Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs
When reporting a bug, please provide a detailed description with the following:
- Details of your operating system
- The version of Adobe Illustrator (desktop)
- The steps you were taking when you experienced the issues
- Your expected result and the actual result
- Upload your Illustrator file or a video (screen recording or gif, this helps us most to reproduce the issue and resolve it)
7796 results found
Attributes Panel shows Overprint for mixed selection
The Attributes panel shows that a selection of multiple objects is set to Overprint when the selection contains objects that are not set to Overprint. Only if a non-overprinting object is selected prior to the group selection, will the Attributes will correctly show the "-" (Dash) to indicate a mixed selection. See Screenshots attached.
15 votesI am happy to share that we have fixed this bug in our latest release – 25.3.1 which is available worldwide now.
Going forward, our goal is to fix as many top User-Voice bugs as possible and as frequently as possible. Given the nature of the fixes, some of the bugs will take a longer time to fix, but we are on it.
You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:
Thank you for all the feedback. Keep it coming!
Drag-n-drop across documents to locked layer warning
Please see the animation.
I have two documents, one with current layer is locked.
When I try to drag my artwork from other document (in this locked layer, about which I very often don't remember), AI should have said something about 'You are attempting to paste or drag into one or more layers that are locked or hidden. Do you want to unlock and show all appropriate layers?'...But in my case it does not.
I remember seeing it from time to time, but often it stops appearing.
I have nothing as result, no warning, no message, nothing.
And it's…15 votesI am happy to share that we have fixed this bug in our latest release – 27.1.1 which is available worldwide now.
Going forward, our goal is to fix as many top User-Voice bugs as possible and as frequently as possible. Given the nature of the fixes, some of the bugs will take a longer time to fix, but we are on it.
You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:
Thank you for all the feedback. Keep it coming!
Ankit Goyal
Illustrator Team
Preferences reset to default... EVERY time I open Illustrator
Every time I open Illustrator, all preferences are reset to the defaults. EVERY preference, EVERY time. I've saved custom workspaces, keyboard shortcuts, etc. and those are available to be activated, every time I open the application.
Using AI CC 2018 (22.0.1) on Windows 7, with Cloud disabled.
I do NOT have the option to install the latest patch; I don't even have access to menu item "Check for Updates."
Would be EXTREMELY helpful if Adobe would make the list of fixes for each patch available. I have no way of knowing when there's been an update, or what was patched…15 votesThe issues seems to happen again in 28.0 and 28.1
The team is now aware of the bug.
Still — please comment and upvote to help the team to get statistics on the magnitude of the problem.
Dropdown for stroke width in Appearance says 'mm' when units are 'px'
AI 22.0.2
All units are set to 'px'.
Appearance stroke width dropdown says 'mm'.
Stroke same dropdown says 'px' all right.15 votesClosing this report as this no longer happens in latest versions (24.1.3)
Wrong raster exported with combination of mask, gradient and brush
I have path with a stroke applied to it.
Stroke is gradient, applied 'within'
One point of this gradient has opacity 0.
This path has mask.
Mask applied as inverted and clipping.
Inside this mask I have path with dash brush applied to it.All of this looks fine inside AI.
When I export a picture with Save for web (try other exports yourself, I don't use them) — AI doesn't see mask.See animation and artwork attached.
15 votes -
Laggy Performance with Rulers turned on
Enabling rulers degrades AI performance, especially with regards to Smart Guides and object mouseover highlighting.
The effect is the same whether GPU preview or CPU preview is used.
Attached is a sample file with a few hundred rectangles.
With Rulers off, mousing over the objects results in immediate highlighting of every object, and immediate Smart Guide anchor/path annotations.
With Rulers on, mousing over results in missing highlights - AI can't keep up and only displays highlights and annotations intermittently.
15 votes -
Properties panel does not scale in width
In Illustrator CC 2018 (Windows), the Properties panel does not scale in width, so it can not be grouped with other panels (when switching, all panels become equal to the Properties panel in width).
In the transformation section of the object in the Properties panel, you can not change the size proportionally using the Ctrl + Enter shortcut. In the Transformation panel, you can do this.
15 votes -
Could not read file because the plug in did not understand this file
Not sure what is happening. I was able to open files before but now I receive a message
15 votesDocument recovery is now built inside Illustrator to recover incomplete/corrupt documents. Illustrator first tries to fix and open the native Illustrator document, if that fails then the PDF part of the document is recovered if it is available. Illustrator shows message to the user if any of the above attempts fails to recover the document.
macOS14.7.2/27inch iMac/i5/32GB/1TB
Illustrator ver.29.3再現手順
ドキュメントのDictionaryに含まれる「Embeded Font Binary Data」にはエンコードされたフォントが保存されるが、ドキュメントを開いた際に利用されない。いくつか検証しましたが、WesternフォントやCJKであってもTrueTypeであればプレビュー表示されます。AdobeFontに含まれる日本語フォントやモリサワのOTF等がドキュメントに含められているにも関わらず表示に利用されません。
Steps to reproduce
1. Open a new document, enter any text, and specify a Japanese OTF font.
2. Check the "Embed permitted fonts for file preview" checkbox, save, and close.
3. Uninstall the specified font.
4. Open the previous document in Illustrator.
5. The font embedded for preview is not used for display.Expected result
The original appearance is displayed using the embedded font.Actual result
The encoded font is saved in the "Embedded Font Binary Data" included in the…14 votes -
Undo Release Clipping Mask Does Nothing
I recently noticed that if I unclip an object, by accident or necessity, that I cannot undo the step either through the menu Undo or Command key Undo.
I can clip and Command-Z to unclip.
