of artboard render as if overlapping
When aligning an object against the edge of an artboard, the program will render it as if overlapping the edge by a tiny amount, depending on zoom.
Extremely disruptive when when working, compounded by the snapping being unreliable (as per separate bug report).
3 votes -
Auto-snapping is unreliable
Snapping function is often unreliable, snapping to unintuitive objects (fx. an object on an offscreen artboard rather than one next to the object being moved)
Further - snapping allignment is unreliable, often claiming to snap to allign with an edge, but when placed being off by a tiny bit, scewing layouts.
2 votes -
Rendering glitches out when object opacity is set to "multiply"
As title
OS: Windows
Version: 10.0
Process Architecture: x86_64
Built-In Memory: 32065 MBIllustrator version: Latest as of 11 juli-2024 - program does not make version number easily accesible.
1 vote -
Uneven stroke widths using width tool
Using width tool, stroke comes out uneven, even though system claims it is the same on both sides of the path. This only happens on one side of the stroke, not sure if it's at the beginning or end of the stroke. This only happens when width is adjusted at the very end of the stroke; adding a node just before the end of the stroke and adjusting that way functions properly.
0 votesPlease provide a test file with the path that gives these results along with full specs for OS and GPU.
Adobe Fonts won’t load in Creative Cloud Desktop app
Need help finding fonts even the fonts won’t load in Creative Cloud. Been loading for over 10 mins
1 vote -
2 votes
Copy/Paste formatted text is broken
Mac M1 Pro, 16Go, macOS 14.5
Illustrator 28.5When I copy/paste formatted text into a new text frame or at the text cursor place, the formatting is lost.
It seem that the formatting of first paragraph is applicate to all paragraphs.
Kerning adjustments is also lost.1 vote -
Hitting Escape while editing a field does not cancel the value but applies it
I don’t know why nobody reports this...
If I input something in a field and I want to abort and return to the previous value, I hit Escape.Sometimes the first Escape closes the suggestions dropdown (like in browsers), and only the second one restores the previous value.
A LOT of apps follow this rule except browsers:
Affinity Designer, Inkscape, CorelDRAW, Blender...
Non-design ones too: MS Office, Google Docs, various text editors... A LOT.Some apps keep the value entered, but don’t apply it, and put the old one back when an object get reselected — Xara does it.
8 votes -
Generating an artwork always shows 'We’re experiencing high demand' message
Not generating neither object, nor scene or symbol...
2 votes -
Aligning doesn’t work for groups with strange empty unselectable objects inside, imported from SVGs (originally made with Illustrator)
Several objects were made in Illustrator and exported to SVGs.
Later they were imported back into Illustrator.
Please take a look at both the GIF and the file atached.When one tries to select all the top-level groups and align them to left — it doesn’t work.
Aligning to center and to right works, but once these get aligned to right — aligning to center stops working too.When exploring layers, it’s clear that these groups have something else inside besides rectangles — but only in Layers, not on canvas. These can’t be selected or changed, only rearranged, renamed, deleted.
7 votes -
Intertwine unknots in places on Expand Appearance and PDF Asset Export
In Illustrator 28.5 (macOS 14.5, intel)
• Create intertwine from paths with 2 strokes (lower is black and greater weight)
• Either use Object > Expand Appearance or use Asset Export to create PDF
• Several crossings reverse on some Intertwine objects.2 votes -
SVG Save As 'SVG Code...' not same as marked up saved SVG. This now matches Export As SVG
The content saved when you Save As... SVG is different in 28.5 to 28.3. When you click SVG Code... the text file preview matches that of the old version. Example file header:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Generator: Adobe Illustrator 28.5.0, SVG Export Plug-In . SVG Version: 9.03 Build 54727) -->
<svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px"
viewBox="0 0 2255 692" style="enable-background:new 0 0 2255 692;" xml:space="preserve">
<style type="text/css">
</style>When you actually save this with OK it changes to :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<svg id="Layer_1" data-name="Layer 1" xmlns="" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 2255 692">
.cls-1 {…3 votesThis change is intentional. The team aims to improve the way SVG is generated (speed, size, redundancy, etc.) and merge current both code branches into one.
Since some workflows heavily rely on the way the code structure is organized, the team tries to gather feedback on it.
Please describe what engine changes affect you and why.
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