I can manually unclip and Command-Z to reclip.
If I clip, I Command-z to unclip and then Command + Option + Z to redo my last action and it will properly clip.But if I just manually unclip, and then use the Undo command to reclip it like it was? It doesn't work. Nothing happens and it moves on in the history.
I am on…
14 votesThis issue has been fixed and released with Illustrator latest release - 29.2
Please update to latest version from Creative Cloud Desktop.
Broken overprint preview in 28.7.1
Hi, the overprint preview is broken in the newest version of illustrator.
I have describved the issue in ttopic: votesWe have fixed this issue in 29.0 (MAX) and 28.7.2 releases.
When a group is set as a key object inside of the ungrouped isolation, Distribute Spacing treats some other groups as ungrouped
- Open the test file
- Isolate the group
- Select all
- Ungroup — now you have just <Objects> as the last step of isolation
- Click the leftmost group once with the Selection tool to make it the key
- Press Horizontal Distribute Space button in Align panel Ai will treat the last group as if it is ungrouped — but it is not!
Why do I do this at all? To distribute all objects inside of a group.
I can’t do this when it is grouped, so I select it first, then isolate (to avoid interaction with anything else on canvas), then ungroup…14 votes -
Add an option for the Transform effect to use visible bounds of a clipping object
Transform effect is one of the most powerful thing Ai has, compared to whole Repeats functionality. It’s versatile, it works with anything (unlike Repeats).
It has some flaws though, and one of them is the fact it always operates on the overall bounds of the objects, even if it is clipped. It can be useful for some cases, but most of the time we treat objects differently.
Check the image attached.
This combination of effect options applied to a clipped ellipse should produce a result like the green one at thee right... instead, the object is reflected from the right…14 votes -
Words get broken when hyphenation is off with no hyphens
Illustrator (since a long ago) has a habit of breaking words in area type texts when it should not. Take a look at the test file and watch the attached GIF.
As you can see, the second word is a long one, and Ai for some reason breaks it — although Hyphenate is off (and the language is properly chosen).
No hyphen also is displayed at the end of the line, the word is just split.
If we toggle the Composer from Single-Line to Every-Line, Ai at first correct the tracking and fits the word... but once the container is…
14 votesIt turns out the file in the original report has a singular Latin 'o' mixed into the Cyrillic text, and this makes it break without a hyphen.
The font team notifies that Unicode standart prescribes to not break between two scripts that use spaces as word breaks, so this problem can fixed sometimes later, when the team revises their reflow strategy.
As for now, be notified it’s a very narrow case, and is a good sign that your text has homoglyphs in it.
Illustrator 2023 (27) Crashes When Moving/Dragging
All versions (27 on) have been crashing when I try to drag/move a group or selection of items. This seems to happen more when I am moving in small increments or if I'm zoomed in, but can happen when I am zoomed out and moving a larger distance as well. Any attempt to drag items from one area to another seems to cause a crash! I have been using Illustrator 27.2, on a 64GB M1 Max MacBook Pro, running Ventura 13.1. I use a Wacom Intuos Pro tablet that is updated to the latest drivers.
14 votes -
14 votes
I am happy to share that we have fixed this bug in our latest release – 27.3.1 which is available worldwide now.
Going forward, our goal is to fix as many top User-Voice bugs as possible and as frequently as possible. Given the nature of the fixes, some of the bugs will take a longer time to fix, but we are on it.
You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:
Thank you for all the feedback. Keep it coming!
Ankit Goyal
Illustrator Team
Export PSD is aborted with error
When exporting Illustrator documents to PSD via Export As…, documents that would succeed with JPEG or PNG stop with an error.
The error dialog appears twice, and the messages are as follows
1. Unable to export at this resolution. Please lower the resolution and try again.
2. The operation cannot complete because of an unknown error. [RES!]
The generated image is 4px in total and the resolution is not too high.
- Illustrator 2022 (26.5.0)
- macOS 11.6.8
The same error occurred when I tried with Illustrator CS6.
Steps to reproduce:
- open the attached file
- Select [File >…
14 votes -
Windows10/21H1 Adobe IllustratorCC 26.0.3
この問題については以下のスレッドをご参照下さい。14 votes -
Dashed line not working
I have the latest build of Illustrator 2021 for macOS Big Sur. When I try to apply the dashed line feature to lines or shapes, the effect does not show up. It’s as if I never clicked it. What’s going on here? I’ve never experienced this in past versions of Illustrator. I even tried deleting my preferences. Still nothing. This is so frustrating!
14 votesHi,
Thanks for reporting this issue.
Unfortunately we are not able to reproduce this issue.
Could you please provide a video, test file or steps of the workflow with which you are facing this issue and share with us. Kindly share the above with us in a Zip file at . Please mention the title of this issue as the subject of the mail.Regards,
Ankit Goyal
Illustrator Team -
Illustrator RulerUnits returns Unknown for 'Feet' and 'Feet and Inches'
Illustrator recently added 'Feet' and 'Feet and Inches' to the available ruler units; however, when a user selects one of these units, the scripting side returns 'RulerUnits.Unknown' for 'activeDocument.RulerUnits'.
For scripting, the corresponding 'RulerUnits.*' value should be added so that developers can respond to the selected units.
14 votesI am happy to share that we have fixed this bug in our latest release – 27.1.1 which is available worldwide now.
Going forward, our goal is to fix as many top User-Voice bugs as possible and as frequently as possible. Given the nature of the fixes, some of the bugs will take a longer time to fix, but we are on it.
You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:
Thank you for all the feedback. Keep it coming!
Ankit Goyal
Illustrator Team
- Don't see your idea?